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Ordering Thanksgiving dinner.

When my late wife was ill with cancer (it was her last Thanksgiving), she could no longer cook, so we went to a local gourmet store. I'm thinking that the local gourmet may be able to tailor your dinner according to your needs. Another possibility is perhaps you can ask Whole Foods if they are able to split the order for you at all. Just trying to help.
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You could also get the 4 person order and have leftovers for the rest of the weekend.

My wife makes turkey soup, turkey salad, etc. That's a lot of leftovers and a whole lot of naps.

Pull the rest of the meat off the bones, toss the stuffing and vaggies and chicken into a pie crust and have turkey pot pie. Or freeze the pie to cook later.

FWIW, here's a recipe (first one from Google, but not a bad base to work from)
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Leftover Thanksgiving turkey freezes well and can be turned into many diverse meals. Turkey tacos or burritos are among my favorite uses of the poultry. Turkey pie, as mentioned above, is a great use of just about all of the leftovers.
It was the favorite of my family when I was a child. Instead of pie crust, they used biscuits. You just won't go wrong with too much Thanksgiving dinner. You are only limited by your imagination... and your tolerance for turkey turkey turkey. :)
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i have tried Wholefoods turkey before and it was pretty amazing. my friends invited me over once and that was what they served. they said they went traditional, but they had an option of smoked turkey.....kind of wished they went for the smoked version.

i heard that Marie Callender's Thanksgiving feast was not bad.

for me i prefer making the turkey myself. this year is going to be pretty chill, with just me and my mom. i make the juiciest turkey. it is not dry and just super yummy. the trick is to brine the turkey ahead of time.
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Brining is the answer for a juicy turkey. I'm a firm believer in brining poultry. For the past couple of years I've brined then smoked out a huge turkey for my Christmas party. I'll likely do the same this year for they have turned out so very good. I'm leaning towards smoking a big ol ham for Thanksgiving this year. I want to be real ready for turkey come Christmas.
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I don't do ovens. I'm a grilling kind of guy.
Turkey pot pie cooked last year on my grill.
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i have tried Wholefoods turkey before and it was pretty amazing. my friends invited me over once and that was what they served. they said they went traditional, but they had an option of smoked turkey.....kind of wished they went for the smoked version.

i heard that Marie Callender's Thanksgiving feast was not bad.

for me i prefer making the turkey myself. this year is going to be pretty chill, with just me and my mom. i make the juiciest turkey. it is not dry and just super yummy. the trick is to brine the turkey ahead of time.

Exactly. We have done this every year for the past 10 years. Turkey is nice and juicy and flavorful.

And I've heard the same about Whole Foods turkey. We just had a Whole Foods open up a couple years ago here
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I don't do ovens. I'm a grilling kind of guy. I boil up some mean water too! But I don't want to do that either... 13 days left... I'd also need Thanksgiving afternoon delivery...
one time i bought a small turkey.....15lbs i believe. i butterflied it, brined it, then grilled it. it was fantastic............hmmmmmm maybe i might do that again this year..........hmmmmmmmmm
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If the weather is nice we are going to try and eat outside at my sister's (we host or she does every third year, we go back east every couple). We'll bring a dessert and a side dish and she's on the hook for the rest. Last year we actually bought one of the Safeway prepackaged deals. They cooked the bird and we had to heat it back up. The gravy they provided was "canned" so we made that from scratch. It all came out really well, much better than we expected, and if anyone had any idea we didn't make it all from scratch, they sure didn't let on.
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