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Recent content by mmoser

  1. M

    Why does the Android Emulator keep resetting the "Enable keyboard input" setting

    In the advanced settings of an AVD (Android Virtual Device) configuration there is a checkbox "Enable keyboard input" which - when checked - allows to use your computer's input to input text into the emulated application (instead or additionally to the emulated device's onscreen keyboard). This...
  2. M

    How to get rid of contact zombies

    In the contact app I keep seeing old telephone number that I have deleted long time ago. When I switch to edit mode I only see the current numbers but when browsing or searching for a contact in the phone app or the messaging app it keeps showing all that old garbage again and if one isn't super...
  3. M

    Can one also recognize Calendar status types other than available?

    I would like to use Tasker to silence alarms during meetings and other events. In principle this works OK (as shown and explained on several sites) using a condition of State -> App -> Calendar Entry Set Available to No, choose calendar by long-pressing on your Calendar. Done. BUT: I have...
  4. M

    Suddenly very short battery life time. Could Whatsapp be a power hog?

    Since about 4-5 days my Samsung Galaxy SII suddenly has a battery life of only about 12 hours any more (from earlier 36-48 hours) which I find increasingly unacceptable. The only thing I recall having changed or installed in the last 2 weeks or so is "Whatsapp" (an SMS-like messenger but running...
  5. M

    Help My Galaxy S-II has lousy telephone audio quality? Any ideas and/or fixes?

    My Galaxy S-II apparently has a very lousy telephone audio quality! Again and again calling partners remark, that I am very hard to understand, that I sound like mumbling and with lots of echo or they constantly ask me, to repeat things over and over again because they couldn't understand. It's...
  6. M

    Help Android Desire: Why does the music app not recognize MP3s in certain subfolders?

    I am using the vanilla Music app that came with my HTC Desire. In principle it fulfills all my needs but there is one thing that's increasingly puzzling and annoying me: I also started to copy misc. podcasts over to the HTC and I would like to keep those files in a common subfolder "Podcasts"...
  7. M

    The most reliable method to quickly reboot my HTC Desire...

    ... is to enable Bluetooth Discoverable mode! In about 80% of all cases it will first hang and then - about 5 seconds later - it reboots. :mad: Only directly after such a reboot one can set the phone discoverable without fear of another crash. Terrific! Is there any place where could one...
  8. M

    GPS takes forever to find location. Assisted GPS?

    When using position based apps on my new Desire (Android 2.1) I can't help but notice that finding the location always takes forever (>1 minute after switching GPS on). My old HTC HD (Windows Mobile 6.1) was much quicker in providing a location after switching on GPS. The trick was, that the...
  9. M

    Apps Eclipse goes dead for 10..15 seconds...

    I am using Eclipse to develop my first android program. One things that starts driving me nuts is, that whenever I type a dot on one of androids types (e.g. TextView) Eclipse goes dead for >10 seconds apparently digging up the possible code completions. E.g. if I want to write TextView tv =...
  10. M

    Windows always wants to scan (and correct) SD card

    Whenever I connect my Desire in "disk-mode" a Windows 7 alert pops up telling me that there might be a problem with my disk and asking whether I want to scan and fix the drive. No matter what I respond (if I agree to have it scanned it will do so and always reports "no issues found"), it will...
  11. M

    Is there a decent option to sync desktop Outlook with an Android phone?

    I bought me an HTC Desire about 2 weeks ago but since then I am cut off my Desktop Outlook which I use as my main calendar on the desktop. HTC Sync that came with it flew off my system when after about a week it suddenly started to remove ALL items (from the device as well as from the...
  12. M

    Syncing via Bluetooth

    With my old Windows Mobile phone it was a natural to sync via Bluetooth. I searched the manual and googled a bit but I haven't found out, yet, how to do that with my new HTC Desire (and HTC Sync). Is that really not possible or am I missing something? Michael
  13. M

    How to transfer music to the device?

    This may sound like a stupid question, but how does one transfer MP3s to the device? I thought, I connect the device in "disc mode" and then copy the files over, but when I did so I only got an error message that this device contains an unknown file system and needs to be formatted before it...
  14. M

    HTC-Sync via bluetooth?

    I would like to sync my Desire (using HTC Sync) via bluetooth. Is that possible? How do I trigger the Desire to connect? M.
  15. M

    last name, first name sorting in contacts?

    I was very confused when I looked at the list of my contacts the first ftime after syncing them to the Desire. Only then I realized: this thing is sorting first names first! I find this most annoying and unusual. And worse: I found no setting, yet, that would allow me to choose the sorting...