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DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!
  • May 13, 2010
    Los Angeles
    so after being diagnosed as pre-diabetic, i have been forced to look into what i'm eating and how to improve my diet.

    i'm japanese-american and thus my diet my whole life has been eating rice. i had to have rice with everything. from your usual proteins like chicken and meats to even eggs, rice was my staple diet.

    now i'm learning that i need to change and am making an effort to cut white rice out of my diet. i also learned that potatoes are bad.......so those are going bye bye as well.

    i found a that various types of grains can make for good substitutes. things like brown rice, quinoa, barley, and farro are actually really good.

    so i'll post some recipes and ideas that i like to make.

    now keep in mind i'll list ingredients, but i do not like to use amounts as it is all to my tastes and could be different for you. most of these are coming from the top of my head and not from any recipe found online or in a book or magazine.

    i'm gonna start with just a simple quinoa salad that i like to make. it is simple.....so here it is:
    the ingredients:
    • vegetables: red bellpeppers, cucumbers, carrots, golden beets
    • quinoa
    • 1/2 sm shallot, diced
    • 1 clove garlic, diced
    • champagne vinegar
    • 1 tbs mustard, dijon is preferred
    • olive oil
    • dill

    cook the quinoa according to the package in chicken stock. in the meantime cut the vegetables into small cubes(brunoise for all you french chefs out there) and set aside.

    to make the vinaigrette:
    dice shallots and garlic and add mustard and vinegar. next add the oil and until emulsified together with ingredients. i like to make the vinaigrette using a ratio of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts oil. add salt to taste. set aside.

    once the quinoa is cooked.....let it cool to room temp. mix in the vegetables and add the vinaigrette. let it set for an hour....the longer the better.

    add dill to add more flavor and color.......and you are done!!!!

    up next.......lamb curry with barley
    Quinoa mixed with black beans makes for a really tasty (and healthy!) meal. Steal cut oats are great, and don't have to be a breakfast only meal. I'd recommend really scouring vegetarian recipes (and books) as they rely a lot on whole grains as a source of non-meat protein. :)
    Best of luck, and I hope there's never a day that I have to give up on rice and bread. ;)
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    I keep hearing about quinoa, I'll have to give it a try some day :)

    yeah quinoa is great and there are all these different types and colors. i really like quinoa.....they call it a superfood mainly because it has an abundant amount of complete proteins. complete proteins have all nine essential amino acids that are essential to the dietary needs of humans.

    right now i'm on this barley kick.

    tomorrow i'm making a lamb curry with barley.....i'll post the recipe after i make it.
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    I mix different wild rices - black, red etc - with my brown rice to add a little interest. You can buy it pre-mixed, but it's WAY cheaper - and often more interesting - to do it yourself. Just avoid putting too much coloured rice in the mix as they leak colour when cooking or soaking and that can taint the brown rice which doesn't look great (taste etc is unaffected). I tend to go with a ratio of at least 10-1 brown rice to other rices (1kg brown rice to 100g assorted other rices).

    Don't know if you eat bread, but I recently started making this - it's actually really good and extrememly easy to make (just remember to oil your baking tin well!). It is a tad expensive, though you only really need thin slices as it's very dense. We have toasted it for breakfast with things like ham, cheese or smoked fish and a little salad. One loaf usually lasts the two of us a week to 10 days.

    I've been gradually adjusting the recipe (as you do), adding other seeds and powders and increasing the ratio of (cheap) rolled oats to other (way more expensive) ingredients.
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