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this happened when the URL changed


DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!
  • Thread starter
    May 13, 2010
    Los Angeles
    ok just in case someone else had this happen to them. ever since the name change to the website url, i could not access the site. i thought the site was down due to the changes that has been going around. but nope. it had been flagged by my router as malicious. i had to turn off the advanced security from the router. as soon as i did that, i can now access the site.

    this all happened since the change in url......curious as to why my router thought this site is malicious......anybody know? is there a way to fix it from happening again? i would like to turn that feature back on at some point.
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    Do you need to whitelist the URL ?

    Maybe because it is a "new" entry ?

    Just guessing here, check your security settings and see what the options are.

    I use an Xfinity wifi6 modem and it they are buffering my IPTV signals hard. I plan to get my old router out of the junk box and hook it up to see if I can get away from using the hard coded Xfinity DNS they make me use.
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    I think it *may* be the .club extension.

    I still haven't fully "fixed" a lot of the logistical stuff that may indicate to Google the change is intentional vs. unintentional. Need to look at that more closely and get it all ironed out this week. Hopefully flipping some switches will do the trick but I think it could mostly be a trusted extension thing. We'll see but regardless, thanks for the heads up and please report back!
    What router do you have? I've never had one with an advanced security option.
    i just got fiber installed this year from Frontier. they had me use their router called Eero. it has an app with this security feature. as soon as the url changed, i could not access it at home.
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    Exact same problem with my ATT fiber router. The router has an app where I was able to place the forum in an allow access area though it warned me that I was entering into cyber hell by doing so. :) I think Rob is right that it is the added extensions or redirects. I still can't access any of the Best Tech categories with the same vague router error "Site Can't Be Reached" that I received with the forum before unblocking it.
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    Reactions: ocnbrze and AugieTN
    I still can't access any of the Best Tech categories with the same vague router error "Site Can't Be Reached" that I received with the forum before unblocking it.
    Is it possible you need to whitelist both forum.earlybird.club AND earlybird.club?

    I updated that nav to point to the main site so it isn't forum specific now.
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    Reactions: Dannydet
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    Working here

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    Reactions: ocnbrze and olbriar
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    So @Rob you might want to think about the .club extension on the url. Now my work computer's anti- virus program is preventing me from accessing this site. We don't have an IT department, so i would have to go to my boss to be allowed access to the anti- virus program to allow access to the site..... and I'm not going to do that.

    Just think how many other people are trying to access this site. It's probably affecting a lot of folks out there.
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    I can access the drop down but when an item is ticked I receive the error. Something about the redirects or quick links causes my router to deny access for my protection. I wonder if @ocnbrze can access the quick links.
    On my computer at home? Yes no problem. Turning the advanced security off did the trick. Everything on the site works for me.
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    ok so at work, i was able to get access to the antivirus.....mainly because i needed the password for it, to help troubleshoot a different issue. so i now have access to this site by allowing this url to be excluded from its protection.

    how many people here use their work computer to participate in this forum?
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    Reactions: olbriar and AugieTN
    Upvote 0
    So @Rob you might want to think about the .club extension on the url. Now my work computer's anti- virus program is preventing me from accessing this site. We don't have an IT department, so i would have to go to my boss to be allowed access to the anti- virus program to allow access to the site..... and I'm not going to do that.

    Just think how many other people are trying to access this site. It's probably affecting a lot of folks out there.

    Something funky is going on with the site, it's really dead compare to how it was just a few weeks ago.
    Just yesterday MS Edge flagged this site as malicious and wouldn't let me login. Had to use Internet Explorer 11. You can click 'go there anyway' but each login attempt got redirected to the 'this site is unsafe' crap.

    It's ok on Windows 7 and IE. I don't need an OS trying to protect me from myself. Just FYI though, still unfixed if you use Edge or have addons from your anti-virus app.

    My router is a LinkSYS from 2010, it's not the issue, the problem is being caused by the browser itself. I still find it funny that an 'outdated 'browser works fine though.
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