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Former Heavyweight Champion of AF-Early Bird Club
Feb 19, 2010
I don't know if folks remember that I used to run. Well, I did. I ran 4 marathons and various other races like 5Ks, 10Ks, etc. While in my running days, I developed a neuroma in the ball of my foot, which is a thickening of the the nerve between the 3rd and 4th toes, which makes running nearly impossible so I stopped.

So much happened since. I herniated my disc, lost my first wife to cancer, remarried and had a baby who's 9 months. No running, only walking. Well, skip ahead to nowadays. In June I ordered two more pairs of walking shoes from Amazon. They send me one pair of walking shoes and one of running shoes. Mistake? Yes, but no. I wondered if I could run again. I liked the running shoes. I looked it up online and the running shoe had a low heel drop. What does that mean? If you look at typical running shoes (not flats) nowadays, they are higher at the heel, dropping to the toe box. I looked it up and you WANT a low heel drop to take pressure off the ball of your foot, especially for a neuroma. Well, I've been running since June and have entered my first 5K in about 15 years this Sunday!

Another issue is that I really pushed a run yesterday, it was slow and my lungs were tight. I have a new pulmonologist who, I believe, is beginning more accurately to treat my asthma. I started on his treatment (nebulizer) last night and had ZERO usual problems this morning considering it's allergy season.

My run was easy and fast with no chest tightness! I shaved 6 minutes off my 5K time from yesterday. SIX MINUTES! No pain and I felt like I was flying! Additionally, AppleWatch said my V02 Max jumped some points between yesterday and today. After the 5k distance today, I finished running completing 5 miles. I am so happy about this that I had to share what is essentially a fitness rebirth for me. Can't wait for Sunday now!

Thanks for reading.

I have a treadmill and have just re-started getting back into running.
I'm starting out slow, doing a half mile for now, then increasing per week.
I'm actually sleeping better and feeling better.
I'm so glad to hear that! Go YOU!
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Friends, advise, if I had a long run and did not run, how many kilometers can I run so as not to harm myself
We get spammers here all the time who test post, but the mods are always watching. I mean the other mods. Me? I'm not as good a mod as I used to. My glory days are past, alas! ;). I'm trusting this isn't the case! It's just that your post makes no sense. Welcome to you, though!
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We get spammers here all the time who test post, but the mods are always watching. I mean the other mods. Me? I'm not as good a mod as I used to. My glory days are past, alas! ;). I'm trusting this isn't the case! It's just that your post makes no sense. Welcome to you, though!
If it's Spam please remove them. Earn that paycheck. Lazy... :eek: :sneaky:
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