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The Lord of the Rings too big for my dvds

I have a bit of a problem, I'm trying to burn my digital copies of The Lord of the Rings to dvds. Right now I have a few(enough) high capacity dvd's(8.5 gb, 240 min) and enough(dozens) of standard 140 min 4.7 gb dvd's. My problem is that I want to burn each movie to one dvd, but I can't. The first one is 3 hours long, the Second 3.5, the third 4! Right now I'm using Sony Vegas to split them up into different files, but is there an alternative?
BTW, they're the extended versions, and I own them on dvd but my copies don't work. And I own*wink wink* Sony Vegas Pro.
It's not that the movies are too big. The dvd could hold 4 of them, it's that it's too long (3 hours) when my largest dvd is 240 min. Wait... I hate Windows

Length is irrelevent, file size is all that matters. If the file will fit onto a dvd when burnt then all is good, otherwise you need to break it up or shrink it. As posted above DVD Shrink is great for shrinking and burning or whatever you want to do with a dvd pretty much.
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As its been said use dvd shrink to rip and compress a copy of each dvd, it allows you to take out secondary audio tracks as well as remove subtitles, if you can save it as an ISO disc image. forget whatever windows program and its stupid limitations that its placing on what it will allow and wont allow you to do.

from there you can use dvd decrypter to burn the image file that you saved to a disc as a DVD.

What it does is compress and shrink the 8 or more gig disc into a 4.7 disc format and allows you to make a copy on your standard consumer sized dvds.

Your limitations are being placed on you by the software you are using, drop the software, both programs mentioned, DVD shrink and DVD decrypter are freeware.

edit: its been a really long time since I used dvd shrink, last time i used it wasnt capable of burning, just ripping, if this has changed then forgive my ignorance, i havent really kept up my knowledge base on these things.
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