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  • M


    I am so sorry to hear that!

    And I thought I had a hard and difficult life, :(

    I am thinking of something to say,


    "The stronger the wind... the stronger the tree"

    - Unkown (I think lol)


    Don't beat yourself up though, I think you are a wonderful person and I wouldn't change you for anything! :)

    I will pm you give me a sec,

    I hope I am helping you here. ;)

    Best Regards

    I am slightly concerned.

    I don't mean this at all in a rude way but do you excersize that much?

    Excersize can help you in leaps and bounds and the right foods too.

    It is very important to get some sleep! ;)
    Wow :(

    So you have tried Melatonin??? :(

    Hmm I wonder sometimes. ;)

    Yes it is afternoon here :)

    It is now: 5:30 PM


    Hahah that is a lovely compliment ;)

    Thank you :)

    Hmm are you not sleeping? :(

    Have you tried "Melatonin"?

    Melatonin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    It helps big time with the Circadian Rythm (sleeping cycle)

    It is a natural hormone found in the brain.

    Hang on I will PM you for the rest :)

    But I hope you realise sleep is extremely important / vital and you must sleep every now and then, yes I did see your one photo and I was pretty concerned. But I wasn't 100% sure.


    You are an awesome person!

    Give me 5 secs :)
    lol You are a smart one! :)

    Ja us trolls are LEGENDARY!

    We are even in the lord of rings! :D

    Did you know that Lord of Then Rings was written by a crack pot South African??? :D

    South Africa apart from one of the greatest crazy human rights abuse in the world we are pretty cool :)

    You are really cool too! :)

    And ... uhh I will just stop right there before the police come!

    lol Howdy Strnager!!


    Did you see my comments on your photos?


    Hahahah lol I am just joking with you because I am not that creepy! :)
    Okay it's been decided. I'm going to have a museum with all the different OS of Android in it. My coworker just gave me a Motorola Backflip....LOL 1.5, So cute Cupcake...
    Whoops - answer was on my page, so here you go:

    The greatest invention is the thermos.

    It keeps the hot hot and the cold cold - but how does it know????
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