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Healthcare Reform - Obama

MY point exactly. They are not paying in so it's costing taxpayers. Why do people not understand that this healthcare bill was lobbies for heavily by insurance companies? It has very little to do with actual healthcare costs. Besides when imperfections in the current bill come to light the amendments will be passed without much public knowledge as the program grows and grows. Or do think anything the halfrican has done isn't going to need fixed in the next 5 years?
I'll say it again
This is false. Providers (except ERs) are not required to treat anyone.

The insurance companies lobbied against it. AHIP, the group for the
insurers did not support the reform. Nor did any of the large plans. Take a look at the AHIP proposals: Health Care Reform

The deal, on the whole, is bad for insurance companies.

Perhaps you suspect that the increased rating requirements (in most states) is something that they lobbied for.

Maybe they like having the federal government set the maximum profit they can achieve by locking down minimum medical loss ratios, and requiring rebates if they aren't met?

Or perhaps they lobbied for the single most major defeat they suffered in the bill -- the creation of federal options in the future health exchanges?

The insurance companies lost, big time. In fact, the only reason the bill passed, frankly, was the increases in the individual market in California that WellPoint proposed.
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