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Pondering for a new cell phone..

Nothing is currently wrong with my Moto edge so far so good, since I bought it three years ago, so as I kept the rule of thumb of knowing about the entire drills of this:

~ Vibration app I always found was SetEdit, pretty useful tool to turn off all the hapatic feedback in thumbprint for the bio sensor.

~ User friendly and can easy glide throughout several apps, switching back and forth with ease, sure some does shut off when my cell does the screen off timer down to zero pretty much, but delevopers does not know the pain we do unless we complain on play, or wherever you download the most of the presumtious.

~ I am able to turn it off and on, with the sms notifications popping up and telephone missed calls, and I abseolutely love YouMail ever since.

~ Minus the edge pop ups on the apps snap, it is a pretty functional cell over all, but here is what I mostly fret.
Of my mind plugs it in almost every night after it hits up to around 77 percent or below, it takes sometimes to charge it, even with the default cable, that it takes up to a few minutes more to juice it up, but...

I can pretty much dl everything from my play accounts and have it set up with my new cell, I have not looked into the market much these days, but what is your honest opionion of myself purchasing say a Galaxy Fold?
Why do you have your heart set on a Galaxy Fold? ;)
Why not? I love my z fold 4. It's a great phone and worth every penny of the expensive price tag that it has. I loved the z fold 3 as well until the manufacturer's screen protector started to come off. I was fierce to get either the z fold 3 as a replacement or upgrade to the z fold 4.

Other than that, what are you looking for in a phone? Battery life, gaming, camera?
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Why not? I love my z fold 4. It's a great phone and worth every penny of the expensive price tag that it has. I loved the z fold 3 as well until the manufacturer's screen protector started to come off. I was fierce to get either the z fold 3 as a replacement or upgrade to the z fold 4.

Other than that, what are you looking for in a phone? Battery life, gaming, camera?
Camera mostly, I do most of the time just youtube music through it, and some video games, but not so obessive of them either :)
I am looking for something that is not so brand new on the market either, I can wait for a spell, I was thinking of getting one around maybe soonish.
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Here in LA , they had ads everywhere for both the Fold and Flip phones.

If you want a better camera, look for the pixel phone or the s22 ultra. Both will be cheaper than the Fold or Flip right now and will have a much better camera. The Fold 3's camera is OK. The Fold 4 is much better but still not up to what the s22 ultra has.
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Here in LA , they had ads everywhere for both the Fold and Flip phones.

If you want a better camera, look for the pixel phone or the s22 ultra. Both will be cheaper than the Fold or Flip right now and will have a much better camera. The Fold 3's camera is OK. The Fold 4 is much better but still not up to what the s22 ultra has.
I did research on the Pixel cell before I got my edge though, hmmm.. I might switch it up and crash landed on a google pixle with the same cell number :)
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Anyone happy with their Google Pixel, and is it any clearer photographs vs. Moto edge?


(My photo)
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My mothers humble opionon stated "I do not need a new cell phone, it is already paid off" Seriously recently had her cell for a bit now, and I think the battery is somewhat charging different patterns, wich it is okay for that time being. Still been thinking of this plentful, and I am leaning towards Pixle..
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