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Update on the update, explanations, and - what bugs remain?

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Sep 9, 2008
Nashville, TN
New: Added several things to this post and deleted their posts.

Alright guys, I wanted to post and give some thoughts and explanations on a few things I've seen no the various threads out there and try to consolidate bugs into one list for my own sanity. Honestly, it is just non-stop right now and everything is muddied with the original 2000 posts worth of day one bugs. SO. Here is how I would like this to work.

1. I will list bugs here that I am aware of with notes on whether or not we're going to get to them sooner, or later.
2. I will close the other two threads with notes to post here instead.
3. I will keep this thread cleaned up - removing posts once I've read them if they don't need to stay, with whatever notes are necessary edited here into this OP. I will edit out, spoiler, or strike through things listed here if I feel they aren't needed anymore.

So, off we go.
No Action / Notes / FYIs

Original Phandroid App: This app is broken, and will not be updated. We apologize for the inconvenience :(

No "desktop view":
The old site used two different styles (themes, whatever you want to call it) and they each stayed true to one look no matter what size screen you tried them with. So, when we detected smaller screens we sent you to one, larger we sent you to another. This is why a "use desktop view" worked - because your client could bypass (or simply be redirected with an appropriate link, depends) and go straight to the main style.

This one reacts to screen size accordingly and is the only theme. It just reacts differently based on your screen size. It scales itself, this is why you can take your desktop browser window and make it thinner to see how it would work with different screen sizes. We COULD create a second non responsive style and call it 'desktop', or force your viewport with a "desktop view" link, and maybe one day we will - but the beauty of responsive is to only need to maintain one style and to make it look good across all devices. This is where the web is headed.

The problem is.. trying to please everyone and put what they consider important first.. that's hard to do.

Attachments seem weird? The very first day of launch we had to reimport attachments toward hour 20 or so, and we lost all NEW attachments from that day. So, ALL old are good, All new from the second import are good, but the 20 hour in between - you will find the attachments misdirecting and confusing. A re-upload would fix.

Signatures: Signatures did not come with the import and new much stricter guidelines have been put in place in an effort to keep the site looking clean. Once you reach 25 posts, you may have a very limited signature. No URLS/Links, no images - simply one line of text is permitted. Currently it is set at 50 characters, however I intend on convincing Rob to let that go the length of one line, whatever that character count may be.

Premium and staff have a couple more rights, but not much.

No new post indicator inside threads: Indeed there are, a green "new" banner on the right.

Tapatalk Bugs: There are a few of these. Outside of our control.

Mark Post as "Best Answer": This is only enabled for threads with the "Support" prefix.

Dark Theme: This is not currently on our to-do list. We may look at this in the future.

Small screen bug on mobile: If your screen is really small, the menu button in the header drops down and covers the subnav. This will be corrected. Side note, your phone is too small! :p

Bugs with IE8 and below: These will not be addressed unless we find ourselves with nothing to do. I hate to say that but I just want to be up front. It is generally not worth the effort and time.

Delete own post: We do not plan to enable this. If you would like a post or thread deleted please report it and staff will look into it.

Android Lounge: This was merged with Android News and Talk. Sorry for failing to mention that!

Subnav missing on search and help pages: This is by design. We may look into it and "fix" it ourselves in the future, but not a priority.

Sub-forums: sub-forums are located at the bottom of thread lists in each forum that has them. We agree the font is a little smaller than we'd like, and we may increase that or move the links altogether. However at the moment, you do have the option to move them to the top of the thread list. This can be found in your Preferences. (Click our name, top right)

Phandroid Phone Guide: Needs lots of updating, is on the list, but not a part of this migration.

Broken redirects: Lack of trailing slash on old forum URLs sometimes does not redirect properly. This is mostly a problem on Phandroid and will be addressed outside of this.

Weird quirks: First thing to try is clearing your cache! Many have found this useful. Especially once @jaymzway pointed it out. Thanks!

Seems a post or two has been eaten by the system: We have recovered all we could.

Standard sig/banner for staff linking to rules etc: Maybe.

Thanks / Likes system: We are aware that only one of the two old systems came in during the import. This was originally by design due to the complexity of our highly custom import script was it was.

Gallery / Albums didn't make import: This is true. We have not yet made use of the XF gallery.

Bugs / Action Pending
(This is meant for people to reference, to know we already know about something, and to keep me sane while I try to help the team orchestrate things. Being here does not guarantee it will be done)

Account upgrade links missing: Indeed! On list.

Trophy Points: This system will be overhauled shortly.

Threads not bolding for unread threads / Blue "new posts/latest post" button too small: Agreed, and we will fix one or both. (username on column on right does though)

Staff page not differentiating groups: The staff page (which is hard to find) does not distinguish who does what. We will fix this in the moderate future.

Search this thread: We too miss this option, and intend on bringing it back.

Unanswered threads: We may bring this back.

Menu dropdown on mobile too huge and overbearing: We agree. Will fix.

"See All" on main page device headers not enough: We are going to put a link bottom right of device lists as well.

No editor buttons for a couple of you, or signatures (badblue1, Gmash ): Need to investigate.

Sidebar drops down too early: Will look into.

Carrier images not clickable: On list.

Forum links don't render a friendly title in posts, stay raw: On list to fix.

Similar threads feature needs date/time cutoff: On list.

Misaligned forums in overlays / forum jump / etc: On list.

Thread overlay prefix unreadable: On list to fix.

Add more info to notification emails: On list, thanks!

Unread posts counter (red alert box): Discussing.

Posts, join date, carrier, devices, etc in posts by avatars: We wanted clean. We went too clean. We will add some information back.

Fonts: We agree some fonts don't match as nicely as they should. Will adjust.

Unable to remove alert preferences: Please note, there are alert preferences found in the dropdown when you click your name top right, and there are also preferences for the My Forums dropdown, click edit, highlight the forums, and use the dropdown at the bottom to change alert preferences for these. Plan to add some verbiage to explain in the "Alerts preferences" section.

Replies/views out of whack: http://androidforums.com/threads/up...d-what-bugs-remain.883932/page-2#post-6806021

Java syntax highlighter for code bbcode: We would like to see this as well. If we can find a (working) plugin for it we will look at that.

Where is the Mark Forums Read link? Currently this link is only found in a couple tricky places. For example click "new posts", and on the result page you should see it. This is not idea, and we plan to add a link in the subnav somewhere. It would also be nice to be able to mark particular forums read individually..

Need more visible separation between posts: Going to add 5px in between posts to help.

Double Posting bug: We are working on this issue.

System not redirecting after successful post (different from above) or churning away, stopping, but not having posted: Seems to be separate problem from the "double posting bug" listed above.

Device listings on "See All" pages are alpha right -> down, instead of down -> right: We agree, will fix.

Quote arrow to chase back to original too small: Will put in for name to be linked, too.

Header of similar threads unreadable: True.

Prefixes are not applied correctly (forced) to device forums: Gar. This is going to be a pain!

Images breaking template: http://androidforums.com/threads/up...d-what-bugs-remain.883932/page-2#post-6806021

Again, please bear with us while we work though this too. We've been all over it for a while..... in a testing environment. Many things come to light when you go live on a site this size so, thank you for patience.

Please post any new bugs or workflow enhancement suggestions here, but try to keep regular banter down! Remember, it is the plan to remove unneeded posts once I've read them if needed so, don't take it personal.

Thanks all,
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Registered members are posting like mad in Android Questions. Based on forum positioning on the homepage, that is going to continue. This is making a mess of the forum for unregistered folks asking questions as it is overwhelmed by regular members asking there. If it is by design, then let's merge Android Questions and Android News and Talk so staff only has to look at one forum for threads that need moving.:)
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Enhancement request - we see number of replies, so how about number of views in mobile?
I know they want to keep things clean, but I'd really like to be able to see who posted in a thread last. Sometimes that's more important than who started the thread a long time ago.
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Galaxy S3, stock ROM, Opera Mini browser, landscape or portrait, doesn't matter. I usually am in landscape.
I have an M8 and that looks like an Opera Mini problem. I wonder if it's from Opera compression. And it doesn't care if you use advanced options either. Plus the colors are jacked. You can't really see that I liked your post.


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Sorry if this has already been said but I am getting alerts for new threads and replies to threads I never read or participated in.

Basically getting hundreds of useless alerts.

/New forum looks good btw. A bit bright on these old eyes but very nice and clean :)
//Very nice job on what im sure what a difficult migration
You will get alerts for all posts in forums you are subscribed to. Goto the My Forums menu at the top left of the page and choose edit. In there, tick all of the forums listed and at the bottom, choose disable alerts. This should stop of all the extra alerts though the ones you already received will still be there.
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Another one for the bottom of the punchlist. In the New Posts list it has column heading for both Replies and Views, but in the rows it has the label Reply over the label View in the Replies Column and the corresponding values in the Views column. I don't know if this shows up in other places too. It's a simple nit to pick, for way down the list.

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Will view first unread get fixed in the mobile view? My post was deleted, but I don't see anything about that in the OP. Much harder to navigate the forums without that.

Yes this has been mentioned and I believe is in the OP, hope to get that fixed.

b nice if can have option to see in desktop view make easer to get around and faster to get to post u want to see

This is talked about in the OP. Though, in the future we may be able to launch a second non-responsive theme - but we'd prefer not.

Anyone else having a hard time reading the "Similar Threads" text?

View attachment 78033

It's a slightly different color and barely visible.

Yeah will fix..

I just got an alert from a thread which was started today in the Nexus 5 forum. I don't have that checked as a favorite forum and I have no relation to the OP. Why would this be and can I do anything about it?

Figured out or resolved yet?

"Search Question"
I can't find a way to search just within a single forum or thread...all I see is the sitewide search, which is unruly if you're really trying to limit results.
And yes, I know about the advanced search, but that's yet another screen to load, then set all the parameters, etc...and it won't search within a thread, at least not easily. ;)

This is talked about in OP, we want it back too. :)
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A request from elsewhere on AF. I agree. Also, for whatever reason I prefer it right aligned too.:eek:

Will ask Rob about it but likely this won't change. Maybe we can go a hair darker..

I'd like to add another for the wish list as well...add the "preview post" button as a main, pre-existing button when making a post rather than having it nested under "more options", if that is possible.

We agree. I think this is on the list, if it's not it's about to be.

After some problems I was seeing as a mod relative to new members I logged out and posted as a guest, or attempted to. My first attempt cycled and ultimately did nothing. I verified as me signed in. My second and third attempts required me to enter a new capchta but kept giving me server errors in between. When I checked as me logged in again my posts were going through, but required moderator approval. All posts are still in the Android Questions forum visible only to moderators and tagged for me. Let me know if you want me to message you direct links. We may have a problem with the unregistered user posting.:(

Ok will play with it. But, aren't questions coming in? I thought I saw plenty. Maybe not though, will check..

Alerts are still out of hand. Everything is unchecked except likes and I still get so many random alerts they become meaningless.

I'll check your account and if it looks good to me have our developer check it database level and see what we can see. Can you give me an example of one of your alerts you shouldn't have got? Or, all of them except likes I guess right?
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Prefixes should be mostly fixed. Also, all old subforums (support and troubleshooting, tips and tricks, accessories) from the 38 original forums have been removed from view (let me know if you see any missed). All threads in each have been prefixed and moved into the parent device forum.

Prefix wise, here is what is done:
- main device forums have usual prefixes applied as they should be (accessories, tips, general, support)
- "require_prefix" has been set to yes for each, like it was on VB (but didn't come over correctly for latest 50 0r so forums)
- "no prefix" has been set as default so people need to consiously pick the best one.
- All Things Root subs have lots of new prefix options added, rooting and carrier specific, require set to yes, no default. Though, I kinda hate this part of it. I wish we could set it so the rooting prefixes must be picked and carrier are optional as a second option. Working on it.

Left to do:
- consolidate various ATR subforums for various devices that have several based on carrier, prefix with appropriate carrier of course, and leave as one ATR as per the rest of the site.
- hopefully find a better way to deal with root prefixes
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Enhancement request: Currently it looks like the decision to receive email notifications for conversations applies to all conversations. Would it be possible to add an option to opt out of emails on specific conversations while still receiving emails for all others? As in, an option to disable emails when starting the conversation.

I can see conversations being a very handy tool for staff usage. But I really don't want to receive emails every time somebody speaks. At the same time though, I'd like to receive email alerts when members are trying to contact me for some reason. My door is always open sort of thing.
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Not so much a bug,more of a request (once again,my apologies if this has been discussed already):

Is there any way the My Forums /My Posts /New Posts /Advanced Search header/line/bar can be made stationary & not scroll w/the rest of the page?

This would make checking recent New posts/etc a lot quicker.
As is now,you check a post,then ,scroll up to the top of the page,lather/rinse/repeat.
Making these items stationary would allow us to go through each quicker,fewer clicks/scrolls.Less is more here,IMHO.

THX! :)
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You have 33 watched forums. I went into "My Forums" for your account, selected all 33, then at the bottom with the "with selected" dropdown, selected "disable alerts".

Let's see if that helps. If you have current alerts there now they may remain, but once those are cleared let's see how it reacts.
Thanks, that seems to have worked.:) I didn't realize there were more alert preferences over there. Seems like it would be more intuitive to have them all in one place...
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Noticed some bugs, first, yesterday I kept getting errors while trying to attach multiple photos to a thread I created. I was using mobile site with Firefox on galaxy s4. I switched to desktop view and it worked ok.

I had problems trying to get into all phones, I kept clicking the menu button for it and was never able to get there. Can't remember if that was on firefox with galaxy s4, or on ZTE force 4g with web kit browser, was really late at night last night (early this morning really).

Last, I created a thread about a new ROM for the ZTE force 4g and hit errors everytime I tried to tag the thread, first that I don't have permission to create new tags. So I deleted any new tags and got down to something I believe exist already like ZTE force or boost mobile, something like that then I got a different error. This was with Firefox on Windows 7.

I know you all are super busy, just reporting what I noticed. Nothing major.

Thanks and cheers!

Btw-i really love the ability to follow threads on mobile. That was really annoying before having to switch to desktop mode to follow a thread.

Thanks again!

Oh server error while trying to post this from Firefox mobile!
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Two things -

Javascript (null) error while attempting to use strike through on a mobile browser edit.

Can we please get "Android Questions" renamed?

It's sitting right there at the top and it's just click bait for people who haven't used the forums before, and are registering with real problems and ready to fully engage.

Dumb luck that I saw someone there bootlooping just now.

And staff is struggling to keep up there.
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may have been asked before, but are there any different themes/skins for this forum? I liked the look of the old forum. this one is too big/spaced out, and too white.
At this point no. I think in the OP they mentioned the possibility in the future. I'm with you on the too white. I need some :cool:
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No "desktop view": We COULD create a second non responsive style and call it 'desktop', or force your viewport with a "desktop view" link, and maybe one day we will - but the beauty of responsive is to only need to maintain one style and to make it look good across all devices. This is where the web is headed.

The problem is.. trying to please everyone and put what they consider important first.. that's hard to do.

I'm sorry, you have probably heard it from multiple corners of the place by now, but I have not had the free chance to mention it. I haven't had the chance to read the prior discussion or comments on the issue either. So I'm admittedly likely a bit mis-informed.

This is a huge deal to me. I browse ONLY in desktop mode whenever possible. Frankly I feel mildly offended when a website/software decides FOR ME how to view their webpage and it usually decreases my viewing of that site over time. The Android operating system is about choice, it is why many of us gravitated towards it and continue to support it. I just saw a moto-X commercial that had a marketing hashtag on the bottom of the screen and it was # ChooseChoice. How great is that?

I don't want my browsing page size dictated for me when I'm browsing from my phone. I realize that approx. 90% of people DO need it dictated for them or don't care about presentation. I'm in the minority, I know that. Though I would like to plead that you consider offering the choice. MANY MANY MANY websites, that have a mobile view, provide a link on the bottom of the page that redirects to the desktop view or classic view. If you want to keep your site mobile, I'd be glad to click the link at the bottom of the page on Phandroid/AF.com or create a shortcut/bookmark to a super secret version that forces desktop view for me. I want the true experience for browsing on my phone (not sure about posting, sometimes desktop view makes posting difficult from a device)

I had one idea. On my mobile, what if I could pinch to zoom and 'zoom out' while on AF/Phandroid.com. And after zooming out far enough the page would switch to the desktop style? It is basically the opposite of being on the PC and dragging the internet window to be small and having the style automatically change from normal desktop view to the mobile view. Why can't the responsive style work both ways? If it works one way, it SHOULD work both ways?

I kindly reject the statement that "this is where the web is headed". "The Web" is not an independent entity. Although it can act like it, it is not a wild animal or living breathing monster. The web was created by man and is modified by man. WE dictate where the web is headed, by our choices. While there is not a 1:1 ratio comparison of what the collective WE want and how things actually are produced; WE, together, can change how things are and where things are going. If we give up our power and play innocent to changes the internet will quickly become a place we probably won't want to be. Some corporation, government, or legislative body will try to take over the power, and force their own will on everyone. (the same goes for the Android operating system?)
If you are choosing to only have a mobile view, that is your choice. And I respect that. If it is a shortcoming of Xenforo, I respect that too (you have a new vehicle for the site, things are bound to be different with a new vehicle).
It is not "The Web" choosing that for you.

One other thing I REALLY miss is the 'go to last post' button. In vBulletin it is the sideways caret (^). Clicking it would automatically take you to the newest post in a thread.
On Xenforo, I think clicking the light grey time stamp under the latest poster on the right hand side of the thread title is supposed to do it.
On the desktop view I've seen it work sometimes and other times not at all. And on the mobile view it does not function at all for me. Is this experience the same as others out there?
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and...can someone tell me how to delete a conversation in my inbox? I don't like all the clutter of a dozen 'conversations' i had over the past year =/

I must have super powers then :p

Click on a conversation, then click Leave Conversation and confirm. This removes them from my inbox :)

View attachment 78388

But it is not deleted. It still exists in all the other inboxes.

Guys, this is the exact same as the old vBulletin version, just the verbiage is different. Here you "leave conversation", there you deleted. Neither one removed it from the other person's availability unless they too left/deleted.

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I am beyond frustrated with things at this point.

We have little to no control over how well Tapatalk works, but they are updating very often fixing bug after bug, and we're updating as often as they do. At least twice since launch, I expect another soon. We also have an email drafted up for them, but want to see what the next update fixes first.

I'm sorry you're frustrated :( I assure you it is just as frustrating seeing the fact that we can't please all, and trying to do the best we can to no avail in some cases. There is just some stuff that isn't going to happen and some people that aren't going to be happy with us. :(
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