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Thank you Dan Rosenberg - djrbliss


Extreme Android User
Mar 28, 2011
Hey man i know the android community is rough, i know it can be pretty darn demanding. you have far more than paid any kind of dues (if they were expected or something). i wanted to create this thread to thank you and let others know how much i value your work.

we have known each other for a while, first time i had heard of you was with the admire. you showed up and rooted it within 6 mins, i thought for sure you were just some con artist, but it was based on the belief that no way could anyone just find a new exploit that quickly on such a lowly known phone. didnt take long for me to realize you were on a whole nother league of android, (3-5 leagues above me as a ballpark figure :p ).

since then you have been a tremendous help, finding exploits in various samsung devices to get us dumps of system.img's so i could then make it into a rooted/odinable img. or even the occasional exploit that you let slip out to help us. you have impacted so many people in the android community as whole in such a positive way. some of the times out there in the headlines, other times in the shadows.

you have taught me so much, in fact i used to be part of the problem. i copied your droid 3 exploit as part of my one click script for the photon 4g, it wasnt until i read your article about plagiarism that i started to understand. i immediatly edited the post and tried to spread what i had learned.

the recent news, your motochopper exploit that rooted just about every phone this year and last, you unlocked the moto phones (their entire lineup). you made loki for the sgs4 and even was nice enough to port it to lg (and add support for a few oddball devices). the backlash has been undeserving and quite frankly pathetic that so many people would deny you credit.

i know it isnt much, im a poor man :p. but i wanted to let you know how much i am so very grateful to know you.

all in all, thanks man :)

tl;dr thanks

edit: here is a list of all the devices Dan has affected that we have worked on:
LG Motion - Bootloader
LG Spirit - Bootloader & Root
LG Optimus M+ -Root
LG Connect 4G - Root
LG Lucid - Root
Samsung Admire - Root
Samsung Prevail - Root
Samsung Precedent - Root
Samsung Replenish - Root
Samsung Attain 4G - Root
Samsung Galaxy S3 (all Variants) - Root
Samsung Galaxy S4 (all Variants) - Root
Huawei Premia 4G - Root
Motorola Photon Q - Root
ZTE Avid - Root
ZTE Vital - Root

and whats worse is im sure there is more im forgetting :D

should you wish to donate you can do so here: http://goo.gl/zBGb0 please use the extra notes in the donation to let him know why you are donating/device :)
Thanks Bliss

Every android phone I've ever owned has been touched by you in some way, whether it be rooted or unlocked. In case you didn't know it, you're a legend. lol Thanks to you I've had a great android experience over the years, and without your work none of my work would be possible. Thanks for allowing us little guys to participate in the android community with works of our own.

Much appreciated Dan

Sincerely _GT_
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yes thank you!!! without all of you guys i would be lost and angry and probly down a terrible path picking apples :/ i never want to even think of owning one of those damn things.. haha

but none the less, i truley appreciate it all, the things you guys can do is just AMAZING!!! as for most of us this is just a hobby of mine.. i learn something new everyday even though i occasionally think i know it all LOL, but i would consider myself 4-5 leauges under Shabby :D you guys are all very talented people and make me look like i dont know how to turn on a t.v. compared to your work/knowledge haha

but thats why im also greatful to have such great mentors/friends/competitors to make us WANT to learn more and do better with each project!! and also to make us WANT to share what we learn with others to help one onother out, whether you consider them one of the above mentioned or not haha, I personally dont know dan but i know he has been the reason i was able to do anything at all on more than 1 occasion.. so thank you very much sir

not trying to get soft or anything but your all like a big family!! everyone gets a chance to do there best and share it with the world :D i'll tell ya it's a great feeling knowing someone appreciates something you have done whether small or big it all counts towards what we have today!!

so with that being said, if anyone here deserves to share that feeling it would be Mr. Dan Rosenburg | djrbliss
Thank You!!
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Thank you VERY much Dan!

Your work has taken the Android experience to such a great level, and has also made you an inspiration for so many who want to learn more about our Androids, including myself. Without your help we would living the Apple nightmare and be stuck with boring phones that do nothing cool, phones that are used only how THEY want you to use them. We have been granted total access to the phones we paid for, thanks to you. I'm on my fourth Android now, and I know that at least 3 have been freed with the help of your work.

Thank you, Thank you so VERY much, and I would also like to thank you on behalf of the LG Connect, LG Motion and Huawei Premia forums for making even the cheapest, clunkiest MetroPCS phones so much more fun than an iPhone :D:D:D:D
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What can I say about this guy here that hasn't been said already, Bliss, you are a master at your skill, so many people (including myself) look up to your skills, you inspire people like Shabby, Playful God, Game Theory, Drifta (just to name a few) who continue to crank out some of the baddest Roms around. I've been using stuff based off your work since my Huawei Ascend (my first android) and if memory serves me correct I recall assisting you and Shabby when y'all were trying to root the attain. So I sincerely thank you, and I think I can safely say this, speaking for the entire community of metro pcs android users we all thank you and Greatly appreciate everything you've done/contributed to/inspired with our lil community. All of you do excellent jobs in making the android experience that much more enjoyable. Keep up the good work!!

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I would like to say THANKS ALSO! I have really enjoyed my LG Connect but since Metro has merged with TMobile they have destroyed the Connect, we either have to use vv5 now or buy a new phone. I currently have mine for sell because I need root but LG has super locked the vv5 firmware and no one can get it rooted (which is too bad). But I thank you for giving us root on the zva verzion and the Admire. Seems that the phone carriers have figured out what we have been doing and all the phones are super locked now which has changed my mind about where to get my next phone and it looks like Google will be getting my money now.

Man it would be so great if a root God could fix vv5 for us.

Thanks again for everything! B-)
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Thank you Dan :)
Without you, we would be hitting security errors, soft bricked phones, and just plain annoyances all day. We are (and by we I speak for the LG Motion/Spirit community) very grateful for you helping the little guys, errr not little guys, the unloved devices that no one would ever spend time on. Thanks to you, my soft unbrick guides are soon going to be pointless :D By the way, because of that, any more donation money I get from any of my unbrick guides are going to you. :thumbup:
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