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Scare Birds Away


Extreme Android User
Dec 9, 2022
Illinois Home & Tennessee RV Home
I don't mind birds, but suddenly I have a group of birds that eat purple berries and leave their purple poop all over my deck and hand rail. I had read in the past that hanging shiny tape will scare birds away and they picked up these shiny tapes at a Tractor Supply Store. I have a Tractor Supply Store not that far away so I went to it looking for the shiny tape. She showed me something better to keep the birds away, and it works - WHO WHO


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My son's property sits on a large pond or small lake. Geese are his major bird poop problem. He was into RC cars once and still has a couple. He runs a car out into the yard and back every couple of days.
The geese hate the car and know of it's danger in his yard. They will group in his neighbor's yards but pretty much stay away from his. I bet the owl works great. Birds are far more clever than most assume and steer clear of potential danger.
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I know a few places that put falcon outlines on large windows to stop birds flying into them, and putting an artificial heron next to your pond to keep the real ones away is an old trick (no idea how well it works, I've never had a pond).

But I guess your problem wasn't crows. Most birds you can fool, but I would not put it past a crow to work out that the owl wasn't real and can be ignored - some of them are properly smart.
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How do you get rid of a hummingbird that gets stuck in a shop building? those things are so stupid all they do is fly in and smack the ceiling until they either run out of steam and crash, or kill themselves. Seems to be something involving our LED shop lighting so I turned it off and started using incandescents but they still find their way in.
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we have a persimmon tree and we have squirrels and birds eating the persimmons before they are fully ripe. she heard somewhere that putting used coffee grinds will scare them off. so far it works for squirrels. i still birds fly in and out of the tree though. anybody heard of this? i guess the smell is what keeps them away.
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any way you know of to repel hummingbirds? they're worse than the stink bugs. they come in, bat against the ceiling until they crash and die, and make the most awful smell when they die in some corner you never know about. There's probably a couple dozen now as I am talking about it dead in there now. Can't shoo them out, can't work without the lights on, and a broom can't even coax them out.

worse yet, their carcasses attract cats, and one happened to leave a couple of kittens last winter.
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