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  • I ended up getting it to work. What got me was there being no setting for it in the settings menu. The only way I could tell was by using astro and looking at the SD card and seeing the size of the file system/sd. The size was way to big to be apart of the phones internal memory.
    I need to ask you about how you got a2sd to work on EE3. I tried what you suggested but it wouldn't work and when I tried typing in a2sd install this is what I got:

    a2sd install
    # Launching Darktremor A2SD
    Starting Darktremor A2SD version 2.7 Update 3r1
    Mounting /system as read-write
    Starting A2SD in install mode
    Running A2SD Setup Program.
    Searching for Mount Point...
    Mount point found..no further action required.
    Remounting /system to read-write
    Checking for ext partition
    Ext partition found and already mounted.
    Installing A2SD Links...
    Removing No A2SD flag file.
    rm: cannot remove '/system/sd/.noa2sd': No such file or directory
    Remounting /system as read-only.
    Setting File System Ready property to 1.
    Remounting /system to read-only.

    Does that make any since to you. Is there something I missed, what do you think
    I would be all for having a mod copy my thread and sticky to avoid the elitest member look. I just want the basic info to be there without people having to search, because they don't. Even in your messages you have someone asking about v3 and the ota, just saying ;)
    Grats! My wife asked if anyone has posted more than me, so I tracked down your proile and noticed this. Good for you - I may be off in the Incredible forums, but you and Caddy were a big reason I stuck and stayed with this forum.
    Hey OTD, I am thinking about going ahead and installing the new 2.1 V3 leak. I just had a few questions I thought you might could answer. 1. Are there live wps on the 2.1 v3 leak? 2. Whats the deal with paid apps in the market after install? 3. Is there a way to go back to 1.5 if its worse and 4. I heard that apps backed up with Astro won't recieve updates from the market. Pretty sure I'm ready to do this just a few questions I had and with 2 kids running around I don't get much free time on the computer. Thanks for everything. PJWren13
    Hey OTD -

    I see that you are on the forums alot and seem very knowledgeable about this stuff...I am SURE that there are 1,000s of threads answering this but I was hoping to get a straight forward answer from you without having to read through 100 posts -

    The 2.1 leak

    - will I get the OTA updated for 2.1 if I am on the leak? I am very anxious to get the new Sense UI and access to 2.0 apps
    - what is the difference between "root 2.1" and "leak 2.1" - just the HTC Sense?
    - Can I go back to 1.5 from 2.1 leak if I need to?

    Thanks so much - I know that this is all covered in these awesome forums but I get a headache reading through so many posts...
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