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Hot heads!


pain rustique
Nov 8, 2009
Spicy hot fiends, unite! :)
What kind of hot sauce is your go to? Spicy salsas, recipes, restaurants with spicy foods?
My usual go to is Tabasco (original) or Sriracha depending on what I'm eating. Love the pain and rush you get from spicy hot things. My wife is not so much the fan so I just have to spice up my own food from hers. ;)
Ordered some ghost peppers through work (they're hard to find in stores). Took one small bit and spit it out immediately! :eek:
Still have the rest of the bag (probably around 10) in the freezer. What to do with them?
Sounds like those ghost peppers would last quite a while, just need to use less of it.

I love tabasco sauce. I put it on eggs, hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza.. just about everything. Some friends and I ate at an Asian restaurant recently and they had something called Sriracha - they said it was hot sauce. I tried it, thinking it was similar to tabasco sauce, and learned quite a lesson. Sriracha is not the same as tabasco sauce, this stuff will light your hair on fire - whew! I think I'll stick with tabasco sauce.
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Not tried Sriracha - maybe next time I go to the US :)

Love Tabasco, though. The missus loves it even more. We even put it in vinegarette for salads :D

Re the ghost peppers: you could maybe use some in a Jerk rub - I tried this recipe for xmas a couple of years ago. It uses Scotch Bonnet chillies and went down well. Scotch Bonnets are blow-your-socks-off hot: sounds like the ghost peppers could be a good alternative.
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Not tried Sriracha - maybe next time I go to the US :)

Love Tabasco, though. The missus loves it even more. We even put it in vinegarette for salads :D

Re the ghost peppers: you could maybe use some in a Jerk rub - I tried this recipe for xmas a couple of years ago. It uses Scotch Bonnet chillies and went down well. Scotch Bonnets are blow-your-socks-off hot: sounds like the ghost peppers could be a good alternative.

The glaze has rum in it! That should be quite tasty :)
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The Sriracha sauce, "the rooster hot sauce"!! I like the Sriracha too, really good on dry rub seasoned hot wings. :D

I'm also very fond of Franks Redhot, and Cholula hot sauce. Although I don't find these to be very hot anymore. ;)

When I cooked at a bar in college, I used Daves Insanity Sauce to heat up the homemade chilli and inferno hot wings. That stuff is no joke, it'll strip paint off of anything and make an atheist say prayers!!! :p
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I'm also very fond of Franks Redhot, and Cholula hot sauce. Although I don't find these to be very hot anymore

I really like both of them, too (hardly surprising as they're so similar), only reason I hadn't mentioned them is I don't really think of them as hot sauces :D

Given they are, then I also like some of Nando's Piri Piri sauces - I can take or leave their restaurants, but some of their hot sauces work really well in wraps. They also do some marinades that I will definitely try if we ever get another barbie-worth day here in the UK ;)
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Tabasco is rated at 2,500 to 5,000 scoville units. The habanero Tabasco is rated at 7,000 scoville units. The sauce I like to use is called Da Bomb. It's rated at 119,700 scoville units lol. Yes it's damn hot. A few drops in a stew and that's all. More than that and it's just too hot to eat. I tasted it right out of the bottle... it blistered my lip. Yes it's damn hot. It does have a great flavor about it though. I do have a bottle of a sauce called the Legend. It boasts that it will achieve a detectable heat in 1,270 pounds of sauce with only using 3/100 of an ounce. It's rated at 577,000 scoville units.
It, my friends, is too hot. It does have the distinction of holding the Guinness Book of World Records lol.

I like to make my own salsa. I grow the tomatoes, onions, garlic, and peppers. I like to use an assortment of peppers. Jalapenos are so tasty that I use a lot of them per batch. Serrano peppers are good too. I tried habanero but am not fond of the flavor. I've yet to try the ghost pepper. A friend here said they are better than the habenero.
I'll likely plant some this summer and see for myself. I like my salsa hot but try to keep it less than flaming hot. I like lots of peppers in the salsa for I enjoy the pulp.

The trick to any fresh pepper is to roast them first. This brings out the flavor. I would suggest roasting those ghost peppers and perhaps you might like them better.
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Spicy hot fiends, unite! :)
What kind of hot sauce is your go to? Spicy salsas, recipes, restaurants with spicy foods?
My usual go to is Tabasco (original) or Sriracha depending on what I'm eating. Love the pain and rush you get from spicy hot things. My wife is not so much the fan so I just have to spice up my own food from hers. ;)
Ordered some ghost peppers through work (they're hard to find in stores). Took one small bit and spit it out immediately! :eek:
Still have the rest of the bag (probably around 10) in the freezer. What to do with them?

Ghost chillis, make a mayo or yoghurt based dip, I usually do some mayo, chillis, honey, some kind of hot sauce, all mixed and stirred up in a small bowl. The finer you can cut/grate the chillies the better.
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I make my own cayenne pepper every couple of years. The first year I made a batch, like a fool, I placed my dried peppers in a blender to shred them into shaking bits. In just a few moments my entire kitchen was alive with airborne pepper dust. It must be much like pepper spray. Eyes burning and sneezing. It was hilarious. A damp cheese cloth over the blender since has eliminated the misery. One lives and learns lol.
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