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Because milk is disgusting and tastes awful.


IMO there is nothing more satisfying than a tall glass of cold milk, real milk not the percentage crap !

I still eat a bowl of cereal in the mornings and try to make the milk last in the bowl to the end so I can drink it with the last of the Cheerios !

A glass of cold milk and Oreo's is a match made in Heaven ! ! !

for your fast food fetish :

bitches eh.jpg
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Milk was the staple beverage when I was growing up. We never drank store bought milk. It was purchased from private farms without any homogenization or pasteurization or fortification. It was a completely different product than that purchased in a store. To this day, I still shake the milk jug before pouring. :)

I've had raw milk like that, while it was still warm from the cow. Which I'm pretty sure is illegal to sell in the UK these days. I've also drank horse milk as well.
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