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Nexus One experience started off great but then quickly became a nightmare with HTC.

Well still no change to DOA and when I call in, I keep getting asked if I want to pay the repair charge. Getting very frustrated. Even talked to a supervisor and she didn't even call back when she said she would. Fri she sent a follow up email to Taiwan and said she would have somekind of answer yesterday. I called and apparently she left after she had a meeting so still no news. My brother says he is going to base legal tomorrow if they haven't gotten things straightened out and wants me to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.
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Well someone finally called me back today. Only problem is they were calling to give me the repair quote. Believe this is the 9th day since I was told it was being changed to DOA. Starting to see why the BBB gives them a D-. Even though they aren't members, hopefully a complaint to the BBB and base legal calling them sometime this week will get things moving.
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update: well after 7 weeks!!!, yes, SEVEN WEEKS.... I finally got my refund notice for the first Nexus One I returned... UN-EFFING-BELIEVABLE.... took about at least a dozen calls, maybe more... kept getting the run around... on my last call, I wasn't so friendly anymore, and threatened to take legal action... low and behold, the refund email showed later that same day...

My Nexus One days are numbered... both Google AND HTC have proven to be imcompetent... I'm hanging on my Nexus One #2 for now, but my eyes/ears are peeled for something/anything that fits my needs and gets my attention... be it the 4th gen iPhone this summer, the next Blackberry with revamped OS and webkit browswer and slider kb, or who knows... maybe a WinMo 7 device.... but I've pretty much had it dealing with both HTC and Google... I actually think HTC is the bigger culprit in all of this... so perhaps even a 'Nexus Two' made by someone OTHER THAN HTC would suit my needs... if the Droid/Milestone ran on T-Mo US's 3G frequency, I'd buy one in a heartbeat and ebay the Nexus...
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In Googles defense this is a common practice, even with dealing directly with Tmobile. I have purchased "brand new" phones from the carrier. 5 days later it was sent back and replaced with a refurbished unit. I raised concerns about it, however it really is the way things are done. Your options are return for refund in the 14 day window or live with it. It sucks but is more of a psychological thing than anything else. The refurb worked better than the new one!
You know what would have been easier though? Google allowing the carriers to sell the phone so we can just go to the store and swap it out... ON THE SAME DAY. Amazing idea, right? :D
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You know what would have been easier though? Google allowing the carriers to sell the phone so we can just go to the store and swap it out... ON THE SAME DAY. Amazing idea, right? :D

i don't want the carriers interfering with my phones... Google's method is great... however they should have had some sort of Google and/or HTC local service centers in the bigger cities....
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Interfering? Um, if I can go to a store and swap it on-the-fly, I'd hardly say that's "interfering."

by that I meant the crap they feel the need to load up on their phones... look at BB's, the carriers put sh!t on there you can't even remove... regardless... I like Google's sales model - cut the carriers out of the handset business -... and now that they will be offering the Nexus for all 4 carriers... there's hope that other phone manufacturers will follow suit...
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by that I meant the crap they feel the need to load up on their phones... look at BB's, the carriers put sh!t on there you can't even remove... regardless... I like Google's sales model - cut the carriers out of the handset business -... and now that they will be offering the Nexus for all 4 carriers... there's hope that other phone manufacturers will follow suit...
Well they don't have to integrate that garbage. And if they do they should make it easy to hide (like with the Droid). I know what you mean because my crappy Alias has all this VZNavigator crap on it; but I've used my friend's Droid and his VZN apps are all tucked away, out of sight and out of mind.
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yup... which is why i'll probably get back into the iphone fray once the 4th gen releases (had a 1st and 3rd gen (3GS), but got tired of them... hopefully next iphone kicks @$$ with high res screen and revamped interface...)
If that were going to happen Mr. Jobs would not be squealing like a stuck pig. No, it will be another incremental update.

What I cannot understand is why you keep buying Nexus Ones if you've had such a bad experience with HTC/Google? I mean, if you're willing to dump a mobile device because they took so long with a refund, what does that say about your ability to choose a device that is right for you? If the Nexus was right for you the refund issue wouldn't cause you to dump the device.

You need to look in the mirror a little dude. The first time, shame on HTC/Google...the second time? Shame on you. Imo you are the issue, not HTC or Google.
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sorry dude, but you're waaay off... i got a 2nd Nexus because I like the device, and ordered while the original refund was being processed... kept getting the "you'll get your refund within two weeks sir, don't worry"... my mistake was believing them...

i really like the Nexus, but the way customer support had handled things, has changed my perception of the WHOLE package... as good as a device is, if customer support sucks, then better hope for no issues (warranty, repair, etc.)....

i had the first one, and the battery life was abysmal (beyond the mediocre life it's supposed to have)... gave a BB a try, much better battery life, but user experience (browsing, music, video) wasn't so great - to me... missed the Nexus, got another...

so Air Farce One save me the rhetoric and worry about your own ****ing Nexus...
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