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Root The Ten Android Commandments (Learn Them, Master Them, Use Them)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2015
I'm posting this because it's beyond a want, it's a need. I talk to some other developers and contributors to the forum, and we all have experienced some of the same things in terms of users. It isn't as enforced here as it is on XDA, but there are certain guidelines to a forum that need to be followed in order for there to be a successful, peaceful community. So, I'm going to list these rules, and I need everyone to read them, and from this day forward, "I didn't know" or "I'm new to Android rooting" will no longer be a viable excuse.​

Number One: ETAs

ETA stands for Estimated Time of Arrival. In the android world, it's when a user asks when the next update to a ROM/Kernel/Mod/etc. will be released. An ETA is single handedly the most annoying thing to deal with as a contributor (I can't speak for others, but I don't consider myself a "developer", simply a contributor). Developing is completely free, and donating doesn't even entitle you to an update. I personally have received 4 ETA questions in my inbox after I specifically said do not ask for ETAs, period, and other devs have received these messages as well. Long story short, don't do it, under any circumstance. The [shrewd but true] answer to when a developers project will be updated is, "when you build it or update it."

Number Two: Commenting in Threads

Commenting is reserved for three things: compliments (unless otherwise stated by the developer), bug reports and ON topic discussion. Never should, say, Ethan's Candy5 thread veer off into a conversation about the LG G4 (I don't think that happened, but it was just an example). To reference XDA once more, constant thread derailing is an infraction, but I don't think adults need to be policed, so lets keep threads on topic.

Number Three: Entitlement/Rudeness Towards Devs

I have seen this most often: a user gives off the sentiment that we "should" be doing this and that it's the least we can do for them. I'm going to pinch a nerve here but it doesn't matter (and if you wish to tell him of my comment, my XDA name is mingolianbeef and he can address me if he wants), but if a developer takes a JCase approach by dangling a phone modification over your head and using his knowledge to power trip and be egotistical to get a reaction out of people, that's something different. However, to play devil's advocate, there were comments upon comments about how he "had" to release the bootloader unlock, and it made him callous towards the ZMAX community, thus no bootloader unlock (at least from him). I've gotten it, Ethan's been hit with it a couple times, Hroark took some jabs from entitled users, but most people would walk away. Rooting is not a right, it's a privilege, and I haven't made a dime but I love what I do for you all, just try not to come off shrewd, it makes developing less enthusing.

Number Four: Asking for help

Simple: Search before you ask. The same question between posts is annoying and it will get to a point when your question goes unanswered because everybody knows it's been asked already. The same applies for inboxing a dev with a question. Every question I have received has been legitimate, so no complaints there, but for future reference, let's keep that up.

Number Five: "Why didn't you add [feature] to [ROM/Kernel/Mod]?"

This falls right under the nuisance level of an ETA. You all see the finished product, but it takes anything from hours to weeks to do and add certain things. For example, I released BK kernel solely with overclocking, which took weeks to figure out how to achieve because, as stated, I'm a contributor, not a dev, so this is a learning experience for me. Not even a week after the kernel was released (and I explained that there would be some time before the next update), someone asked, "Why no GPU overclock?" and my first thought was, "You're not serious." Ninety days ago, Butternoob was barely a functioning stock port, and to look at the array of options we have now is wonderful, but asking for more is the same as not saying what we put out is not good enough.

Number Six: Asking for help/training from a developer

Again I can't speak for others, but I see no issue helping people. However, you have to approach it with a sense of direction. This hasn't happened yet, but I'm covering it anyway to be sure. When asking for help, make sure you have what you need help with in the inquiry. Don't just say, "can you help me build a kernel?" There's nothing inherently wrong with it, but it's so open ended that we can't help efficiently. State the problem or thing that needs assistance, and we can lead you in the direction. Helping is what Android is about, just make sure you don't ask for open ended help so we can solve the problem.

Number Seven: There are Forum subsections for a reason

This one is especially important. There should not be questions asked in the "Rooting" section. Once again, I have been an XDA user for years, so there is a certain structure. Most mods, kernels and ROMs are lost in a wave of random threads. Please put those in the "general" section, and even tag a developer if you want to make sure it's seen. ROMs and mods are generally designated for the sections related to rooting (and I'm not sure if we should have been using the "download" for our stuff, but you get the premise of the statement).

Number Eight: Read the entire thread before doing anything...

For example, I said don't ask for ETAs and got questions about ETAs. We don't type those threads for our finger health, we do it because it contains important information. I'm willing to bet that if I said read the whole thread, and put in small print, "THIS ROM WILL BLOW UP YOUR PHONE", most of you would have no idea because you didn't properly read the OP. It's there for a reason guys.

Number Nine: Thank you goes a long way

If you appreciate it, thank it! Hit that little button under our comments and make us know that you love it just as much as we love making it for you. People thing that devs/contributors are on this mountain of Android Gods, but we are no different than any of you, and in a community where all work is free, we just want to know that you guys don't take the work for granted. I don't want your money, I just want your happiness, can't a guy get a spammed thanks button for that? :)

Number Ten: Carry these commandments through ALL Android communities

Your etiquette doesn't stop here. Do this stuff on XDA, do it on Android Forums, do it on other developer related platforms, because respect is universal, and if you wouldn't want it done to you, don't do it to others.

I wrote this to help people who are new to Android, as well as those who are less versed in how to conduct relations on Android sites and forums. If you think I missed something or would like for me to further elaborate, feel free to ask.

Also, can one of the forum moderators stickie this to make sure people see it? Thanks!
We often move root related threads to the root subforum.

Most people are OK with that.

If that's not how this community wants to self-organize, no big deal, ask us to move it back. (Me especially - I do from force of habit ok.)

Nah man, if that came off like I was just complaining about it I truly apologize, I wouldn't go so far as to ask you all to move all those threads. Question, would it be easier to move the few mod/dev/kernel related threads to "downloads"? I figured the structure didn't matter because nobody said anything. However, If that's how you guys do it on AF, I'm not here to change the formatting :)
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Nah man, if that came off like I was just complaining about it I truly apologize, I wouldn't go so far as to ask you all to move all those threads. Question, would it be easier to move the few mod/dev/kernel related threads to "downloads"? I figured the structure didn't matter because nobody said anything. However, If that's how you guys do it on AF, I'm not here to change the formatting :)
Please suggest changes at any time, we're cool with community input.

The owner has his own idea about the download/resources area - but let me check with admin and get back to you on the other.

Filing under Mons of The World Unite... :D
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We could also just make all our rom/kernel/recovery/resource/guide/tutorial threads stickies so that they are separate from all of the general discussion/support/q&a threads.

Also, I have found that the most efficient way to get a thread stickied (as long as you are the op) is just to click the report button and instead of reporting spam or some other sort of misconduct just ask politely for a moderator to sticky the thread for you. This way one of the moderators will get an immediate notification regarding your request. Of course if there is a different way that is better I welcome any input from moderators on this subject.
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We could also just make all our rom/kernel/recovery/resource/guide/tutorial threads stickies so that they are separate from all of the general discussion/support/q&a threads.

Also, I have found that the most efficient way to get a thread stickied (as long as you are the op) is just to click the report button and instead of reporting spam or some other sort of misconduct just ask politely for a moderator to sticky the thread for you. This way one of the moderators will get an immediate notification regarding your request. Of course if there is a different way that is better I welcome any input from moderators on this subject.
We like to limit the amount of stickies in a given forum.
But another idea, as been done in the past, is a master thread that is stickied with links to rom/kernel/mod threads. That way, folks can go into the master thread and find their favorite rom or kernel thread, click on it and get redirected to it;) That master sticky thread can be a closed thread so all that it contains is useful links, follow? ;)

As far as your comment about reporting, yes, all mods will see it in a relatively short amount of time:)
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^ What Mike said.

And please note that master root sticky we do is just to make sure that everyone is covered.

It's not a requirement to use ours.

If the community wants to make their own, self manage it, leave it open for discussion or whatever, that's more than ok and we'll be glad to replace ours with yours.

As for the right number of stickies, we have a sense of it from experience but we don't know everything and will be happy to work with you.

Please feel free to report anything, we love reports, we love knowing that people are caring and asking, and there is no such thing as too many reports.

You don't exist to drive up our clicking revenue, the site exists so you can get the most out of your phone.

^ That comes first and always, not our cookie cutter ok. (Yeah, shortcut English by me but I mean what you think I meant ok.)

Staff is just volunteers like you who got a lot of help coming up and want you to have the same. We're happier helping to be like the thread butler, maid, janitor or something, not like the thought police or the rule makers.

At AndroidForums.com, mods don't make the rules ok.

So just let us know! :)
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OK so Phases (site admin) is 100% for the community making the most of the Download (Resources) area and I'm working with him to sort out access.

The weekend is upon us, I'll update here, please stay tuned, and on behalf of the site - many, many thanks for working with us on this! :) ;)
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I hate the fact that any of that has to be said. All of our devs work very hard and some people act so unappreciative and entitled with our devs. They act as if they pop these ROMS, kernels, or misc modifications out of thin air. It's disgusting behavior, all of our devs work extremely hard on all of these respective works, and, most of the time receive little to nothing from it besides the satisfaction of giving their hard work to the people of their respective phone communities.
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I think it was well said for the most part...it covered etiquette, entitled users and megalomaniac developers all of which are things that derail a thread pretty quickly. I'd also like to take a moment to acknowledge the mods who do a thankless job and a lot of babysitting more or less. Thanks guys & gals.
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I know that, me, personally, i sometimes opt not to read an entire thread... Sometimes you see these threads that have so many pages, it's like... Damn, if i read this entire thread, i know I'll give up and ask anyways... I always check the last few pages, and a few throughout the thread, depending on the length of the thread...

So sorry about that, but i just want to say i think y'all are doing an awesome job. Thanks a million, bros!
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