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Search results

  1. Tim K

    Accessories Free 3 pack Screen protectors

    Just found a full 3 pack of clear screen protectors for the Verizon version of the Galaxy Nexus. They've been hiding in my cabinet. If anyone wants them, PM me. I don't know if there is any difference between the GSM and CDMA versions.
  2. Tim K

    Help CM9 crashed - can I save app data before re-installing?

    So, last week the Touchpad suddenly threw up about 12 pop ups stating that random things failed to load. There were so many and I didn't really pay attention to what they were....I think one was like "calendar.init failed to load". Anyway, after OKing all of the popups, I was left with a frozen...
  3. Tim K

    Help Wife reports a fullscreen ad appeared on her Moto X to download a McDonald's app??

    It apparently happened while she was at work so I don't know much more than that. She said she turned her screen on and there was a fullscreen red and yellow golden arches and it said something about downloading the app.... No ideas here.....there really aren't many apps installed. Any way to...
  4. Tim K

    Ordered 2 Moto X's for me and my wife...

    Hopefully we are able to retain unlimited data through the "third party" method I have been following on Slick Deals. My main concern is root though. If we keep UDP, then I will likely need root to tether. If we lose UDP we will actually save money since we both use less than 2GB anyway...and we...
  5. Tim K

    Help Running an older version of CM - becoming unstable - what version to run and how to update

    I've had my Touchpad on CM since it was first released to beta. I stopped updating a while back, in fact I'm running CM9 20120903 nightly. I know the last release was 20130929 so there's a lot in between. Basically, all I want is the most stable release without any real issues. I don't...
  6. Tim K

    [Verizon] "stock" 4.3 ROM wanted for Verizon Gnex

    Can someone recommend a legit, supported, stable ROM for 4.3 on the Gnex? I don't want custom bells and whistles. I want as close to unmodified AOSP as possible (with whatever minimal changes were required to get it working) Thanks, -Tim
  7. Tim K

    4.3 coming to Verizon Galaxy Nexus...eventually

    https://mobile.twitter.com/VZWalbert/status/411164497261244417?screen_name=VZWalbert So, no real information other than that they are working on it.... which is more than Verizon usually says. Its only been 5 months so give them time....
  8. Tim K

    Help Tried updating to the clock from 4.4, failed, now clock crashes every time.

    I tried installing the 3.0 version of the clock app that was extracted from 4.4. I backed up the 2.0.3 version with titanium and then removed it. Then installed 3.0 version. It crashed immediately. I tried all of the tips for getting it to work, but nothing. Then I uninstalled it, and restored...
  9. Tim K

    Sprint Galaxy Nexus 4.3 update announced....still nada from Verizon

    Sprint Galaxy Nexus Getting Update to Android 4.3 Today – Droid Life My dislike for Verizon grows and grows. But my wife needs their coverage when she travels and the discount her company gets from them....not to mention we have grandfathered unlimited data.... So for now I am stuck...
  10. Tim K

    Not even a peep or a rumor of 4.3 coming to Verizon?

    Man, after the 4.2.2 update came to the VZW Galaxy Nexus only 36 days after Google unleashed it I mistakenly thought Verizon had turned over a new leaf on update cycles. I guess not. Looks like we're back the the old days of 60 (4.0.4) and 73 day (4.1) update cycles. We're currently sitting at...
  11. Tim K

    (SOLVED) Anybody have an extra STD battery door for VZW Nexus?

    I snapped several of the tabs that hold the battery door in place (probably from excessively pulling the battery). I figured that with all the people that opted for extended batteries there should be a ton of std doors floating around.... but everything on eBay seems to be either from China or...
  12. Tim K

    I need more screen protectors (VZW brand)

    I just applied my last Verizon brand screen protector. I really like these but I don't think VZW carries them anymore. (These are not the awful anti-glare versions) Does anyone know a source for these or who the OEM is that maybe sells them under another brand? If not, can anyone suggest a...
  13. Tim K

    Help Decreased battery life... time for a new battery or something else?

    So, I've noticed recently that my battery life isn't what it used to be. No obvious causes. Nothing out of the ordinary in the battery stats. Nothing causing partial wakelocks. No rogue processes or unusually high battery usage. Just not getting the life I am used to. Yesterday was bad for me. 9...
  14. Tim K

    Help Google+ keeps showing up as "running" even though instant upload and sync turned off

    I just noticed that my phone was really lagging and the CPU was running at 90+%. I looked under my "running apps" and found google+ popping into the top of the running list every few seconds then disappearing. I never use google+, have instant upload and sync disabled so there is no reason for...
  15. Tim K

    Help Wifi tether no longer working?

    This is regarding the Wifi Tether 3rd party app NOT the built in tethering. I rarely use it, but tried today and no dice. When launching it says that it started "with errors" and the log shows lots of problems. It LOOKS like its running, and other devices can see it, but nothing can actually...
  16. Tim K

    signal strength: Nexus vs Razr driving through upstate NY

    This weekend I had to attend a wedding in WAY upstate NY.... like 2hrs north of Rome.... in the wilderness. So I had the chance to watch my Nexus alongside my wife's Razr as we drove in and out of iffy cell coverage (VZW). I was disappointed, but not surprised, to see the Nexus drop signal...
  17. Tim K

    play store website not displaying all 'my android apps'

    Has anyone else noticed that the Play Store website won't display all their previously installed apps? I noticed that it appears limited to displaying only 240 apps. Basically, 20 'pages' of 12 apps each, then it goes back to page 1. In my case, any apps starting with letters Q-Z are not...
  18. Tim K

    Help Recent Nova Launcher update causing screen reload lag?

    Anyone notice homescreen lag after the most recent Nova update? Seems like every time I turn the screen on it takes a couple of seconds to load my widgets. I feel like I am going back to my original droid.... I need to find the previous version.
  19. Tim K

    Help (LTE) My first 'signal issue' with the GN...

    So, last night I had my first 'signal issue' with the GN. I was laying down watching TV with my phone in my pocket. I guess it was underneath me and was unable to get a signal (speaking of which I should really go for a run today!). Anyway, unknown to me, it was without signal for a good 30-40...
  20. Tim K

    Help VZW 4.0.2 vs 4.0.4 - volume rocker active when screen off?

    I am pretty sure that when I was running 4.0.2 that if the screen was off, the volume rocker would not wake the screen or adjust the ringer volume. Now that I am running 4.0.4 I have been noticing that my volume has been muted a few times in my pocket. On my old Droid I used to have to run an...
  21. Tim K

    Help GSM Nexus owners on 4.0.4 - landscape keyboard lag fixed?

    The Nexus has/had an issue with the keyboard in landscape mode lagging badly when typing... as in you would be several words ahead and words you already typed didn't appear on screen yet. Some said it was an issue with autocorrect... I don't know. Don't care frankly. I recall reading on the...
  22. Tim K

    Help Video player suggestions?

    Can you guys recommend a good video player? -The stock "play movies" app is a joke. A) it defaults to 'my rentals' which don't exist in my world. and B) it just lists the local videos by name...no thumbnail or anything. -The Gallery starts out OK, but once you get past the original...
  23. Tim K

    Help Browser crashes and missing plugins

    So, we all know that CM9 is an ALPHA build....which means its not even as stable as an unstable Beta build. Nevertheless, its pretty darn good. Anyway, I don't follow CM9 Touchpad news much other than to keep an eye out for updates and nightlies. The one thing that bugs me the most is the...
  24. Tim K

    So what 'bugs' you the most about CM9?

    So, I haven't noticed too much going wrong with my TP running the 3/17 nightly. The only thing I've noticed is embedded video not working in either stock browser or chrome beta. And obviously the microphone and camera don't work yet. I know there are a number of things that haven't been...
  25. Tim K

    WiFi vs. 4G/3G visualized...

    Since there is a lot of talk about how much better WiFi is than 4G or even 3G, I thought I'd run a little test just to show it.... On Monday I ran my phone on mobile data all day, no WiFi, a mix mostly 4G and some 3G. Today (Wednesday) I ran my phone in typical fashion. That is WiFi almost...