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  1. A

    [I disabled all alerts] Sony Xperia 5 III XQ-BQ62_61.0.A.15.45 Andoid 11 Root

    I disabled all alerts on my Sony Xperia 5 III XQ-BQ62_61.0.A.15.45 Andoid 11 Root adb reboot disemmcwp < Not sure if this helped, did it anyways. or Temux su reboot disemmcwp I adb disabled the two and then even uninstalled them :/. adb shell pm disable-user --user 0...
  2. CliffJ

    How to disable ads

    Hello! Could you please let me know if it's possible to block ads on a Samsung Galaxy? I've noticed that my phone receives ads from unfamiliar websites. Is there a way to disable ads in the phone settings, and if so, how can I do it?
  3. R

    Disable download manager

    I read on here, I believe, about that to stop bloatware. If it is disabled, what manages downloads instead? I assume it's a system app.
  4. S

    Help How to disable chrome browser pull down to refresh

    Hello, In Samsung internet browser there is an option to disable pull down to refresh, source 1. How to disable pull down to refresh in Chrome browser in Samsung phone? 2. Is there a main phone setting that can disable all apps pull down to refresh in Samsung phone? Thanks
  5. N

    Stop "[App] isn't responding" popup

    I never benefit from this popup and want to disable it. How? My app is responding, but I get this every 10 seconds on the Brave browser app when on rotton tomatoes. This popup is ironically the only issue.