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The rainbow screen of death.


Android Expert
Jan 14, 2011
So back in 2011 my wife saw the original note on some Korean drama program she was watching and fell in love. She attempted to purchase one through TMobile (her carrier) but it never happened.
Finally 2012 came and so did the note 2. My wife got one and she was crazy. Time went on and 2014 rolled around. Her device began to act up, which lead to a series of factory resets. By the year end we had replace the battery it didn't help. By May or June of 2015 she was using a prepaid phone , however by August the prepaid had died and she was back to her note 2.
The note 5 came out and for whatever reason she didn't like it. Then came 2016 and the whole note 7 debacle, (yes she had both note 7's) because we have kids and they use our phones keeping it was out of the question. So 2017 came and the note 2 was finally retired from service for good.
Well at least from service as a cellphone. The note 2 found life as it had two pervious times as a spare Roku remote control and as the kids high tech spy phone.
Then came this morning. I went and plugged the phone in since it had been a few days since it's last charge I expect the dead battery symbol to come up. It didn't.
So I pressed and held down the power button for only a second or two and up came this wavey rainbow pattern. I thought the device had power on and was stuck in some boot up mood.
When I tried to power off nothing happened. I pulled the battery and the screen stayed lit up for a minute and a half after I pulled the battery. Finally the screen began to dim, growing darker and darker , then some where deep inside the phone it must have since the end was near. Like the boxer who has gone the twenty rounds knows they nothing left but one final punch. The screen for less than a second gave off on last microburst of light, before the screen went dark.
I have dealt with screens going dark, screens turning blue and white and once a red screen. The rainbow screen was something new. Fair well note 2, sleep well, you will be missed (by the wife and kids at least)
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