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  • I am looking for a guinea pig to test some adb instructions so I can update the Warranty thread with instructions for GB.....any ideas who might?
    Hey bud, my user was 66TALL b4 hacked. I'm trying to put everything back together. I remembered u being a huge help, and I thank u again. Things hacked...phones,pc,aol,gmail,bank,and all android sites... So.. tons of questions I have once again. Lol Just trying to find the few contacts/friends I had...
    Message for ocnbrze.....Today 09:58 PM - permalinkxxmiaja
    Hello, I have been looking at many of your replys and it looks as if you are extremely implacable with the Evo. I have a problem with mine and no one seems to be able to fix it I am willing to donate to you for a workable fix. My Evo when powered on shows Evo 4g on white screen for a minute cuts off then back on with the white screen again over and over if I power it with the down button it will go into hboot but when I go to recovery it goes back to the white screen when I use a sd card it searches says no image or wrong image then the blur bar is on the right then it ask if I want to update after update is complete I get ok for everything then I don't reboot I hit recovery and it still go to white screen help please you can even email me I'm using another phone please help
    Hello, I have been looking at many of your replys and it looks as if you are extremely implacable with the Evo. I have a problem with mine and no one seems to be able to fix it I am willing to donate to you for a workable fix. My Evo when powered on shows Evo 4g on white screen for a minute cuts off then back on with the white screen again over and over if I power it with the down button it will go into hboot but when I go to recovery it goes back to the white screen when I use a sd card it searches says no image or wrong image then the blur bar is on the right then it ask if I want to update after update is complete I get ok for everything then I don't reboot I hit recovery and it still go to white screen help please you can even email me I'm using another phone please help
    Good day, it seems like you are the man when it comes to the htc Evo; I got it to mine to S-off but my free wireless tether says that I'm still not rooted. Can you pleeeeease help.
    I have posted a few questions regarding my evo but, i haven't received a reply. Would you happen to know what I am doing wrong? Sorry to email you like this but, I have been following your post and you are very resourceful. I want to root my evo but before i do that i would like to back up all my contacts. I tried sycning it throug gmail but only half of my contacts are linked. Please help me if you can.
    Hey i don't want to be a bug but could you help me one more time please?

    If i flashed KingsROM UNleashed R5 can i use the 4.3.1 netarchy-toastmod-bfs-havs-nosbc-universal kernel?
    yes i tried the beta key it didnt work and i automatically assumed the key was bad so i reported it as not working and i tried it after i did that and it worked then i forgot to add the apk file to the root and when i tried it again it says invalid code aborting
    I messed up bad :( i downloaded everything did everything i was supposed to but i was wondering why the beta code wasnt working so i submitted the code and said it wasnt working and now my phone is stuck with out a beta code for the specific phone is there any other way i can do the root with revolution
    on to rooting your evo.....
    6.it should then run and do its thing.
    Please add for noobs like me:
    6a. Make sure to answer y to "download and install Clockworkmod?"
    hey ocn.. got the htc driver installed went to web site and down loaded the .exe file ran it but nothing happens it just says waiting for device.. i am going install htc sync then uninstall it. may be i am missing a driver or some thing.. got any ideas
    dont know much about the evo but wanted to know what can I download to my evo for my tethering to start working again. I googled the question and because i have 2.3.3 i heard something about gingerbread or something, can you help or tell me where to get that. Thanks
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