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  1. storageman

    Blue Tooth Paired devices disappear

    Every now and then, all paired blue tooth devices seem to get cleared out. I have this phone paired with my F150 pickup. The phone seems to stay paired if I use the truck every day, but if I don't use it for 2 or 3 days, it deletes the paired device. Prior to this phone I had a Samsung J7...
  2. storageman

    Big Android Update from Boost

    Yesterday, got a notification to update on my Boost Samsung J7 ! I had 44% battery left, I said go ahead. After about 20 min, I thought the phone battery was going to set itself on FIRE ! When it got done, ended up with 29% battery left. I don't see any differences. Did anybody else...
  3. storageman

    Can you replace the stock Voice Mail app ?

    Looking to get rid of the stock Virgin Mobile voice mail app on my Samsung GIII and replace it with another free app ?
  4. storageman

    Who to notify about a down/degraded cell Tower

    I have VM, and on Monday, my entire neighborhood and beyond had a major power failure. Power was restored yesterday late morning, but since the power failure, I have minimal 3g coverage and almost No voice signal. Before the Power failure, I had strong 4g and strong Voice signal. Went up to...
  5. storageman


    Over the last couple of months I've watched as somebody was installing a new cell tower at the end of my street. I've always have had a great network signal over the last 3 years with Virgin, but since getting an S3 1 1/2 years ago, I would only get a 3g data connection. Seeing the tower...
  6. storageman

    Virgin Mobile 4.4.2 Upgrade

    Earlier this week my GIII got a message about upgrading to 4.4.2. I accepted the OTA upgrade and its been running just great. Today I receive a text message from Virgin Mobil stating: After upgrading Android KitKat, Galaxy S3 users must reset their phone by pressing ##72786# Contacts...
  7. storageman

    Help Switching 3g/4g and vice versa ?

    Other than switching to airplane mode or restarting the phone, is there a way to manually switch data modes ? I've noticed that most of the 4g support is along major roads and freeways where I live. I've noticed that if I get 1/2 mile away from a major road, my phone while still say 4gLTE...
  8. storageman

    Carrier IQ

    For everybody on Virgin Mobile, looks like we are clear on this Rootkit. Read about it here : Carrier IQ: What it is, what it isn't, and what you need to know I downloaded a detector (actually 3 of them for verification) and my VM SIII is free of this key logger. Sprint uses it along with...
  9. storageman

    Help System Update - Virgin Mobile ?

    I'm on Virgin Mobile, and this AM I received a request to update my phone. I'm currently on 4.1.2. Anybody else get this update ?? Update says "Android System Update" This software includes new enhancements for your Samsung G SIII. Please insure your battery is fully charged before you...
  10. storageman

    Virgin Mobile SIII Update ?

    Just received a notice to update my SG III. No other info other than it states to make sure you have a full charge on the battery ???? :confused:
  11. storageman

    Why Not a Samsung ?

    I see a lot of people that have broken V's going to the HTC EVO phone. Why not the the Virgin Samsung Galaxy S 2 phone ? Also is there a home thread for this new Virgin Phone ?
  12. storageman

    Samsung Galaxy Reverb Info

    I see Virgin has this phone on sale. My question is if sprint goes to 4glte, will this phone work ? I assume since this phone is 4g capable, it should work ? What does everybody say ?
  13. storageman

    VM $25 plan available

    I just found out about this today. When I signed up with VM last December, all they had for plans was $35, $45, $55 plans. The $35 plan is just great for me and I signed up for it. But I found out if you logon to your account @ VM, and request to change your plan, it will show you th $45 &...
  14. storageman

    Call log descrepencies

    On Saturday (4/14) I made 2 calls. Today Monday (4/16) I needed to reference the call log for a phone number that I made earlier last week. While looking, I noticed that the 2 calls that I made on 4/14, indicated that they were made "yesterday". I logged on to VM and checked my calls and...
  15. storageman

    new guy here

    Used to be a Mainframe, PC programmer. Trying to figure out what the Android OS is about. Got my first Android phone LG optimus V. As I learn I will post. Thanks for having me. ;)
  16. storageman

    Storageman checking In

    I'm a new android user and a retired programmer, and I want to find out what makes android work. Hope to be able to find out here. :)