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DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!
  • May 13, 2010
    Los Angeles
    anybody like or drink kombucha?

    i tried this one:

    never tried kombucha and it was delicious. boochcraft are acloholic, but i loved the apple-lime flavor.

    anybody tried kombucha? do you like it? are you an avid drinker of the stuff?
    I'd like that one but what's up with the next vid?
    I never tasted any
    which video? the last one? i'm gonna try the first video by pro home cooks. it basically suggests that you buy a raw plain, no flavor, kombucha and use that as your starter to grow the scoby.

    i just bought a kombucha starter from amazon. even though i bought on monday i will not get it until mid may.

    so at some point i will post some flavor recipes that i have tried that i like.
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    well my kombucha starter kit just arrived and i just started my first brew. its gotta ferment for at least 7 days. then i can make my second fermentation with any flavors i want to add. think i'm gonna try pineapple+loquat+lime using store bought pineapple and lime, and loquat from my tree. i might try cherry and lime combo as well.

    if you have not tried kombucha.....its really good. it is almost like drinking gose beer. and you can control the amount of sugar or sweetness you like. the longer you let it ferment, the more sour it gets.

    have you heard of kombucha? have you tried it?
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    Nah. I do like beer though.
    its almost like gose beer or siason beer. to me it does have some maltiness that most beers have. of course it will depend on the flavors you get as well. it can be super refreshing.

    my first brew should be finished this saturday. after that i will start the 2nd fermentations by adding some flavors to it.
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    ok first batch of fizzy kombucha that i made was a disaster. i let the 2nd fermentation going for too long. they should have been in for 1-2 days. i let them ferment after flavoring for 4 days!!!!! and the build up of CO2 was just to much. i thought i could release the gas slowly but when i tried it the pressure just exploded. i had blueberry pulp all over my kitchen and ceiling....WHAT A MESS TO CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!

    i also put way to much of the flavoring in. there was too much sugar which produced more gas. so i'm gonna try again. i'm about to brew some more tea and try again.
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