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Verizon getting a Hero?


Android Enthusiast
Jun 3, 2009
I was seriously considering getting a Sprint HTC Hero as soon as it came out, but I talked with someone in my area who is very knowledgeable about such things and he said that Sprint was worse coverage in my area than AT&T, my current provider. I used to have a Verizon Blackberry and I thought their coverage was amazing. I just didn't care for their business practices.

However, Verizon does seem to have the best network. I heard a rumor that Verizon was getting an HTC Hero phone, as well. Any truth to that? If so, any idea how it compares with the Sprint version?
I'm dying to hear the details - is it the same phone with the same Sense UI and teflon coating and all the other neat stuff? Will it cost the same? But mostly... when will it come out!!!

I'm really impressed with the Sprint plans but my work offers Verizon discounts on hardware and plans so they may work out even better (maybe, I've heard mixed reviews of my companies discount plan). If it's the same phone with comparably priced plan I think I'll bite - I've heard Verizon has better coverage and hope that's true.

What's killing me is that I waited for so long to get the Hero and right as I'm getting ready to buy that this news from Verizon pops up. I'm thinking of getting a Sprint Hero from Best Buy and switching if good news comes out within the 30 return window, or just living happily ever after with my Hero if it doesn't.

Come on Verizon - start giving us dates and prices!
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The rumor is that the Eris is launching next Friday with the big kickoff for the Droid. The specs seem to be the same as the Hero. Is there any difference between the Eris and the Droid other than the physical keyboard and multitasking?

I don't know all the details, but it has a 528 mhz processor (not as robust as the Droid) and it runs Android 1.5 (Droid runs 2.0)...
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From what I have been reading/learning, it's not so much the mhz as it is the age and technology of the processor. I believe the chip used in the Droid (and I think the same/similar is used in the Palm Pre and the Iphone 3GS) is just more efficient than prior generations of processors.

Also, it appears that HTC will have their own UI or "skin" on top of Android, which some users love, and some don't. The UI seems to target the "social networking crowd". I don't know how more or less functional it is since I have never used the UI before (or for that matter, any smartphone).
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