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Help Battery Guru disabling some Google sync options?


Android Expert
Feb 8, 2010
One for anyone else using the Battery Guru app.

If you look under accounts and your Google account, are the majority of sync options unticked?

Something is unticking them only on my N5. Options such as Calendar, currents, Play music keep getting turned off.

Becoming a PITA to keep going back in to enable calendar sync so all my devices have the same info that I've created or edited on my Nexus 5.
Yes, this is one of its power saving features.

Running and doing things on an electronic device takes energy, so the battery savings app. attempts to find out which of these you don't need nor use too often, then disables them when it thinks you don't need them to save power. It's a tradeoff, and it's up to you what kind of functionality you want your device to have.

I personally turn all app. syncing off (until I launch the app.), except for my work e-mail, which I set in the BatteryGuru app. to sync at its own discretion, which I have set to Automatically (Push), since I need the notification of having received a work e-mail when I receive them.

One of the nice things about the BatteryGuru app. is that it largely lets you determine which power saving features you want it to use, and which you don't, provided you bother setting them up how you want them instead of expecting everything to work magically for you on your behalf.

Moral of the story: be smarter than your smart device, or just let it figure things out for you and deal with the consequences.
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Yes, this is one of its power saving features.

Running and doing things on an electronic device takes energy, so the battery savings app. attempts to find out which of these you don't need nor use too often, then disables them when it thinks you don't need them to save power. It's a tradeoff, and it's up to you what kind of functionality you want your device to have.

I personally turn all app. syncing off (until I launch the app.), except for my work e-mail, which I set in the BatteryGuru app. to sync at its own discretion, which I have set to Automatically (Push), since I need the notification of having received a work e-mail when I receive them.

One of the nice things about the BatteryGuru app. is that it largely lets you determine which power saving features you want it to use, and which you don't, provided you bother setting them up how you want them instead of expecting everything to work magically for you on your behalf.

Moral of the story: be smarter than your smart device, or just let it figure things out for you and deal with the consequences.
All of these things were used during the learning period and ARE enabled within the app, but it's still disabling them.

So your comments are a little unfair given it SHOULDN'T. Be doing it, but is of its own accord!
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Since I've installed the app. and fine tuned its settings along with the built-in setting options on the Nexus 5, I'm getting about double the battery life on my Nexus 5, with it lasting about 2 to sometimes 3 days on a single full charge before needing to recharge it. (Resource intensive games not withstanding, as they [as expected] chew up charged capacity.)


All of these things were used during the learning period and ARE enabled within the app, but it's still disabled them.

So your comments are a little unfair given it SHOULDN'T. Be doing it, but is of its own accord!
So in the app. settings within BatteryGuru, have you set what you want to use at your own discretion to allowing those apps to connect on their own accord, that is, as always on? If not, give that a try and see if it works for you.

I personally don't put much faith in the pattern learning features of any app.
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Since I've installed the app. and fine tuned its settings along with the built-in setting options on the Nexus 5, I'm getting about double the battery life on my Nexus 5, with it lasting about 2 to sometimes 3 days on a single full charge before needing to recharge it. (Resource intensive games not withstanding, as they [as expected] chew up charged capacity.)


So in the app. settings within BatteryGuru, have you set what you want to use at your own discretion to allowing those apps to connect on their own accord, that is, as always on? If not, give that a try and see if it works for you.

They're set to use as needed. If I set them to be always on, then the purpose of the app becomes useless and may as well be uninstalled.

Your 2-3 days must mean you've disabled everything and aren't using it at all!

A screen shot of your battery info screen would be handy. To compare what's running
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Well, I just took my phone off the charger this morning, but I'd be happy to follow up in a couple days.

But yes, I have turned a lot of things off (as it were), since I don't use them frequently, and don't need notifications from them.

I do use it though. During the week I primarily use my phone for text messages, phone calls, and e-mails, with a little bit of looking stuff up on-line, taking pictures, and whatnot.


So I guess you could say I primarily use BatteryGuru as a kind of easy to use app. manager to help save battery life. To this end, it seems to work quite well for me.
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Yes, this is one of its power saving features.

Running and doing things on an electronic device takes energy, so the battery savings app. attempts to find out which of these you don't need nor use too often, then disables them when it thinks you don't need them to save power. It's a tradeoff, and it's up to you what kind of functionality you want your device to have.

I personally turn all app. syncing off (until I launch the app.), except for my work e-mail, which I set in the BatteryGuru app. to sync at its own discretion, which I have set to Automatically (Push), since I need the notification of having received a work e-mail when I receive them.

One of the nice things about the BatteryGuru app. is that it largely lets you determine which power saving features you want it to use, and which you don't, provided you bother setting them up how you want them instead of expecting everything to work magically for you on your behalf.

Moral of the story: be smarter than your smart device, or just let it figure things out for you and deal with the consequences.

Great Moral of the story ... Bravo ! :D
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They're set to use as needed. If I set them to be always on, then the purpose of the app becomes useless and may as well be uninstalled.

I confess that I wasn't sure which of the three settings in BatteryGuru to use for all my apps. I have set them all to 'Based on how you use it' (the others being 'When it wants' and 'Only when you open it'). Is that the best one to use to save battery power by letting BatteryGuru handle things?
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It depends how you want to set them.

"Only when you open it" should save the most battery power.

My advice: Set all the ones you don't need live notifications from to "only when you open it," and the rest to "whenever it wants." In my opinion, there's no real need for learning when to connect things you don't often use anyway, nor disconnecting things that you use often and want live notifications from. Exceptions might be something like only wanting a daily update on the local news, or similar, maybe.
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