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  • Question
App who want access of our contact list and photos are safe to use?

Now days, when ever I download any app, 90% of app want our access of contact list and photos, my question is why. This will make them access our data through apps? My question is these are safe to use or not? We need some of the apps, because we really need them. Lemme know your point of view regarding these apps?

  • Question
Help Using third party apps for email

Hi my question is this. Most free emailproviders have an expiration policy, so you must log in every x months to keep your account. Now as long as you use their own android app, never a problem. But what if I use for example Bluemail or other third party app for protonmail account or AOL? Does that also count as "logged in" in terms of expiration policy? Thanks, Niels

  • Question
Help Samsung browser miscellaneities (GUI and troubleshooting)

I am running the non-updated version of Samsung Browser that comes with Android 11. Its dark mode tabs are black text on grey, and I find this uncomfortable to look at.
Where can I find a version with white text on black tabs in dark mode, and how do I install it (without rooting, if at all possible)

Secondly, one of my tabs is constantly on Google Images. It works as normal, for the most part. I click on an image from the main page and travel through the associated images, and this repeats onward through more sets of images. If I find one I like I use 'view image'. Sometimes this kicks me all the way back out to the base Images page.
How do I troubleshoot this?


  • Question
No Voicemail Visual Notification appears Redmi 7a

Hi, I switched phone companies, Ive put in a new 'Sim' everything works fine, but im NOT getting a Visual 'Icon' at top of 'Home' screen , to tell me there is a Voicemail waiting for me .. I used to get a small, '2 circles, with a line through' type icon, .. but i now do NOT get ANY Notification for Voicemail ..I can only check messages, by randomly, dialling my 'Voicemail' number and checking if anyone has left me a Message !! How can i get this 'Voicemail' Notification (Visual ) Icon back , when someone has left me a 'Voicemail' ? Thanks in Advance !
Xiaomi Redmi, 7a , Android 10 ....

  • Question
Photos Load Slowly in Texts

I have an LG Velvet 5G and notice that sometimes it takes considerable time for photos to actually appear in both my receieved and sent texts.

Example: My brother sends a picture message and I can see a blank space where a picture should be, but it does not appear. It may never appear or will take many minutes to appear.

It also happens to photos I send. I will see a photo I sent when I am actively sending it, but when I reopen the text message later there is a blank space where my photo was.

What is going on?

  • Question
Issues when wifi/bluetooth is enabled on device

I recently purchased a Yumkem T13 tablet, running android 10 go, as a non working unit. I have been able to reset the device in recovery mode and it seems to work until I try to enable wifi or Bluetooth. As soon as I turn these on the device crashes almost instantly and I have to reset it again in recovery or it crashes as soon as it reaches the home screen on startup. I looked around for a custom rom to determine if it is a software issue but I couldn't find a compatible one. Has anyone run into this issue before and know a fix?

  • Question
What's the Best Android Phone? [July 2023]

Share your opinions!
  • What phone do you have? Do you like it?
  • If someone asked you what phone to buy, what would you tell them?
Input will be used for this article on Daily.net:

  • Question
Android tablet - cast only worked once

I have recently replaced my tablet. The new one is operating on Android 13. I tried to cast to the family room Roku tv. I tapped cast, it found the tv, I tapped on it, it connected, showed the "allow" screen on the tv, clicked allow and it cast. This is just how my old tablet worked. I disconnected like normal. A while later I tried again. It will not cast anymore. It does not find the tv unless I tap the setting icon on the cast window. This opens the full setting screen. After a couple seconds it locates the tv. I tap on the tv and it shows it is connecting. After 5 or 6 seconds, the tv disappears from the screen for a few seconds then reappears as available. It will not connect. I tried the upstairs tv and had the exact same result. It worked one time. All units are on the same wifi. I have restarted, unplugged, reset everything with no luck. I have searched the internet with no luck. I would appreciate any help you can give!

  • Question
¿Hacked & Rooted? or just crazy

I'm new here, I joined because I'm looking for an answer or explanation to an issue I've been experiencing with my s9+.
Over a year ago my phone started lagging, slow to load/login to apps, pics took forever to appear. I switched to a different carrier & phone,
no problems.
A few months later I switched back to the previous provider with the note9 (it's a better quality phone).
It was working great!
About a month & a half ago my phone started lagging, slow to load/login to apps, pics take forever to appear.
Just like before.
(at the risk of sounding paranoid and/or crazy or both)
My ex-boyfriend was sentenced to prison for stalking/harassing me a few months after the first time the phone was acting up & he was released just before my phone started acting all weird again.
I used the phone to Doordash in the past but now it doesn't allow me to login, just loops back to sign in page.
Samsung says the phone is rooted.
When I run device info, doesn't say phone is rooted. when I try to save passwords, I get a toast from SamsungMembers saying cannot save pw because phone is rooted.
I'm unable to view some files because it says I don't have permission.
What I've read about Doordash, they don't allow rooted phones to be used by their drivers.
I downloaded a log logcat reader, not all that good at using it, novice at best.
But I do see some processes that seem sketchy.
The question I'd like to know is;
"If my phone IS rooted, is there a way of tracing it back to the parent operating system???
Thanks for taking your time to read this. SamsungMembers deleted this from their community page. Don't understand why...

  • Question
Galaxy s20 + 5g phone is not reliable

Hello Android experts. About three months ago, I bought a (brand-new) phone for my wife. In all other respects, she finds it quite satisfactory, but there are two things that she wishes could be improved.

1) The most important of the two is that, when she is in a telephone conversation with some people (up to now, it is with two people), the connection is very poor, and many times, it is lost altogether. One of her relatives is in London (we are in Manchester, England) and the other one lives in Hull in Yorkshire. She does not have any problem when she calls other, more local relatives, but today, she needed to borrow my phone (a Motorola) to converse with her son in London. With my phone, she had no difficulties. Why should things be like this, and what, if anything, can she do to make trouble-free calls?

2) The second thing she finds unacceptable is that, when she takes (say) five photos of something (so as to be able to select the best shot), she finds the photo thumbnails are far too small, in her "Files" > Images, to see the details and select the best one. If she looks at the pictures in "Gallery" app, she can see the details because the photos are large, but then, she would need to go back to "Files" > Images to delete, and she is unable to see which is the one to delete, for reasons given above. Is there any satisfactory way round this problem?

With thanks in hopes of some informed advice,

  • Question
Help Restore Google Assistant Beep/chime WITHOUT Voice Access or Switch Access

Hi there,

I just upgraded to a S23 Ultra from an S10 and noticed that "Ok Google" doesnt make its distinctive chime anymore, which i really liked because it gave me confirmation that it was listening without me having to look at the screen.

Thru scouring the interwebs i figured out that both the Voice Access and Switch Access toggles can bring back the beep, but they have other undesirable backdraws (namely they make the youtube app vibrate whenever info cards are shown, and there doesnt seem to be a way to remove the permision to make the phone vibrate).

So im looking for a way to restore "Ok Google" making a beep when called that doesnt involve Switch Access or Voice Access. All help is appreciated :) thanks

  • Question
Help IDK

I have no idea what this is doing on all my devices or what it is...the files I wanted to add are too big. Thia caused my Moto Stylus 5G to brick and my Samsung A20 is barely functional with the 200+ files daily and frequent restarts...please help me figure out what it is and how to remove it.

VM Version: 2.1.0
Java Home: /system
Class Path: .
Boot Class Path: /apex/com.android.runtime/javalib/core-oj.jar:/apex/com.android.runtime/javalib/core-libart.jar:/apex/com.android.runtime/javalib/okhttp.jar:/apex/com.android.runtime/javalib/bouncycastle.jar:/apex/com.android.runtime/javalib/apache-xml.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/telephony-common.jar:/system/framework/voip-common.jar:/system/framework/ims-common.jar:/system/framework/knoxsdk.jar:/system/framework/knoxanalyticssdk.jar:/system/framework/smartbondingservice.jar:/system/framework/securetimersdk.jar:/system/framework/fipstimakeystore.jar:/system/framework/timakeystore.jar:/system/framework/sec_sdp_sdk.jar:/system/framework/sec_sdp_hidden_sdk.jar:/system/framework/drutils.jar:/system/framework/android.test.base.jar:/system/framework/ucmopensslenginehelper.jar:/system/framework/esecomm.jar:/apex/com.android.conscrypt/javalib/conscrypt.jar:/apex/com.android.media/javalib/updatable-media.jar


  • systemserver_fileinfo.txt
    17.7 KB · Views: 34

  • Question
Group MMS Not Sending

Hi Everyone,

Over the last couple months I've noticed an ongoing issue with Android Messages. Messages being sent to a group will not be delivered unless wifi is shut off. Receiving messages works fine though.

I have rebooted, cleared the cache/data from Messages, ensured wifi calling is on and set to wifi preferred, installed other messaging apps/used Samsung's default messaging app, turned 5G on and off, reset the APN settings to default, created a new APN, ensured auto downloading of messages is on, ensured the apps are always up to date and even factory reset the phone. Is there something I missed? No matter what I try the messages to a group don't send. I've also been told that duplicate messages of mine are received, however the message says it is undelivered on my end. Any advice you all may have would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.

I'm on a Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G through T-Mobile
Android 13
One UI 5.1
Security Patch June 1, 2023

  • Question
Suspected spam call is not spam - How to change it?

I'm the one who actually made the call but it comes up as 'suspected spam'. It's not blocked on my phone and I can't see any settings to tell my phone to treat it as not spam. I used the report option and chose 'not spam' but that didn't do anything other than send it to the recipient who deals with this.

Does anyone know if there's a way of removing it?


  • Question
Facebook can only be used in secret mode

I have Samsung A53 5G Android 13.

I can access Facebook on the regular Samsung browser and scroll the page up or down, but that's pretty much it. If I click on anything... screen dims (if it does anything at all) till I hit back button then it brightens again.

I've x out the page and bring it back up... same issue, I've restarted phone... no change. I've even did that turning airplane mode on and off thing... no change.

Curiosity got to me and I tried Facebook in secret mode... it WORKED!!! everything so far functions as it should in secret mode. How do I get Facebook to function properly on the regular Samsung browser out of secret mode?

What caused this and how do I fix it?

Thanks in advance


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