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Would a good brightness app make a screen brighter than the standard brightest setting?


Feb 12, 2017
Hello experts. Excuse me if my question betrays total stupidity, but I know next to nothing about smartphones. My most recent phone is a Galaxy s5 (bought second-hand), and I find that, when outside in bright weather, the screen is barely visible. (When looked at while indoors, it is quite reasonably bright, and presents no problems.) To take a photograph outside, I have to cross my fingers and shoot, hoping that the camera will capture everything I wanted to capture. As for sending a text message, that is impossible in sunny weather, while outside.

Today, I heard about the Velis Auto Brightness app, and wondered whether this app (or any similar app) is capable only of making the screen as bright as the brightest normal setting (which, in the case of my phone, is not nearly bright enough for brightness outside), or whether, with it, the maximum normal setting (where the slider is slid over to the far right, and fixed there) is made even brighter than the current default.

Excuse my ignorance, but I do need to ask this question. Thanks in advance, for any helpful replies.
That Velis app will allegedly bring more user control over the screen brightness settings, but practically it's not possible to actually make your phone's screen brighter in broad daylight. It's an issue that's just a given, a long-standing, common problem using any kind of lighted screen in well-lit situations. E-book readers, such as the Kindle Paperwhite, have an e-ink technology that allows for much better outdoor viewing, but e-ink devices are more single-purpose (reading text) while your phone is very multi-purpose (text, multimedia, etc.). You might find it worth getting a case with an anti-glare screen, that has more of a matte than glossy finish to reduce glare issues.
But there's not a lot more you can do about this brightness issue, adding a third-party app cannot make the screen brighter. At best it 'might' be able to adjust the contrast to appear slightly better when outdoors, and always keep in mind that the longer you leave your screen on and at its maximum brightness, this will tax the battery a lot more. Before adding in some third-party, possible solution, take a look at the already included options in your phone's Settings >> Display menu.
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Unless your device manufacturer is holding some small smidgen of brightness at the upper end "in reserve," and I don't know of any who are, the simple answer to your question is, "No."

As svim has already mentioned, there are very, very few devices that can be read easily in full sunlight. Even putting one's hand such that the screen is shaded helps a lot, but sometimes not enough. If I have to read outdoors I try to find a spot under a tree or some other obstruction that gives reasonably deep shade.
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