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Avatar 2.....who is excited??????


DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!
  • May 13, 2010
    Los Angeles
    its just been leaked that Avatar 2 will be released sometime this year. speculations are that it will be in December that the movie will come out. a trailer has not been released yet. i just read that there are plans for it to be released during Dr Strange 2.

    anybody excited about this? ......i am. i love Avatar. i have seen it so many times now, in fact i watched it last night....LOL
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    Nah, not my cuppa tea either, rather watch other movies by James Cameron, like Battle Angel Alita, that I just started watching the other day..
    Battle Angel is a good movie, but i think Avatar is 100% much better IMO. i do hope they do a sequel to it though. i'm curious as to how Ed Norton's Nova will play into the story.

    I'm betting that this sequel is going to be much better than the original. Cameron has a history of making great sequels that were better than the first. I mean T2 and Aliens were soooooo much better than the first even though the firsts were great.

    also given that Cameron has had 13 years to perfect the next movie in the series. and from what i have read, he has filmed parts of 3,4 and 5 as well, if from what i read is true.
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    Battle Angel is a good movie, but i think Avatar is 100% much better IMO. i do hope they do a sequel to it though. i'm curious as to how Ed Norton's Nova will play into the story.

    I'm betting that this sequel is going to be much better than the original. Cameron has a history of making great sequels that were better than the first. I mean T2 and Aliens were soooooo much better than the first even though the firsts were great.

    also given that Cameron has had 13 years to perfect the next movie in the series. and from what i have read, he has filmed parts of 3,4 and 5 as well, if from what i read is true.
    Still I am wondering if I did get into other Cameron's movies, as well as his "Under water" Sequence side of the movies in Avatar two, how would that come into retrospective for the cast, and what kind of new aliens he would chose for it?
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    Still I am wondering if I did get into other Cameron's movies, as well as his "Under water" Sequence side of the movies in Avatar two, how would that come into retrospective for the cast, and what kind of new aliens he would chose for it?
    yeah it is supposed to bring in the water element on the moon of Pandora. i'm curious to see how he will paint that environment.

    i think that anything Cameron touches is gold. you can't go wrong with any of his movies. if you want a good underwater movie "the Abyss" is excellent.
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    I'm betting that this sequel is going to be much better than the original. Cameron has a history of making great sequels that were better than the first. I mean T2 and Aliens were soooooo much better than the first even though the firsts were great.
    Aliens is simply a different genre from the Alien. Hard to compare really, though I actually prefer the original. But the important thing is that in both cases he didn't simply produce a retread of the original, as so many sequels are. So I'm waiting to see what he does with Titanic 2 myself. ;)

    I am a SciFi fan, but Avatar never really did it for me, so I don't really feel much interest in a sequel.
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    Avatar is one of the only movies (along with You've Got Mail) that I just cannot stay awake during.

    Maybe all the pushy political messages in it?
    I want to be entertained during a movie, not be preached to or to sit and watch propagnda.
    only you would see propaganda in the movie......LOL

    i am very curious as to what direction James Cameron will take the story this time around now that the terrible humans are gone.
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    only you would see propaganda in the movie......LOL

    i am very curious as to what direction James Cameron will take the story this time around now that the terrible humans are gone.

    There is propaganda in virtually every movie made in recent years.

    To honestly say that you cannot see that means that you have been taken in by the propaganda.
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    There is propaganda in virtually every movie made in recent years.

    To honestly say that you cannot see that means that you have been taken in by the propaganda.
    yep i like to side with pop culture.....so bring on the "propaganda".

    you probably hate Wall-E as well. it is one of my favorite Pixar movie.

    man it must suck to be you! you can't watch any movie without some political statement that you disagree with.
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    yep i like to side with pop culture.....so bring on the "propaganda".

    you probably hate Wall-E as well. it is one of my favorite Pixar movie.

    man it must suck to be you! you can't watch any movie without some political statement that you disagree with.

    It wouldnt be so bad if the entertainment value outweighed the virtue signalling.
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    There is propaganda in virtually every movie made in recent years.

    To honestly say that you cannot see that means that you have been taken in by the propaganda.

    Yes there is, and it's Chinese propaganda in the blockbuster movies made by the major Hollywood studios. Because they want their movies to be shown in the PRC.....$$$$$$

    Here's an example...

    Top Gun (1986)
    Top Gun 1986 The back leather jacket patches of Pete Maverick Mitchell Top Gun.jpg

    Top Gun Maverick (2022)

    It's supposedly the same garment worn by Tom Cruise in both movies.
    Can you spot the differences?
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    That was a fantastic movie! Well worth watching for 3hr 12min. Didn't even get up to go to the bathroom. I held it until the end.

    It was so visually stunning!!!!!! The cinematography was amazing. You guys have to see it in IMAX 3D. It's well worth the extra dollars to see it.

    Now i can wait a few more weeks to go see it again.
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    I can't wait to see it, but I'll have to wait until it comes out on Blu-ray or digital download. Two hours is my limit for a theater. :D
    No you have to see it in IMAX 3D. To TV or blu-ray will do it justice. Not even a regular movie theater compares to it.

    The reason why it took 13 years to make was not because of the plot, script, or actors. It is because of the technology needed to build the water surrounding the planet of Pandora. All that water was not easy to do. And trying to do capture motion in water took a very long time to do. Yes most of it was cgi, but there are real actors performing.

    You have to watch it in IMAX 3D. It's way more immersive. It talk blew my mind watching it. You can't get the same effect from a TV.

    So wait until the crowd dies down. Maybe do a morning or afternoon show. It's so worth it..... I'm telling you guys.
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    Avatar 2 will be available for digital download on Tuesday, March 28, 2023. I pre-ordered it on Google TV
    be prepared to be blown away!!!!!its such a beautiful movie. it looked great on the big screen. curious as to how that translates to the small screen. i'll definitely be downloading it.
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