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  • hey man i was reading about changing my prl im very confused. im running ct mod 2.4. i did all the steps but after selecting dm my phone reboots and does nothing i plug it up to the pc open cdma workshop and i select port 1 and click connect and i keep getting a failed error....failed. unable to open com1 port
    I thought so too, cause I had Ubuntu running in a loop on Froyo before the update. Now I get a bunch of errors. I decompiled your GB kernel to try and find out, but I have no idea what I'm looking for, lol. But I would love to have Ubuntu back on my phone.
    Cool bro. Obviously from my screen name I drive a 90LX. Its blue and much like my prevail its not to impressive on the outside. But much like my prevail if you pop the hood you see where all the work has been done. LOL.
    I was having some issues creating an ODIN backup from the batch file that you had created, this was after flashing the Gingerbread firmware to the prevail and rooting it. I found that adding 'su -c' before the dd command in the batch file allowed me to complete the backup. Do you think that this would be a safe way to make the backup work, even though it worked without modification for Froyo?
    I'm trying to get my Rom working. It flashes successfully, but freezes at the boost logo. I've been through all the code and can't seem to figure out my error. Was wondering of you might have some time to take a look?
    Just wanted to thank you and the rest of the dev's for all the hard work and taking the time to help us out with issues we run into. You guys are awesome. If you ever need a tester, let me know.
    Running your kernel now and thank you. I wanted to thank hroark too, but he doesn't take pm's. Please forward this to him if you can. Seems like PSPNoob isn't very tactful about giving credit where credit is due. Again, Thank you to you and everyone else in helping make this a better experience. my first touchscreen smartphone is great thnks to all of you.
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