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Recent content by Dngrsone

  1. Dngrsone

    Fatality: 2022

    Nine pages for last year's edition (at what, 40 posts per page? IDK) and this coming year will probably approach that because, well, entropy if nothing else. I have no idea what I am saying, I just woke up and am suffering a hangover from last night, hah! Anyway, let's celebrate our losses...
  2. Dngrsone

    Fatality: 2021

    Another year down, another year's worth of notable deaths. Here's hoping this thread will be smaller than its predecessor.
  3. Dngrsone


    I am currently reading my ebooks on a Samsung Galaxy Tab A using the Pocketbook app. It's okay, but I am seriously considering getting an e-ink reader, hoping it will be easier on my eyes, particularly for night reading. I don't want to get a Kindle for myriad reasons, and though I was...
  4. Dngrsone

    Dark theme?

    I did a quick search through the forums and found nothing... is there any way to get a dark (or very much non-white) theme setting for the forums on desktop? I am very light-sensitive and often work in a dark room. The current color scheme (very much like Google's thrice-be-damned Android...
  5. Dngrsone

    Fatality: 2019

    Without doing anything like real work and actually doing a count, I think 2018 was not nearly as fatal as 2017. But that's all in the past. Here's hoping this 2019 thread is short and boring. Or at the very least, entertaining but mostly off-topic.
  6. Dngrsone

    Vibration no worky

    Apparently, I've dropped my phone one time too many, and now the vibration motor has stopped working. I keep my phone silenced all the time for work, so the only way I get notifications is via vibration (which, as I've already said, is no worky). Anyone know how much it would cost to have it...
  7. Dngrsone

    Upgrade--7" tablet installed in my '14 Cruze

    This is a mod I've wanted to do almost since buying the car last year. I have a 2014 Chevy Cruze LT with the little "green screen" interface, and I used a commercial kit to move that up to the top of the dash and installed a Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 in its place. The tablet interfaces with the car via...
  8. Dngrsone

    Fatality: 2018 edition

    It's the end of 2017; as some call it, a dumpster-fire of a year. Though I am a few days early, here's to the first entry: the passing of 2017. Here's to 2018, may this thread see fewer entries than its predecessor....
  9. Dngrsone

    Best review evar!

    I get the feeling that the commenters are right, and the reviewer is a better writer than the author of the book being reviewed. https://www.amazon.com/review/R339K87BRFJWJN/ref=cm_cr_dp_cmt?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00NAJZDIM&channel=detail-glance&nodeID=133140011&store=digital-text#wasThisHelpful
  10. Dngrsone

    Fatality: 2017 edition

    I am generally not a fan of threads that go on for-freakin'-ever, so I decided to start a new thread for document those who have/will die in 2017. I don't do bucket lists, but I can imagine there will be more than a couple Boomers giving up the ghost this year.
  11. Dngrsone

    Cilantro vs Parsley: Fight!

    I'm not a fan of cilantro. To me (and everyone else in my family), it tastes like dish soap. Out here in the land of fruits and nuts, everybody is starting to use the stuff: Mexican restaurants, Chinese, the pho joint down the road... You ask for no cilantro, and a lot of the time we are told...
  12. Dngrsone


    So, there's this: And, since I decided some time ago that 'Grammar Nazi' is a negative term I don't want to associate myself with (though I can get a little pedantic at times), I've decided that I'd rather call myself a 'Grammarian' instead. I've also come to realize that the very nature of...
  13. Dngrsone

    Chip ATM/Credit Cards...

    My current bank is about to replace my debit card with a chipped one. Dngrswife reads this notice from the bank announcing such and asked me, "what are these things and why are they better than the current cards?" Sensible question. So I give her the pat answer of the chip is more secure and...
  14. Dngrsone

    Themes in Music

    So, it occurred to me, for the umpteenth time, that there sure are a lot of songs about strippers and hookers. Seriously, I could probably name a dozen. And as I was pondering this once again today, I remembered a time long ago in days of yore (or something), when I used to listen to a music...
  15. Dngrsone

    How long well your case last?

    I have been using Otterbox Defender cases for various phones for several years. They have done their jobs well in that I have dropped my phone numerous times with no harm done to them. The earlier Otterbox belt clips were a bit of a problem: I broke three or four of them. The rubber outer shell...