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Root Idiots Guide To Rooting Kindle Fire HD 7" 7.2.3

Successfully rooted my Kindle 7.2.3 on Windows 8 x64, thx a lot!

To make the guide even more bullet (noob) proof, you could add the following hints:

  • To install ADB drivers on Windows 8, you have to allow installation of unsigned drivers -> LINK
  • To install ES File Explorer without Amazon account (or with non-US country settings), download the apk directly from the EStrongs website. Download with your Kindle web browser to have it show up in your download history. See LINK

Also, I *think* that installation of GoogleServicesFramework.apk failed for me first (or I might have just forgotten to perform the required step?).
I only noticed when the login to 'Market' would ALWAYS fail with the 'can't establish a reliable connection to the server.' message (for like 10 times). I then noticed the missing GoogleServicesFramework in system/app, copied it there, fixed the permissions, and installed. (I might have restarted the device after that). Login to 'Market' and 'Google Play' installation went fine afterwards.

One more question - why did you choose to not include GoogleLoginService.apk and AccountAndSyncSettings.apk that are mentioned in some other guides on installing the app store. I guess they are not required, but are there any downsides to not installing them?

thx again for your work!
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Been having a hard time trying to root my Kindle Fire HD with error message : Permission Denied.

The secret to getting it to go through without any permission problems is to ensure your adb.exe is set to have administrative rights!

So right click on it and under "compatibility" tab, check "Run this program as an administrator".

This should solve all those with permission problem rooting!
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I've come across a problem that no-one else seems to have had!

When I run RunMe, my Kindle demands a password. I don't remember setting up any sort of encryption and have tried all the passwords I can think of to no avail. Entering nothing and just pressing Restore completes the rest of the process but doesn't root.

Any ideas?

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When I changed it from a txt to ini the first time for some reason it was seeing it as a .txt.ini file. When I changed it properly it worked

Thank you so much for your help.

That sounds like you had the option to hide extensions for known file types on in the Windows Explorer. I have no idea why they set that as default but my impression is that's always a bad thing and an easy way to catch viruses!
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I used your protocol and it worked just great. Since then I have gone to Win 8 and gave it a try with that partly because I had more launchers than I needed and this seemed to be the only way to resolve that. Beyond a problem setting up the drivers on Win 8 which I resolved I did something stupid towards the end and bricking my toy - it was during the installation of the Play Store and as usual I was having problems connecting to the server. Stupidly I powered down my Fire at this point and it came back with a a screen which has a red triangle, a message that it isn't able to boot and try setting to factory defaults which I have done n times with no joy.
I would love to be able to restore it. I don't believe it is Win 8 related and certainly nothing to do with your procedure. I wondered if you have any thoughts.

Many many thanks for such a great tutorial, I guess I have to go down as a sub noob. I am in the UK.
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Thank you so much! Absolutely foolproof! I did have the same issues I've seen mentioned where the device was not listed in command prompt under list of devices attached. Uninstalled and re installed drivers (a couple times) and it finally worked. Third times a charm, I guess. But that was probably because i had attempted a "one step rooting program" first. Which, btw, did NOT work! Anyway, after undoing what I had previously started, this worked perfectly!

No I just need to figure out what to do with it now that it is rooted...looking for a forum on all the possibilities (for the beginner) as I type.

Thank you again!!
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I've come across a problem that no-one else seems to have had!

When I run RunMe, my Kindle demands a password. I don't remember setting up any sort of encryption and have tried all the passwords I can think of to no avail. Entering nothing and just pressing Restore completes the rest of the process but doesn't root.

Any ideas?

Mine asked for this, but I just clicked "Restore My Data" and it continued on without a hitch.
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Mine asked for this, but I just clicked "Restore My Data" and it continued on without a hitch.

lol..phew.i thought i was already stuck..

does the process take a long time before it's finished?

i'd plan to close the cmd and reboot my kindle after an hour and a half,good thing nothing happened.

i think the problem is that when i clicked "restore my data", it doesn't reboot.

kindle fire version 7.3.0
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after i rooted my KFHD using this thread i used this thread to stop OTA updates http://androidforums.com/kindle-fir...ns-newbie-answer-any-you-can.html#post5136282
but yesterday i turned on my kindle and was puzzled to why things were taking a long time to actually start up
looking at my settings i see i was updated to 7.3.0 and lost my root................. damn it

has anyone tried this tut on the 7.3.0, or should i wait for a new tut to surface???
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Hi there...I own a Kindle Fire HD 7 and have firmware 7.3.0. I was reading through some forums and someone said this method works for rooting 7.3.0. I followed the steps and could not get it to work. I reset the kindle to factory settings and tried again but it doesn't work. It doesn't get past step 3...it says "find is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file". Please help if you know of this issue. I have spent hours trying to root this kindle and it's getting really frustrated. Thanks for your help.
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after i rooted my KFHD using this thread i used this thread to stop OTA updates http://androidforums.com/kindle-fir...ns-newbie-answer-any-you-can.html#post5136282
but yesterday i turned on my kindle and was puzzled to why things were taking a long time to actually start up
looking at my settings i see i was updated to 7.3.0 and lost my root................. damn it

has anyone tried this tut on the 7.3.0, or should i wait for a new tut to surface???

This exploit works on 7.3
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Ok even though this guide stated that if you are on version 7.2.3, you don't need to run rootqemu. Bat method, that was not true in my case. After running through the runme phase in cmnd prompt, choosing normal root, and letting the process finish and reboot, my device was ridiculously slow, and not rooted might I add. Here's the trick though, immediately after that process finishes, you need to run the Rootqemu method also. But when you try to run Rootqemu.bat by right clicking and running as administrator, it doesn't recognize the device. What I had to do was left click on ONLY the folder that contained the Rootqemu files, and while only that folder is highlighted, you hold down the shift key and right click on the folder. Then you are going to click on "run command prompt here". Once the command prompt opens, you are going to type Rootqemu.bat and press enter. Then you can press 1 to root, let the program run through its few stages, and after it reboots several times and finishes it's process, voila no more lag, and you should be finally rooted. Also after that process, download a program called Kindlefree. It's an absolutely amazing, and simple way to install all the essential Google apps "aka" Gapps to your rooted Kindle fire hd. I hope this helps everyone like it did me!

Thanks for this. I lost my root and the initial method didn't work. Got as far as the slow, laggy restart but couldn't get past it.

Using your steps, I am now rooted again and running nicely. Thanks
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I've come across a problem that no-one else seems to have had!

When I run RunMe, my Kindle demands a password. I don't remember setting up any sort of encryption and have tried all the passwords I can think of to no avail. Entering nothing and just pressing Restore completes the rest of the process but doesn't root.

Any ideas?


I ran into this too and found out that you just use your Amazon password and it works. Don't ask me why, but it does. I found this info on one of the XDA forums.
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Thank you very much for this post, Inksaver, it works AAA+++
My second time to root, because I had some days ago an automatic update to Version 8.3.1
I had to run the RunMe and then the RootQemu.bat as described in your guide.
I had the file Amazon Device Client Platform (ADCP), in Black list of DroidWall.
But the automatic update just installed.
Is there any way to cancel the automatic Version updates?
Thanks, best regards.
Roy Smith
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just so people are aware ES File Explorer has updated and is different from the instructions given but if you know how to use it then it shouldn't be hard to figure out and if your new to this all then maybe get the one in the OP (if there is a link there for it)

can i just add that the method for blocking the OTA updates that you link too did not work for me****** so (dont know about others) so im off to find a different tut to see if i can understand it lol*******
but again thanks for your tut, because of you i rooted my HD the first time and it was easy to reroot it using a simple tool and took 5 minutes but im giving you the thanks because it was your tut that made me understand what everyone was talking about and for that im happy

had a look around and there is another way to block it but it also blocks whispersinc and some people need/use it so with a bit more looking around i see that many people say using droid wall is a good way and you need to just block everything apart from apps that you want to connect to the internet like games and internet and stuff so i have once again used droidwall and i have just blocked everything amazon side (and a few others that i use but dont think need to connect)

i have just seen the post by Roy Smith and i might have a look into doing it that way
screw it i have used both ways lol
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Wow, thanks for this amazing walkthrough.

I still need to pick your brains!!

I'm getting this info from the CMD window

* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached

But there isnt any numbers below. I have two entries on device manager and it shows in windows explorer as a drive

If I carry on and run RunMe and select option 1 it just seems to hang on "Checking if I should run in normal mode or special Sony Mode. Please connect your device with USB-Debugging enabled now"

Any ideas?

I'm have the same problem and I have the adb_usb.ini file. what do i do? im also using vista could that be a problem?
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