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android studio

  1. V

    beginning with Android Studio and NDK issues

    This post is more like venting rather than a particular issue, since there are many issues actually. Downloaded Android Studio and found out that it is now an integrated IDE; you don't have to download Eclipse and tweak things just to run a hello world, and in theory you could just write your...
  2. Gleis

    Android Studio - Infer Constraints?

    Hi guys! The issue is clear, I design the app, and when I run the emulator the app looks different. I use the same device for design and emulator (Pixel 3 XL). Apparently I needed to click in one of the attributes on the design page and then click "Infer Constraints". I still have some issues...
  3. A

    Help White screen error on android studio

    App running on my phone from android studio shows blank screen. It only shows a white screen when running it from android studio on my phone as an installed app. Nothing is displayed at all, but when i run it on android studio, there are no error. If anyone can please let me know.
  4. D

    Apps Android App Bundle not generating in Android Studio

    I am trying to launch my Ionic Angular app on the Google Play Store, but no .aab file is being generated in Android Studio. When I open the app in Android Studio, I go to Build > Generate Signed Bundle / APK Choose Android Signed Bundle And enter the following details: Key store path...
  5. A

    Apps Article and Tutorial Enquiry - Making App with Android Studio and Typescript [WebRTC]

    Hello everyone, Hope you are well! I am making a chat-roulette app (or chatting app) in Android Studio and following the tutorial-link with the following link from WebRTC: https://webrtc.ventures/2018/01/webrtc-on-android-tutorial-how-to-build-a-chat-roulette-clone-using-kotlin-and-typescript/...
  6. Cinemato

    App Inventor How to make a text view equal to firebase string

    Hello, I'm making a project using android studio and java. I have some data in a realtime firebase database and I'm trying to take the data in an activity then making a text view in another activity have the value of that data. I was able to get the data but I when I try to set the textview to...
  7. R

    Themes Dark Mode in Shared preferences

    I made a dark mode in the settings of my apps and it worked out perfectly BUT I can't save it in SharedPreferences so it will stay how I choose it. I can do a background color in my SharedPreferences but this setting always causes Errors. What do I wrong? I hope someone can help me make it work...
  8. getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.menu, menu); is red color

    getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.menu, menu); is red color

    why the menu is red, i already create a new android resource file, please tell me how to fix it
  9. Android News

    Android Studio 3.1 stable announced

    Google has introduced the latest update to Android Studio, taking the stable channel up to version 3.1. According to a post on the Android Developers Blog, this release focuses on product quality and development productivity. The last major update included a whole new programming language, and...
  10. Android News

    Android Studio 3.1 Beta 3 is now available

    Android Studio 3.1 Beta 3 is now available in the Canary, Dev, and Beta channels. This update includes fixes for a number of lingering issues.
  11. Android News

    The latest update to Android Studio Emulator brings Quick Boot for 6-second startup times and more

    The latest update to the Android Studio Update brings support for the Play Store, as well as other improvements including Quick Boot for 6-second startup times.
  12. Android News

    Android Studio 3.0 arrives in stable channel

    Android Studio 3.0 has finally reached stable. This version of the Android development studio adds support for Kotlin, Google's new preferred programming language for Android apps.
  13. Android News

    The first Android Studio 3.0 preview build has been announced

    Google has announced the first Android Studio 3.0 preview build is now available and focuses on the following features: - A new suite of app performance profiling tools - Support for the Kotlin programming language - Increased Gradle build speeds for large sized app projects
  14. Android News

    Android Studio now has profilers to help you visualize app performance

    Android O is focusing on improving application performance and the battery life of your smartphone and tablet. To help developers optimize for these things though, they have added in some profilers into Android Studio so they can see how their apps will perform.
  15. Android News

    Code commits suggest Google is working to bring Android Studio to Chrome OS

    Android Studio is a very heavy piece of software, but new code commits suggest Google is working to get it running properly on Chrome OS. It seems that this is in the early stage of development though, so we shouldn't expect an announcement anytime soon.
  16. Android News

    Google releases the final build of Android Studio 2.3

    We saw Google start to beta test version 2.3 of Android Studio back in December, and now they seem confident enough in it to move it into the stable channel. The update can be downloaded right now and adds improvements to instant run, adds Chains and Ratios support in Constraint Layout and more.
  17. Android News

    This guide will help you make Android Studio faster

    If you use Android Studio at all, you may have noticed some parts of the software being slower than others. A website called Tuting Online has a step by step guide to help make Android Studio run faster than normal.
  18. Android News

    Android Studio 2.3 Beta 1 arrives

    Android Studio 2.3 Beta 1 is now available. The update includes improvements to the base IDE that's based on IntelliJ. Specifically, the build jumps from 2016.1 to 2016.2. Other changes include a new build cache and new features for the layout editor.
  19. Android News

    Google releases Android Studio 2.2 and adds over 20 new features

    Google has just announced and released version 2.2 of their application development software, Android Studio. This update comes with a Design Layout Editor, a Constraint Layout Manager, improved C++ support, a browser for some samples, improvements to their Instant Run feature, an APK Analyzer...
  20. Android News

    Google releases Android Studio 2.2 Preview 1, includes a new layout manager and new features

    Google has announced Android Studio 2.2 Preview 1. The big user facing feature included here is a new layout manager, but there are some more things under the hood. The update also comes with a Firebase plugin, IntelliJ & CLion 2016.1, and it expands support for Android N’s new Jack compiler
  21. Android News

    Google pushes out an emergency update for Android Studio and IntelliJ-Based IDEs

    There's been a couple of potentially series exploits discovered in the IntelliJ platform and in a response, Google has pushed out a security update for Android Studio and IntelliJ-Based IDEs. If you're an Android developer then it's in your best interest to download and apply this new update if...
  22. Android News

    Android Studio 2.1 exits beta, brings Android N support

    Android Studio is being upgraded to version 2.1 in stable form after being available in beta for over a month. The development suite brings a lot of nice new changes for developers, including the first support for Android N. Other changes include official support for Java 8, and the Jack compiler.
  23. Android News

    Reto Meier lists 10 things you didn't know you could do in Android Studio

    Reto Meier -- a Google Developer Advocate -- is attempting to show developers how nice it is to make apps in Android Studio. On his Medium blog, he posted 10 things you probably didn't know you could do inside the development program.
  24. Android News

    Google officially releases the final build of Android Studio 2.0

    After a long alpha and beta period, Android Studio 2.0 is officially stable and ready to download. Changes made in this update include. . . - Instant Run - For every developer who loves faster build speeds. Make changes and see them appear live in your running app. With many build/run...
  25. Android News

    Android Studio 2.1 Preview adds support for Android N

    Developers looking to start getting their apps ready for Android N will be happy to know that Android Studio is getting a Preview version of its own. The purpose of the preview is to support development for the Android N preview, as well as to let developers play around with Java 8.