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  1. jhawkkw

    5.1 update is here

    Looks like some US versions have received the update to 5.1: Developer/Unlocked: 2.8.617.4 (7/3/2015) Verizon: TBD AT&T: 2.6.502.16 (7/15/2015) Sprint: 2.6.651.11 (7/1/2015) T-Mobile: TBD
  2. jhawkkw

    5.0.1 Update

    Looks like the 5.0.1 update is finally available for the Nexus 5. We're so late to the party. Here's the links: LRX22C from LRX21O OTA LRX22C Factory Image Happy Flashing :)
  3. jhawkkw

    4.4.4 Factory Image released, OTA is live

    Check it out: :) https://dl.google.com/dl/android/aosp/occam-ktu84p-factory-b6ac3ad6.tgz
  4. jhawkkw

    4.4.4 Factory Image released, OTA inbound

    Check it out. :) https://dl.google.com/dl/android/aosp/hammerhead-ktu84p-factory-35ea0277.tgz It looks to be available on all devices outside of the LTE Nexus 7 and it unifies the builds. I'm thinking patching of towelroot?
  5. jhawkkw


    The Factory image for the Wifi Model is posted: https://dl.google.com/dl/android/aosp/razor-ktu84l-factory-afe3afc8.tgz, so the OTA should be coming in soon. No word on the LTE Model yet.
  6. jhawkkw

    Google Glass to receive update to KitKat

    It looks like the reason behind having no updates since December is that the next update will take Glass from 4.0.3 to 4.4.x. Hopefully this will allow the device to be a bit better on battery usage and make it a tad smoother.
  7. jhawkkw

    Comcast Agrees to Buy Time Warner Cable for $45 Billion.

    Comcast agrees to buy Time Warner Cable for $45 billion - Feb. 13, 2014 This is just awful news and I really hope the DOJ blocks this like they did the AT&T/T-Mobile Merger attempt.
  8. jhawkkw

    $30 Prepaid Plan FAQ

    Since there seem to be a lot of threads asking questions about this plan, I'm making this thread to hopefully answer some of the more frequently asked questions about the plan. What is this plan? This is a prepaid plan offered by T-Mobile USA. It offers 100 voice minutes, unlimited messaging...
  9. jhawkkw

    Anyone interested?

    With news of this device coming to AT&T, I'm seriously considering selling my Nexus 5 to get this. I will probably look to get it SIM unlocked for use on T-Mobile assuming it supports the right frequencies. With that said, anyone else looking to get this?
  10. jhawkkw

    4.4.1 OTA is live, link included for sideloading

    KRT16S to KOT49E: Wifi LTE
  11. jhawkkw

    4.4.1 OTA is live, link included for sideloading

    Here it is for those who don't want to wait. KOT49E from KRT16S
  12. jhawkkw

    Battery Statistics Accessibility on 4.4 is Now Much More Restrictive

    With the latest update to GSam Battery Monitor, it has been revealed that Google is now blocking non-system level applications from accessing the battery stats of a device. To get around this problem, it is required, at this timing of this post, for your device to be rooted in order to install...
  13. jhawkkw

    Root 4.4 KitKat OTA from JWR66Y

    Here's the link to download the OTA file for those who want to manually install the update. http://android.clients.google.com/packages/ota/google_mantaray/279e5e2396480cbffd97943a5db5bbc743ef7e77.signed-mantaray-KRT16O-from-JWR66Y.279e5e23.zip
  14. jhawkkw

    Root [Grouper] 4.4 KitKat OTA from JWR66Y

    Here is the download link in case you want to install it manually. http://android.clients.google.com/packages/ota/google_nakasi/13088e35942c77e4752aa1fdf51d54472509b941.signed-nakasi-KRT16O-from-JWR66Y.13088e35.zip
  15. jhawkkw

    Root [Flo] 4.4 KitKat OTA from JSS15R

    Download and install manually. Happy flashing. http://android.clients.google.com/packages/ota/google_razor/3a3951e8243c82bc01a620ab858f4454c8ebd65c.signed-razor-KRT16O-from-JSS15R.3a3951e8.zip
  16. jhawkkw

    Days of rooting are going to get tougher

    Apparently, the Android 4.4 KitKat update is bringing about major security updates that's suppose to make rooting very difficult on devices with a locked bootloader. It's being done at the kernel level to protect the System files from being altered by a rootkit. Since the su binary has to be...
  17. jhawkkw

    The Official Accessory Thread

    You have a good case, screen protector, wireless charger, dock or other accessory that you want to share with everyone? Well this is the place for it. I'll try to keep the OP updated as they come in. All other staff is welcome to make changes as well. :) Cases: Screen Protectors...
  18. jhawkkw

    Available for Pre-Order

    It appears to be available for Pre-Order now. Tablet: Newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834231350 Adorama:http://www.adorama.com/ASTF701TB1GR.html?discontinued=t Dock: Adorama: http://www.adorama.com/ASTF701TDD02.html Amazon through a 3rd party...
  19. jhawkkw

    Verizon S4 4.3 OTA is live. Build Number I545VRUEMJ7

    OTA should be rolling out very soon. Changelog includes: Android 4.3 adds support for Galaxy Gear updates Group Play to version 2.5 adds support for Samsung KNOX and enables Band 4 LTE Rooters be ware because this probably breaks root and or bootloader exploits. Also, the Note 3 on 4.3 was...
  20. jhawkkw

    Free data for a tablet for life?

    This sounds too good to be true, but that's the announcement. 200MB of data for free each month on a tablet. http://www.droid-life.com/2013/10/23/t-mobile-announces-200mb-free-tablet-data-for-life-0-down-on-tablet-purchases/
  21. jhawkkw

    4.3.1 ota rolling out

    I just got pinged this morning about getting an update, I took it and it's installing. Checking to see if root can be retained or I need a new binary. I have the LTE version, in case that matters.
  22. jhawkkw

    Nexus 5 + TF701 or Import Padfone 4

    Alright, I can't do anything at this point but I'm still thinking it over. My choice I'm having is to either: Nexus 5 (I'm guessing ~$350 based on history) & Asus TF701 ($500) Import the newly introduced 4th Gen Padfone with 10.1' tablet dock($640 for the phone, $240 for the tablet)...
  23. jhawkkw

    Root [Verizon] Looks like Root

    Looks like someone has been able to root the Verizon Moto X. It also seems this method works on the Droid Mini, Ultra, and Maxx as well. Should be published and released to the public soon.
  24. jhawkkw

    Nexus 4 price drops by $100 dollars.

    8GB is now only $199.99, 16GB is only $249.99 I wonder if they're trying to clear stock or something?