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Happy Better Late Than Never 4th of July 2023


DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!
  • May 13, 2010
    Los Angeles
    Independence Day Usa GIF

    since we could not celebrate Independence Day on the 4th of July due to technical issues and now that the site is back up and running, i hope y'all had a good 4th of July.

    what did you guys do? did you grill it up? or just cooked something? did you get to see firework shows?
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    i'll start........

    i had a few friends over.....nothing special. i bbq'd up some tomahawk steaks on my Ninja Woodfire grill. it turned out great. also had some bbq corn, my friends brought some chicken wings that we also grilled up.

    we drank many brewskies and sat on my back porch and watched some of the local firework shows.......pretty mellow.
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    My son came over late afternoon and we had a few brews. After he left, I cooked out some burgers and dogs. Just the wife and I to share the evening. I would say it was a nice quite evening but it was far from it. Between my neighbors and the show the city always hosts, there was lots to see and hear.
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    I had two days off work I normally don't get. We never took off for the 4th until this year. Unfortunately, my A14 5G decided to forget it was ever activated randomly (no warning, just stops sending/receiving texts and calls until restarted) so I spent most of this week waiting for a new phone, a Z Flip 4, to ship. That and hoping my girl doesn't panic since she relies on texting to communicate when not here, and lives three states away.

    Then my car had its PCM fall victim to the unfortunate 'capacitor plague' and I spent one day at the junkyard looking for another, and thankfully, Saturn IONs are quite common there so I lucked out, despite having to figure out how to do a Passlock Relearn, which thankfully my A14 could still do data at the time in order to look it up.
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    I turned a year older as the 4th is my birthday. Steaks and taters to celebrate.
    So YOU are that Yankee Doodle boy. Happy belated...

    I had the weekend off but worked both Monday and Tuesday. I started mowing early the 4th so I could have most of the afternoon and evening to celebrate.
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    I didn't do anything, picked up some groceries and just hung out. One of the dogs hates thunder and fireworks so I stay home, I totally ignore her little fits but don't leave her alone either, she lays down on my feet and is OK-ish. Weather's been unsettled and big storms came though before the neighbors lit the 'hood up with really loud stuff but the official city show was cancelled. Total exact replay on the fifth but the city went off on schedule too. Days of hours of super loud booms that I totally enjoy but Tickle absolutely does not. Poor pup.
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    There's no such thing as too much mayonnaise.
    I agree!! And now that Best Foods makes *awesome* vegan mayonnaise--which my omnivore people can't distinguish from the 'real' version--I once again get to live by your motto! :D I tried many vegan brands along the way; some were better than others, but good grief, Best Foods has nailed it. I'm really hoping now that they realize they don't need to participate in heinous animal cruelty to produce outstanding mayo, they'll eventually phase out their non-vegan products. With vegan versions, people with egg allergies can now enjoy *OUR* motto, too! Plus, there's no cholesterol, so everyone would benefit, like people on heart-healthy diets. Dive in! The mayonnaise pool is filled and ready for you!
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    You'll never guess how I celebrated the 4th of July... :thinking:

    I POOPED!! :eek:

    Hadn't in weeks--which led to the abdominal CT scan that discovered appendicitis--despite using powerful laxatives. The doctor ordered one, it did nothing, then they did an enema. Yeah, fun, but PRODUCTIVE! :D
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    I didn't do anything, picked up some groceries and just hung out. One of the dogs hates thunder and fireworks so I stay home, I totally ignore her little fits but don't leave her alone either, she lays down on my feet and is OK-ish. Weather's been unsettled and big storms came though before the neighbors lit the 'hood up with really loud stuff but the official city show was cancelled. Total exact replay on the fifth but the city went off on schedule too. Days of hours of super loud booms that I totally enjoy but Tickle absolutely does not. Poor pup.

    I must have been the only one who had dogs who slept through fireworks and thunder since I was a child. From my first beloved Honey Bear to the last dog I had back in 2010, Sunshine and Ricky.

    None were bothered by loud music, noise of any kind. No, they weren't deaf as they'd respond to their name being called. All they wanted was love, and food.

    Now the new babies, Fiver and Spot (rabbits) are frightened by the barometer pointing at 6 O'clock, meaning a big storm is approaching. If thunder ends up being close enough, they thump away.
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    I must have been the only one who had dogs who slept through fireworks and thunder
    Tickle never really cared until ~4 years ago, no idea what happened. Raphael just sleeps right through it all. I've always taken my dogs out during fireworks and storms when they were puppies just so they wouldn't be scared. Never had any who cared before and is sort of a new thing with her. Weird.
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    When I first became Vegan I got a lot of hate on social media since I opposed potential bans on fireworks 'because it scares dogs' meanwhile my dogs were able to sleep through it and not give a darn.

    It just seemed extreme to ban a holiday over something so minor. I mean infants hate loud music but nobody would ever advocate never enjoying loud music in your car or something....But of course, that got me called a 'non vegan hypocrite' since not banning fireworks is akin to eating animals or something. Same hangup over palm oil. I would ask what's the difference? vegetable oil probably involves thousands or more deer and other wild animal deaths, but no, let's ban all palm oil because orangutans are killed in the process. What's the difference? Oh they're endangered and that's all? So an animal's life even measured by the vegan community is based on their endangered status? got it.

    No wonder I left all of that behind. I dealt with tons of kooks on Facebook. "Vegan" deer hunters was a new one on me. Someone who ate a vegan diet, refused to buy animal products in stores, but hunted deer to 'feed the hungry' and were members of an organization called 'Hunters Feeding the Hungry' oh boy...

    NEVER type in 'Just for Does' on a Facebook page search. Feminist deer hunters...let that one sink in!
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    I wish I hadn't missed out on the '76 chaos. I was born in '79. But I hear stories of there being a huge gimmicky Bicentennial mess with 'spirit of '76' pocket radios and TVs, special watches all with that holiday on them. Sometimes I see 'Spirit of '76' leftovers at the vendor malls. However, we still got a Bicentennial Kroger store here in Owensboro, unchanged since '76. Only Kroger like it in town (the other two are modern and crap)
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    Tickle never really cared until ~4 years ago, no idea what happened. Raphael just sleeps right through it all. I've always taken my dogs out during fireworks and storms when they were puppies just so they wouldn't be scared. Never had any who cared before and is sort of a new thing with her. Weird.
    My sister's puppy is somewhat disturbed of a few things though, I think he was not too bothered by the fireworks that were too distance into the distance though. I feel good watching him in the far distance of fireworks, although in the showers we had, he would be strange and whimpering with a small sneeze for the sense of a storm brewing.
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