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Dedicated ebook reader or just the phone?

What do you use to read primarily: a dedicated ebook reader like Kindle/Nook or your android phone? And why?

As for me, I dropped the idea of buying a Kindle after getting my Galaxy Note. Reasons:
1. The screen size is large enough to read.
2. I read in public transport a lot. Taking the phone out from the pocket is always easier than having to take a reader from the bag.
3. No need of book lights. With the phone it's simple to adjust the day/night modes and the brightness level to your will.

Would like to know your thoughts as well.

Like you, I have the Galaxy Note and find that I really don't need a dedicated ereader since I have the Note. I used to read on a 7" android device, but since I got the Note, I only use the 7" for watching videos while I do the dishes.

My Note is my one device to rule them all... :)
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What do you use to read primarily: a dedicated ebook reader like Kindle/Nook or your android phone? And why?

As for me, I dropped the idea of buying a Kindle after getting my Galaxy Note. Reasons:
1. The screen size is large enough to read.
2. I read in public transport a lot. Taking the phone out from the pocket is always easier than having to take a reader from the bag.
3. No need of book lights. With the phone it's simple to adjust the day/night modes and the brightness level to your will.

Would like to know your thoughts as well.

I originally used a dedicated eBook reader (Kindle), until I upgraded my phone a couple of months ago from a Blackberry Tour to a Galaxy Nexus, now I only use my phone for the same reasons you listed. However...I am considering a 7 or 10 inch tablet for at home reading and light web surfing.
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i to like reading physical books. but i have read books both on my evo lte and on my asus transformer infinity. i do not mind reading books on both devices. i use google's play book app to read my books.

Been so long since I read a physical book I've forgotten how it feels, lol

I want to have physical books on my shelf, but I'd rather read e-books
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What do you use to read primarily: a dedicated ebook reader like Kindle/Nook or your android phone? And why?

As for me, I dropped the idea of buying a Kindle after getting my Galaxy Note. Reasons:
1. The screen size is large enough to read.
2. I read in public transport a lot. Taking the phone out from the pocket is always easier than having to take a reader from the bag.
3. No need of book lights. With the phone it's simple to adjust the day/night modes and the brightness level to your will.

Would like to know your thoughts as well.

I read on my Nook. It fits perfectly in to a pocket on the front of my purse, and even the breast pocket of some of my shirts. The screen is the perfect size for reading; about like a paperback, and the backlight and text is adjustable. I got it before I got a smartphone, and it's my go to for reading.

I've got a phone with a really big screen, but even so, the text of a book on that screen is just so damned tiny. My eyes aren't getting any younger, and I have to squint at things I wouldn't have done ten years ago. I do have one book I'm currently reading on my phone, just because I saw it for sale in the Google Play store, and my Nook won't accept purchases from there. Besides, there are times - precious few - when I won't have my Nook with me.
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I have a massive dead-tree collection, but having e-versions is much more convenient.

I mean, seriously, I love reading from a physical book, but being able to tote one around is not always feasible (or comfortable, depending on the size/format).

I used to read on my Palm T|X using eReader, then upgraded my dumb phone to a Galaxy S II 'Epic 4G Touch' which is my primary ereader using a combination of Cool Reader (it has a nice night mode as well as easily adjustable brightness by swiping the left border of the screen, as well as reading the .pdb files I generated for using on my PDA) and Kindle for Android (when absolutely necessary).

The problem with reading on my phone is that I blow my battery reading and have to recharge it in the middle of the day or risk killing the phone.

I also have a Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 with the same two readers on it, which is a nicer, easier to read screen, but heavier than the phone, and of course not quite as portable.

I have wanted a dedicated reader for some time, but had decided to wait for a decent color e-ink display to hit the market. I ended up getting the Tab 2 instead, for various reasons.
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I used to be certain that I preferred actual books and would in no way shape or form read ebooks,

Then I ended up spending alot of time waiting around in hospitals recently and discovered the Kindle app on my One X,

I was great and is so much easier than lugging the Game of thrones book im reading everywhere with me :)

I've had a go on a few dedicated e-readers and whilst they are maybe easier to read I still prefer my phone for the same reason others have listed, its just so much more convenient been able to take my phone out my pocket and read off there.
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I used to be certain that I preferred actual books and would in no way shape or form read ebooks, [...]
I was great and is so much easier than lugging the Game of thrones book im reading everywhere with me :)
That's me in a nutshell.

I'm TOTALLY addicted to my paperwhite Kindle. Though I do hate it when I'm out and about and don't have it on me (don't have books in both places)
I still keep a book by the bed, a book by my favorite chair, and a book in the car. PLUS I take my Nook HD with me everywhere.
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