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  • hey, just joined and noticed some users have a device listed under their avatar, i didnt notice a place to fill that out in the User CP though...did i just overlook it?

    Thanks man.
    can some one help me.. can anyone read this?? I don't know if I doing it right.. I used to be on the blackberry chat. this is all together different for me.. please help an older man trying to get it together about a new nexus??
    on the house, i just need vb admin and ftp access, pm it to me here or email me chase and i can do it tonight.

    if you need regular tech admin help on your site(s) we can work something out.
    its not that is logs you out, its just your cookies think the www is a different site then the no www. this can be fixed with a simple re-write in your htaccess file to force either www or no www. find out how google has indexed your site and then add the code to your htaccess tuts here .Htaccess rewrites, Mod_Rewrite Tricks and Tips
    i know her from vbulletinsetup. I am/was a dev on a few vbulletin admin related sites.
    she doesn't like me very much as we feuded a few times competing for design work but she is a good person.
    Do you know MsJacquii from wlsjourney (or something like that) i figure you both are either networked or competitors....

    just wondering...
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