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Rich People Find Another Loophole...


Android Expert
Aug 11, 2014
Crazyville, CA
Ya know, I get it: higher education is expensive, especially at Universities. (Disclaimer: I worked my way through both undergrad and law school with a couple of small loans, my dad had died and there was no way my mom could have funded it.)

Still, that is no justification for what these well-funded (not necessarily wealthy, but certainly rich by most folks' standard) families have done to game the system, taking grants and funds from those who truly are in need. Shameful.

And think about the lesson being (inadvertently?) taught to the kids on both sides. Sad.

“It’s a scam,” said Andy Borst, director of undergraduate admissions at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “Wealthy families are manipulating the financial aid process to be eligible for financial aid they would not be otherwise eligible for. They are taking away opportunities from families that really need it.”

Parents Are Giving Up Custody of Their Kids to Get Need-Based College Financial Aid
I'm honestly just gobsmacked at these antics, including the whole admissions scandal. They're so wrong, on so many levels.

The parents are essentially telling their [almost adult] kids that lying, cheating, even, arguably, stealing are all perfectly fine things to do. They're saying you don't have to work at achieving something highly valued, or you can lie your way to getting aid meant for those who actually need it.

And what would these parents, who've given away their parental rights, do if their child was ill or injured and needed medical decisions made for them? Can you imagine sitting, helpless, as someone else made life-or-death decisions for your child?

This makes me so mad... Some of us worked our butts off to pay for school. Some came through with debt that will take years...decades...to pay off. Other families saved their hard-earned money for years to send their kids to college. And these scumbags are lying and cheating their way to free educations? Shameful.
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I totally hear you, and that was pretty much my initial reaction. Then I also thought of the myriad kids who don't game the system and what lesson they are learning...still, I'd rather be one of them than in the other group. ;)
I'm with you. I'm proud of how I got through school, i.e., my husband and I worked, two jobs at times to pay my way with no student loans. And we did that while raising our child. She learned that if you want something, you work hard for it.

These 'cheater' students--the ones who haven't been caught yet--may hang their USC or Stanford diplomas proudly on display for all to see, but I can't imagine them feeling, deep down inside, any true pride.

And those who took aid earmarked for needy students, what did they learn? That you can lie, cheat and steal your way through life--a lesson I'm glad my daughter didn't learn.
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I would say it belongs here. After all, I'm the one who moved it. :) This is a current affair, no?

The entire "Colleges are expensive" and "the college scam by rich people" news story? .. I'd have to say that's definitely a current affair.

If anyone objects? We can discuss it. It seemed cut and dry to me, but I'm open to reversing decisions. Just off the record, I've been a member for almost 10 years and when I was a MOD the first time, I was very influential and wielded a lot of clout. Now, I'm the new kid with lots of laurels and little experience, so what do I know, right? (I'm all "Back of the bus" as they said in the movie Chronicles of Riddick)

ALSO.. I'm a lot older and tend to fight a lot less, so feel free to disagree with me. My children are adults, they do. Believe me, they do. I'm used to it. YOU? Your dissent doesn't scare me or put me off. I HAVE ADULT CHILDREN, DARNIT. /rant. (Steven runs) (Steven has issues) :) :)
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As a FFM (former forum moderator) myself, I hoped you’d see the humor in my rib, but if not, my apologies. (And thanks to you and all the mods/admins who do a thankless task!)

To be honest I tend to pretty much ignore all things political, so this area of AF falls even below an afterthought for me. ;)

Seriously, though, I’m sorry to have caused you extra work, as well as contributing to your “issues.” :D ;)

I didn't see the humor, but I do now. I didn't take offense at all! I was trying to be funny in my response. You know... the kind of self-deprecating humor? No apologies needed at ALL! As far as contributing to my issues? That's quite EASY TO DO!!!! :)
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