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Darkside of the Holidays


The TechnoFrog
Jun 20, 2011
The Infernal Swamp
The one thing that I really hate about the holidays is seeing all those happy couples. I get really negative this time of year feeling I'm not worthy to have a special someone. I don't expect anything anymore though. Really wish my life had been different but it is what it is. I'll just be glad when this bs holiday stuff is over and I can quit being reminded how no one out there wishes to be myne.

For those of you who have someone cherish every moment
I see very little romance during the holidays. And, I know very few families who actually live up to the ideals of the season. For the most part it is a time of year to get through ... like getting the flu and then having to wait a week before things get back to normal. The only difference is you can't get a shot to prevent Christmas.

Still, as a Christian, I look beyond most of what the rest of the focus is and remember the underlying point of the holiday.

You mean as a pseudo-Christian festival engineered to compete with Hanukkah the and pagan solstice festivals? A post-harvest celebration to give idle peasants a distraction from their impoverished state and prevent uprisings against authority? (ie. the Church), or a period of secular gross over-consumption used to bolster year-end economies. If you're talking about commemorating the birth of Joshua ben Joseph (aka. Jesus Christ) ... nah, his birthday is in April. ;)
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I always thought there was something wrong with Jesus being named Jesus Christ. Actually He wasn't. His name was Jesus the assholes at the church hung Christ to it after they decided to Kill him and make him their biggest martyr

I know not everyone is happy but when you go out this time of year you are certain to be aware more of that which you don't have than which you do.
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You mean as a pseudo-Christian festival engineered to compete with Hanukkah the and pagan solstice festivals? A post-harvest celebration to give idle peasants a distraction from their impoverished state and prevent uprisings against authority? (ie. the Church), or a period of secular gross over-consumption used to bolster year-end economies. If you're talking about commemorating the birth of Joshua ben Joseph (aka. Jesus Christ) ... nah, his birthday is in April. ;)

Nicely said! :thumbsupdroid:
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I see very little romance during the holidays. And, I know very few families who actually live up to the ideals of the season. For the most part it is a time of year to get through ... like getting the flu and then having to wait a week before things get back to normal. The only difference is you can't get a shot to prevent Christmas.

You mean as a pseudo-Christian festival engineered to compete with Hanukkah the and pagan solstice festivals? A post-harvest celebration to give idle peasants a distraction from their impoverished state and prevent uprisings against authority? (ie. the Church), or a period of secular gross over-consumption used to bolster year-end economies. If you're talking about commemorating the birth of Joshua ben Joseph (aka. Jesus Christ) ... nah, his birthday is in April. ;)

Which calendar are you using? The last calendar adjustment was 10 days in the 1700s. The holiday would have been December 15th. There was an adjustment in Caesar's time that added 2 months. September, October, November, and December aren't really historical or mythical names. The others signify 7, 8, 9 and 10.
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Which calendar are you using? The last calendar adjustment was 10 days in the 1700s. The holiday would have been December 15th. There was an adjustment in Caesar's time that added 2 months. September, October, November, and December aren't really historical or mythical names. The others signify 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Not to derail arg's thread too much (sorry man) but the Scriptures are conflicting in their chronologies. The Roman records show the census of Palestine occurring in 6-7 A.D. If we extrapolate that there could have been an earlier census, again records show a census cycle of every 14 years so it would have been around 7 B.C. Add to that, no records show a census occurring around the time of Solstice and certainly, no shepherds would be "watching their flocks by night" in the winter. Another discrepancy is that the crucifixion was to have taken place in the year 31 A.D. but Christ was 33 at the time. There's just too much conflict in the Bible with the historical record and it has been hotly debated on both sides for 2000 years. The only thing they all seem to agree on is that December 25 was not the actual date of His birth.

I always thought there was something wrong with Jesus being named Jesus Christ. Actually He wasn't. His name was Jesus the assholes at the church hung Christ to it after they decided to Kill him and make him their biggest martyr

I know not everyone is happy but when you go out this time of year you are certain to be aware more of that which you don't have than which you do.

Actually Arg, the church didn't hang the title "Christ" on Jesus .... they merely translated it. Joshua (aka. Jesus) was born of Hebrew parents and would have been named according to Hebrew practice ... Name + Father, hence Joshua ben Joseph. The Romans, on the other hand, used the convention of name + city of residence (which was for taxing purposes) yielding the name Jesus of Nazareth. (Jesus is Latin for Joseph ... sort of :rolleyes:) The "Christ" part comes from the Greek "Christos" meaning anointed one and is synonymous with messiah. Since the original scriptures were most likely written in Hebrew Aramaic and Greek, it was His title, not so much his name. When the Constantine accepted Christianity as an official state religion they wanted to distance themselves from Roman and Hebrew references so they shortened it to "Christ Jesus" or "Jesus, the Christ" (to use his title properly in English). Over the millennia the explanation of the title has become unimportant in the teachings of the Church to their members.

You are correct in that the Church made Jesus a martyr. Originally he was portrayed as a heroic figure, but again, it was much too similar to the representation of the pagan gods and provided Him too many secular characteristics. Add to that as a heroic figure his example would have been prone to promote revolt against civil authority, they changed His presentation to that of a pitiable martyr.

I'd say "don't get me started", but it appears you're too late. :(
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Can we skip the religious talks and go back to the Frog's unhappiness?
(Wow, that sounds weird, but y'all know what I mean.)

Hey Frog?
I hope that one day you will find someone, like I found my very soul mate and best friend.
But until then... You are so incredibly worth it... And the only one who matters knowing so, is you.
If you are a religious man, have faith in his love too.
But you don't need any one else's judgement (good or bad) to have meaning, existence of life. To deserve love.
Just you need to believe in yourself, love yourself (no, not that way ;) ).
Start there. Love yourself.
I can vouch for you, but you really don't need that. You are a great guy.
Show your love to your family. Focus on the ones within your current reach?
Maybe one day then, someone else will come along and feel it as well.

Ya know I care for ya, Frog Man :)
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Luna we need to talk lol So much of that book is bs it isn't even funny

Agreed, I started reading Theology (many religions) in college and it actually caused more questions than answers but also enabled me to realize that while the Bible may harbor some real history, there's also plenty of fiction. I.E, historical fiction. It seems that main the key points were skewed. Wanna learn more of what happened to Jesus's lost years: read the Qu'ran.. No I'm not being sarcastic or haha-funny. I'm also white, scientific, live like a redneck, NOT Islamic in any way, was born & raised in a Christian (Catholic) family but always had the feeling that something about the Bible's stories weren't right. It wasn't until I considered the possibility that Aliens/ET's were a large factor in that book but were expressed as "gods", that the stories began to make more probable sense. Replace words God & gods with aliens/extraterrestrials, replace Heaven & the heavens with space.. And see what becomes of reading that book. How else would GOD lift into the sky within/on a cloud every morning and land again to the ground in the evening while Moses led the ppl thru the lands? The God I was originally raised to believe in was spiritual nature, not a physical artifact or person we walked with or among us. Think about it..
Edit: apologies for derailing from thread title
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I have always found, the best things happen when you're busy with other priorities. It's great advice to begin within as given above. Be happy with you, build your life for you, make decisions based on where you want to be, what you want and need. If you focus on these activities you might be surprised, love might just come up and bite you in the @$$ when you're not looking. That's how it's worked for me and many I call friends. Either way, you matter, you have value. (You're good enough, you're smart enough and doggone it people like you.)
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Here's another little bit of advice from someone who thinks it's all male bovine excrement ... happiness is an elusive and ephemeral temptress. If you can find it, you can be assured it won't be around too long. If you spend your life chasing it, you'll just compound your unhappiness. The trick is to be okay with being unhappy. I'm not saying you have to like it, just accept it and you'll find it's just as temporary.
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Maybe this is my Problem

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