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Apps Android Studio Emulator Failure

David Devoy

Sep 9, 2016
That's twice now I have upgraded Android Studio and twice the Android Virtual Device manager has developed a fault. When I run it, it says I have no virtual devices installed.

Last time, the last time after consulting the forums I tried everything from rebooting the machine to using the Task Manager to shutting down adb.exe processes to trying to create new virtual devices, all to no avail.

Android Studio just keeps on saying there is nothing there and it cant find anything. I even have a Genymotion emulator installed now as well and it cant see that either.

The last time I only got around the problem by reinstalling Android Studio.

Can anyone offer any hint as to why this is happening? I thought Android studio was supposed to be stable. To me it's as stable as an Italian taxi driver I the rush hour.
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Sorry to hear your troubles with AS. I have no answer to your problems, but all I can say is that if this was a general problem, then it would have been found by many other people, and fixed. So I can only assume it's something related to your environment or O/S.
Sorry not much help I know, but I can report that AS has worked well for me on Ubuntu 16.04, and continued to work over all updates.
As you are having persistent troubles, maybe now is the time to consider switching to a better development platform? ;)
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I have to say your logic is irrefutable. If it was a problem with the update it would be all over the web. The fact it isn't suggests its something quite specific to my machine.

I have already decided my current system is not up to the job of software development and Santa is bringing me a better machine for Christmas. Hopefully this problem will then go away.
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