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  • Question
Help Easiest backup for thousands of calls

Hi I'm not very good on my phone and I need to back up some files, including 8000 or so recorded calls, which I must not lose. It's a Huawei 20x 5G. It is absolutely stuffed full of really important stuff including the phone calls which I cannot lose, but if I try to back up to Google Drive it will only let me back up 40 or so at a time and it takes hours upon hours. I have in the past managed to put things onto a USB pendrive but the USB port is dodgy and it doesn't always transfer over. If the port breaks then I can't do anything at all obviously as I can't charge it. what is going to be the easiest quickest way for me to get copies of all this stuff? I'm terrified of doing something wrong trying to sort it ! Sorry to sound so totally daft.

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PIXELA CamreaAccess plus


I am trying to get this app on my android phone, which I have been advised will remotely control my Canon camcorder.
I get the impression it has been removed from the Playstore. There is an app of that name listed, but it is not from PIXELA I think.

Has anyone here any experience of downloading this PIXELA app recently?

  • Question
Help How to mirror phone to pc and copy data?


I want to mirror my Samsung phone to my PC monitor (so the phone screen appears on PC monitor) so I can edit [Notepad Free] app notes using my PC keyboard and mouse and copy text from [Notepad Free] app to my PC (e.g. microsoft word in PC) or vice versa.

What is the best way to do it?

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  • Question
Samsung Secure Folder alternative

Hope this is easy. I'm currently using Secure Folder to store app. I suspect all know the apps aren't really secure. I can swipe up on my phone to see apps, type "simplisafe" or "MyQ' in the search bar, and access the app. Yes, the person holding my phone has to know I'm using Simplisafe, but my point is, Secure Folder isn't actually secure.
Is there a n alternative to Secure Folder that actually secures my apps?

  • Question
Motorola .BAK File replaced my own file on Android 12

Hello, tech wizards. On my Android phone, I created a file of easily-forgotten data (in DOCX format). I used SoftMaker Textmaker app to do this. The file was not confidential, so I did not apply a password to it, and my intention was to store this file in a folder on my SD card, which I did.

Then, I created another DOCX file with the same app. This time, the information in the file WAS confidential (passwords etc.), so I applied a password to it. Later, I noticed that the non-secret file had disappeared, and in its place was a .BAK file of the same name, which, when I clicked on it, opened. I noticed that all my information showed, so I was not particularly bothered at that time. However, I noticed also that, although the other file (the one with the password) remained in this folder, next to it was an additional file of the same name, but in the .BAK format. I can open the original, protected file by clicking on it, and it can open in SoftMaker as it should). The corresponding (secret) .BAK file opens when clicked on, but (because it is password protected) nothing shows except gobbledegook. That's fine, in a way.

However, I feel quite disturbed about two things, The first is that duplicate .BAK files should have appeared at all, and without my asking for them (taking up valuable space). The second is that, though I can read all of the non-protected information that I stored in a file of my own making, that original file has totally disappeared. I should greatly have preferred to keep my two original, SoftMaker files, and not have these unwanted .BAK files show their face at all. Why should a self-created file disappear in favour of an unrequested file?

Can anyone suggest why one of my original files has disappeared, and why the .BAK files have appeared, when I never asked for them? Also, what to do to prevent this happening again, with other files I may make?

Finally, may I ask a question: if I were to delete the .BAK file that is a twin of the "secret" file, might it not cause the original file to disappear, as the other original file did? I should not like to lose all that information!

I should be very grateful if someone could enlighten me about these matters. By the way, I am aware that .BAK files are back-up files, but why should they sit there, taking up space, when I am quite confident of keeping the original files safe? It is not as if they are like short-cuts, using up only a few bytes — they are the same size as the original files!

With thanks in advance,

  • Question
Will all my tasks be lost from my Android Calendar app?

I am using an Android smartphone (which happens to be a Motorola). Because my digital organiser is on the blink, I have transferred all of the entries in it, into the Calendar app that lives in my phone. At some time next year, it will be time to replace my smartphone, and I am concerned about losing all the entries that I so laboriously copied into the Calendar. Nearly all of these are repeated tasks that, having been done, will be moved forward to the next occasion (some of which will be next week, some next month, some will be a few months into the future, and just a few will be a few years into the future).

How can these entries be saved, so that it will not be necessary to enter them all again, on a new phone? I have next to no technical knowledge, where phones are concerned.

With thanks in anticipation of some help, in simple terms,

  • Question
Transferring browser tabs

I have a new Pixel to replace my old Pixel. All has gone well except for transferring the open tabs in Edge and Chrome. All of my lookup so far suggests that as along as I'm signed into the same account in the browsers and have sync enabled and tabs selected, then they will sync.
Unfortunately this does not happen so I'm thinking that only works for computers but not phones. There are only a few in Chrome but I have a bunch open in Edge on the old phone. So far my only workaround is to go to each tabs webpage and save it to a Collection. That syncs. But with as many tabs as I have, it's going to take a very long time to do that.

So I'm hoping someone knows of a way to get the tabs to sync. Both phones are connected to my home wi-fi at 5GHz so speed or connectivity isn't an issue.


  • Question
Samsung neigbor wants to use my mobile hotspot. Can I limit sharing to her device and 2GB? Can I block my phone from downloading? Can I filter domains?

A neighbor friend has asked me if she can hop on my wifi. She says she can help pay for wifi. I know how to enable mobile hotspot on my Samsung S9+ running Android 10. But I do have some questions:
  1. Can I limit sharing to just her particular phone and block out others who she may accidentally share the hotspot password with?
  2. Can I limit sharing to just a certain number of data (e.g, 2GB)
  3. When I’m sharing, how can I block out my phone from downloading stuff for itself? (To enable Mobile Hotspot, I have to disable Data Saver.)
  4. Can I filter certain categories (like illicit websites)? I don’t want to be responsible for other people’s usage.

  • Question
S23 with Quest 3 VR

I have an S23 and I'm thinking of getting the MetaQuest 3 VR headset. The only two storage options for the Quest 3 are 128 gb and 512 gb. I probably would get the 128 version.
I have one question:
Do the games, videos, etc have to be stored on the headset or would I be able to access any of them from my phone? I'm wondering because if I'm getting close to the 128 limit, would I have to delete files from the headset or can I also use them from my phone storage?


  • Question
Help Android: Intermittently don't receive/send texts

The majority of the time no issue, but at other times hours or days pass without receiving/sending texts. Then all the texts sent to me over those hours or days all appear at once. Rebooting sometimes results in them all appearing at once.

Measures tried:
  • Remove/replace SIM while phone off
  • Network Reset
  • Change Access Point
  • Delete Google Messages Cache and Storage
  • Replacement SIM
This isn't related to that I have poor cellular reception at home, since periods can't receive/send texts include times I have excellent cellular reception elsewhere, and at other times am at home having no problem receiving/sending texts over WiFi.

The phone manufacturer now suggests a Hard Factory Reset. Here seeking advice please given how much work that will be (particularly given that I have carpal tunnel).

Apps DatePicker accessibility

On Play Console, it asks for accessibility on parts of DatePicker. The variables they provided were date_picker_header_year & month_view. The style does not have those variables in style [<style name="DatePickerTheme" parent="ThemeOverlay.MaterialComponents.Dialog.Alert">]. Neither did I find these in docs. The code was used.
With OpenAI, was able to resolve the date_picker_header_year, but not for month_view.

The date_picker_header_year code:
[CODE=java]int yearPickerId = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("date_picker_header_year", "id", "android");
TextView yearPicker = view.findViewById(yearPickerId);
if (yearPicker != null) {
yearPicker.setContentDescription(getString(R.string.year_picker_content_description, year));

The month_view code:
[CODE]int monthPickerId = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("month_view", "id", "android");
TextView monthPicker = view.findViewById(monthPickerId);

This TextView caused a cast error for android.widget.SimpleMonthView. Tried to import it and would not resolve
Tried to capture ViewGroup and walk thru looking for month_view. No go.

Can you tell me how to have reference

  • Question
Moto G Pure boot loop

The Pure suddenly started doing a boot loop. I don"t know why. I was using a website and there was that thing about shutting it off or rebooting. I got rid of that or maybe not. Now it just keeos doing that same short loop. How do I get it to stop? I tried holding that button in as hard as I could. I also unplugged it because if it runs out of energy it will probably stop. Please don't say to use a computer because that most likely won't happen. Is it true that Motos have a big problem with that?

  • Question
S21 giving no audible notifications

I've asked this question in various forms in a munber of fora. No one has been able to answer. Hope I have better luck here.
Samsung S21 / watch3
For over a year I've been having a LOT of problems with recceiving no audible notifications for a number of apps. For now, let's use gmail. I'll go days with no audible notifications when receiving email. The notification will popup on my watch (sometimes with vibration, sometime not) and, for reasons I don't understand, I'll infrequently receive an email AND get an audible notification, after which, back to nothing. Same is true of Life360, Ring, Life Reminders, SMS, and a few others. All of them give audible notifications only rarely.
I've tried updating/reinstalling apps, rebooting the phone and watch separately and together, turning off the watch for a day, . . . nothing helps.
At times Ring and gmail will not only give no audible notification, but give a popup on my watch 10-15 minutes after the trigger. Not great when someone rings my doorbell.
But let's go back to Life360. I get no audible notifications when a family member arrives at a specified destination, but every time the vehicle stops, I get a driving summary WITH audible notification. Summary, but no destination. In addition, Life360 app shows the drive and the correct time arrived at a destination, so it gets the time/location correct. I get a popup. Just no audible notification.
Ring shows the correct time of a trigger, I get the popup without audible notification, but when the notification is delayed, the app shows the correct trigger time. So, like Life360, the app recognizes the trigger time and often gets to my watch, but no audible notification.
Phone volume is up. I know? the apps are set correctly, because Settings are right, the trigger times are recorded, a popup appears, and sometimes I receive the audible notification. I've been to the phone's Settings>Notifications>App Notifications too many times. Turned off/on notifications of all affected apps one at a time and all at once. Turned off notifications/rebooted/turned on notifications. I've tried to 'time' the silent notifications in an effort to see if there was a hidden schedule somewhere affecting volume. Nope, lack of volume is nearly 24hr/day with the occasional 'surprise' notification. And some apps (e.g., Microsoft To Do) ALWAYS give audible notifications.
I hope someone can diagnosis this.

  • Question
Bluetooth hearing aids have messed up app notifications

I have a Samsung S22 running Android 13. Recently I was issued a pair of Danalogic Bluetooth hearing aids. These operate with an app called BeMore. Among the facilities available is audio streaming direct from the phone. I haven't changed any settings in the phone or the app to enable this but nevertheless I found that some app audible notifications had started coming through the aids. I say "some" because not all do and to make matters worse I stopped getting sounds or vibration from the phone itself.

I've found that when the aids are turned off (overnight). or if I turn off Bluetooth on the phone, most of the notifications revert to the phone. One, my K-9 email client, doesn't. I've rechecked all the app settings. Everything is still enabled and the sound (Concertina) plays if I tap it but I don't get sound or vibration when a message arrives. Volume is set to maximum both in the notification settings and via the manual key on the phone.

This query is a bit of a last resort because I can't find any troubleshooting information or Forums on the Danalogic website. I'm just hoping that someone on here might have had experience with similar problems and might be able to offer some advice.


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