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  1. Damon Getsman

    PeriodicWorkRequest (work v1.0.1) is spawning 20 times every 15m in stead of just once, not sure why

    In the follow code excerpts, I am utilizing a BroadcastReceiver to start up a Service on device boot and/or package reload. This NotificationService is calling my Worker via PeriodicWorkRequest every fifteen minutes. Everything initially works as it is supposed to, until the NotificationWorker...
  2. Damon Getsman

    Problem with sharing a file via Intent with another app as a FileProvider

    Hi everybody. I'm having a problem that I can't get to the bottom of, while trying to share a file by becoming a FileProvider in my app. I think that my issue is coming from an incorrect provider authority, but I'm not sure. This is definitely my first time with working with these...
  3. Damon Getsman

    Issue with comparing dates with Room persistence library

    Hello everybody. I have another question regarding Room persistence library. I've been working with it successfully for awhile now, but due to the inability of SQLite to work with a LocalDateTime natively, I'm having some issues now. Not sure if this is directly relevant, due to the way that...
  4. Damon Getsman

    Issue with writing Room migration even for just adding a new (empty) table to an existing database

    This is the third time that I've attempted to write a migration in order to update my database layout with Room (in java). The first two times I ended up just giving up, because no matter what I tried I couldn't get anything to work. I was in a place, previously, where I could just allow a...