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An Old Newbie

Welcome back to the forums :) (glad i can welcome you twice in one day :p)

Glad to have you here and I hope you enjoy Thanksgiving!

Hey, DC - spoke with EarlyMon, and I'm trying to get someone who wouldn't mind spending a little time with this over-50 cat who would like to learn Android, Dalvik, and its interaction with Linux - my goal is to learn how to create ROMs for future Android smartphones and tablets; who would I go to, and Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Kwanzaa - LW
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Hmm, that sounds like a pretty fun experience! If only I had the time to learn how to do it :)

I would definitely suggest to make your way to the Android Development forum. We have a bunch of nice Developers for ROMs that you could potentially ask to maybe tag along for some of the process.

Just ask, I mean what's the harm in asking, right? :D

Hope this helps, feel free to PM me anytime man!
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I am new here and I just want to post a specific question for anyone to answer but I'm having trouble navigating this forum. Could you help me? I'm looking for help with my new HTC One SV. Thanks!

Hey there Gomper, welcome to the forums!

We have a device forum for your One SV right here: HTC One SV - Android Forums

You can go check that out and make a thread about the issue you are having with your device.
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