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Root Verizon Zone3 How to root

Hey partner good to see you here! Absolutely great first post's you've got up! I'm glad you took my advice and joined up here as well. I plan on being more active here as well as i get time from work and active with our work.

For any scammer incidents you should create a Thread detailing full details on the incident, person, accounts and anything to warn others but only if it is 100% for sure a scam. Then also post a link in your business thread the deal was struck up from. Remember you don't want to jump the gun. If ya do or it's solved just remove the thread contents and then post solved or have admin remove it if they will. This is how we solve problems on our marketing forums. We have a section dedicated to scammers and half asses lol. All of this is of course if AF mods do not mind.

Also anything we do remotely we now record with greenrecorder screen recording program. Next time we'll have video evidence to show too.
I got his ip but he used a chrome proxy extention when he downloaded.
Meaning he ment to be dis honest from the start. When i confronted him he pretended ignorence then started running his comments through google translator to reply to me in spanish.
What a turd right?
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Also anything we do remotely we now record with greenrecorder screen recording program. Next time we'll have video evidence to show too.
I got his ip but he used a chrome proxy extention when he downloaded.
Meaning he ment to be dis honest from the start. When i confronted him he pretended ignorence then started running his comments through google translator to reply to me in spanish.
What a turd right?

Good idea with the recording. Thats wack about the translator stuff.
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All of this is of course if AF mods do not mind.
We mind. Please don't use these boards to publicly shame people you have had bad dealings with. Dragging drama from other internet sites here just creates drama here, and we want no part of it.
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As the creator of this thread.
anything not pertaining to rooting a zone3 is here by BANNED

Any other type of discussion here will lead to this thread being closed and i will purposely break all download links if that happens.

Thanks everyone for understanding.
I would respectfully ask you to simply report off topic posts. We'll deal with it. Generally, root threads often have a social aspect to them and a certain amount of off topic is allowed as camaraderie is built among the daring rooters and banter happens during debugging.

Gnerally, attack the issue, not each other. :)
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There is a known issue with PP2 on newer phones (PP4/5+)... Something in the graphics adapter changed in the phone and I've never been successful with PP2 on thos phones.

Yes it was an issue with those models.
And this guide will not work.
If you're persistant you may find that there is another way ....
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The method in this tutorial works on most zone3 devices.
The main exception being those that came from the factory with pp5 and a few pp8's that i believe were pp5's that got an update.
For those devices that this doesnt work on i had to create pre rooted firmware
And a way to flash it to the device From a windows P.C
We now offer that at our website as a service but it cost money so its not covered here.


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I apologize as this is kinda late I just now got this phone and I have done all the steps above root is properly installed,Xposed Installer,etc. but the bootloops still occur I do not know what the issue is can anyone help? I believe it has something to do with the partitions part,thanks in advance

yes you have to move the backups you make in that part or rename them etc, then restore the files I linked to.
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Do I have to be connected to my PC in order to do that part or?

ok, go back and re read the tut....

step 5 :

open partitions tool and back up these partitions

fsg, modem, modemst1, modemst2, ssd

let it do its thing....

step 5:

now back on pc at terminal...
Code (Text):

adb shell


mv "/storage/emulated/0/PartitionsBackups " "/storage/emulated/0/PartitionsBackups .bak"



adb push "PartitionsBackups" "/storage/emulated/0/PartitionsBackups "

step 6:

back on the phone open Partition tool again and use the 3dot menu {top right corner} to choose restore partition.

navigate to the sdcard/PartitionsBackups folder "not the one with .bak at end"

and choose backups to restore in this order,

modem, modemst1, modemst2, fsg, ssd

Note :these are not the backups you created these are the .img files I created to replace them...

now that you've done that exit all apps unplug from pc and use powerkey to reboot naturally,

enjoy root with out bootloops

you've got to replace your back ups with the ones I provided in the root package.

please re-read the tutorial, and pay specific attention to the fact that your going to replace your backups, with mine.
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I did get the phone from a friend and it had PP5 so maybe that has something to do with the issue

Very much, PP5 versions are not compat. with this tut.

If you join the discord, and holler at us over there we may be able to discuss other paid options guaranteed to work on your device.

this free method works for most... but the stubborn ones are done by our special tool.

but like I said it costs a few bucks and it's not available here on Android Forums.

probably your best bet is to use refurbish option in LGup and re-flash to a PP7.kdz that way you can use your phone.

if you Must have root, on a PP5 device, follow the discord link.
it'll cost ya a few bucks but it's absolutely worth it, and we guarantee root and we check to verify root before we disconnect from our root service.

but other than that, I don't know what else to tell Ya.

I'd love to do a full TuT on our method for the Root service, but It took me reverse engineering Lg's proprietary closed-source tools to make it work.
and from a legal stand point if I redistribute that publicly here or anywhere , I stand a chance of being sued.
I can't afford that... and so the details are not being shared.

sorry, wish I could be more help
and hope you can get it straightened out.

refurbish, and a pp7 will not get you root, but It will give you a working device .

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I appreciate your motivation to root this device i have been researching it for about a week now ive been reading your attempts and such on XDA and I really would like to have root without the excessive bootloops but i cannot afford your paid method at the moment I wish I could though so I could get what im looking to achieve and support your guys work and compassion but maybe I could find a way around the bootloops somehow appreciate you cooperating and trying to help
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