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All Things Beatles


DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!
  • May 13, 2010
    Los Angeles
    so i am a huge fan of the Beatles. i'm not fanatic. don't ask me about Beatles trivia. i grew up listening to the Beatles, mainly from a radio show called Breakfast with the Beatles that aired on Sundays. my very first album was the White Album that my parents bought me. i was also influenced by Rodney Bingenheimer who had a show here in LA called Rodney on the ROQ. he played a lot of Beatles tunes as well.

    i just started watching Peter Jackson's new documentary about the Beatles called Get Back. it is about the making of the Let It Be album which at first was to be called Get Back. they had 2 weeks to make the album and then perform it live on TV.

    its not like most documentaries. it is more like the behind the scenes. there is no narrative. Peter Jackson instead let us peak into what it was like to be a Beatle creating music so effortlessly. what really shines is just how charismatic and charming with everyone......now granted i have only seen the first episode. there are 3 parts, each 2.5hrs or so long. if you have the time please watch it.

    i wanted to create this thread to discuss the band, their music, and their influence on you, if any. and share things like what is your favorite Beatles song or album.
    The Beatles are actually a subject in the mandatory English textbooks in China.



    Thank you Cambridge University Press.

    I love this subject, mainly because The Beatles are from the same city as where my parents came from(Liverpool), and I've often used Yellow Submarine, Michelle, and Let It Be as warmer songs for my English lessons.
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    This is the Official Bah Hunbug post on this thread.

    I always found it hard to tally some monumentally great songs and writing with the characters and ages of the group. I never took to the Beatles, but I came in at the back end so only started listening and buying records (no, not data) in 73 / '74.

    I did start playing my cousin's Abbey Road album on musicassette on a visit, probably' 70 / 71, so that was the best one imv

    I could never listen repeatedly to their music though. I have about 15 artists and maybe 40 albums I continually get pleasure from.

    Perhaps that documentary would sway me back or at least appreciate them more. I doubt I'll watch it though.

    Paul McCartney never appealed to me, though I did have the Wings Band on the Run album when I was younger and liked it then.

    BTW : Eeeuuwwwh!! you must be weeely weely old man! :D :cool:
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    I was at the perfect age for the Beatles to be a big influence in my music listening. I was in middle school in 1964 so I pretty much grew up in the Beatle mania. First thing was their music was different. Secondly, they were different. And most likely why they were so well received by the youth was because the older generation were appalled and felt somewhat threatened by every aspect of the Beatles. Suddenly we had OUR music. Were their early love songs beautiful scores with intricate lyrics.. not likely. But they are burned into my brain and I can't hear one song without knowing the next on the LP to this day. My first purchased LP that took a couple of months to save up the money for... and could only play when my father was not at home.
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    I remember when I was about 10 or 11 and uninterested, but had two older sisters who were in to music, and we were at a formal Sunday visit to my paternal grandmother and all the relations.

    An older uncle could hear music from somewhere, so got up to go out muttering about rubbish modern music, stopping at me (I probably ended with my mouth open) saying:
    * "She loves you Yeah, Yeah, Yeah" - what kinda song is that?" before disappearing.

    What goes around...etc
    Every generation.... etc :rolleyes:
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    The no beard McCartney that all of the girls cried about. I had a GF that I'd walk home from school with daily... might even hold hands with.. holy smokes. :) I'd buy her a cola or an ice cream cone at the local Peter Pan hang out for middle schoolers. She was sweet and love was innocent but... BUT.. she was in love with Paul. :) I hated that lol.
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    The no beard McCartney that all of the girls cried about. I had a GF that I'd walk home from school with daily... might even hold hands with.. holy smokes. :) I'd buy her a cola or an ice cream cone at the local Peter Pan hang out for middle schoolers. She was sweet and love was innocent but... BUT.. she was in love with Paul. :) I hated that lol.
    i'm currently watching Get Back and i'm digging the Beard on Paul. its a great look......LOL
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    Not a Paul fan so either is still Paul lol

    I had all the vinyl (gone now) LP's but replaced them with CD's a long lot of years ago. Got the complete mono set then filled in the few missing albums. My brother used to laugh (kiddingly) at me for the mono thing but it's how they were meant to be heard.

    Became a fan in '70, just in time for the breakup. First album I ever bought was Abbey Road, then Sgt. Pepper. My fifth grade teacher used to bring his guitar in and play records for us, he introduced us all to them. Thank you Mr. Homer!
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    Not a Paul fan so either is still Paul lol

    I had all the vinyl (gone now) LP's but replaced them with CD's a long lot of years ago. Got the complete mono set then filled in the few missing albums. My brother used to laugh (kiddingly) at me for the mono thing but it's how they were meant to be heard.

    Became a fan in '70, just in time for the breakup. First album I ever bought was Abbey Road, then Sgt. Pepper. My fifth grade teacher used to bring his guitar in and play records for us, he introduced us all to them. Thank you Mr. Homer!
    not a fan of Paul? how come? who is your favorite Beatle then?
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    John, George and Ringo. John for real then George then Ringo.
    Talent oozed out of them all for various reasons - Ringo is a super underrated drummer, George was squashed by the mammoth-ness of John and Paul but certainly was an integral part of the group. Great guitar work from him. He did great things once unrestrained (All Things Must Pass for starters - literally). It goes without saying that John and Paul both are ridiculously good as musicians (and so much more) but I liked John's style better. Paul did OK for himself though.
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    This miniseries is such a better picture of the Beatles at that time than the original Let It Be movie. I was too young to know their music at that time but growing up and learning of them when I listened to music seriously, the original movie was painted as the "Breakup" movie. "Get Back" shows that was far from the truth. Peter Jackson did a phenomenal job. Just watching the Rooftop concert and they were that damn good.
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    This miniseries is such a better picture of the Beatles at that time than the original Let It Be movie. I was too young to know their music at that time but growing up and learning of them when I listened to music seriously, the original movie was painted as the "Breakup" movie. "Get Back" shows that was far from the truth. Peter Jackson did a phenomenal job. Just watching the Rooftop concert and they were that damn good.
    so i'm in the middle of episode 2. but at the end of episode 1, i had to re-watch the exchange with George Harrison as he nonchalantly quits the band. it was so sudden to me. i think i will have to watch all of episode 1 again to see how George is acting to see if there signs that i missed up until that point. the end where the rest of the band starts jamming when George does not come back after lunch was kind of crazy. the wailing of Ono is very haunting.
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