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Help I'm having a Wi-Fi problem


Android Enthusiast
Feb 27, 2011
I'm having a different Wi-Fi problem. It turns off and won't come back on no matter how I try to turn it on. Have to turn the phone off then back on to be able to get Wi-Fi to work. Have tried with the Connection Optimizer on and off. No difference. Phone is completely stock. :thinking:
Oops, I should have known you took the OTA since you have the connection optimizer. :eek: I don't have many ideas to troubleshoot this one.

Does this happen only on your home router or everywhere?
If only at home, restart router or look through router settings??

Did this problem start right after the OTA?

Have you tried removing the wifi connection and re-connect to it?

As a last resort a factory reset may help fix your problems but you would lose all your data :(

I will also ask around to see if anyone else has any ideas :)
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Does this happen only on your home router or everywhere?
If only at home, restart router or look through router settings??

Haven't tried anywhere but home. My PC uses the same router and is ok. My LG OPV also used the same router and was fine. Just activated this phone on April 7.

Did this problem start right after the OTA?

Did the OTA right after activating so don't know if it had effect. Wanted to be sure I didn't get any of the original problems plaguing the EVO V.

Have you tried removing the wifi connection and re-connect to it?

Not removing but lost the connection twice and had to re-enter the password. Will try this next time it happens. Turning the phone off then back on seems to fix it.

As a last resort a factory reset may help fix your problems but you would lose all your data :(

I will also ask around to see if anyone else has any ideas :)

Thanks for the help...:)
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Just a thought. Worth a try. Even though it seems like your router is solid, how about going through the reset routine on it once. Powering it off for a bit and then letting it come back up?

Is the router a b/g or n? Maybe you can change a setting in it that would make it more phone friendly, if that is selectable.
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