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I believe that marijuana should be legal (discussion)

sure drinking and driving don't mix but at the same time pot and driving don't mix. When you smoke pot your reaction times slow way down and you will have just as much accidents as with a person who drinks two much. Dont make pot out as the lesser of two evils.

pot is the lesser of the two evils. alcohol impairs your sense more than marijuana does, and no one's ever died from overdosing. also, marijuana does not provoke violence, as alcohol does.

but the point here isn't to compare one substance to another. the point is, we could control pot better, thus being able to control driving impaired better and make more revenue from tax by legalizing it. we would also be putting a lot of criminals out of a job.

my question to those who oppose is this: now that we've concluded that legalizing marijuana would better control impaired driving, and we've established that other than that circumstance it hurts no one but the user, what are your reasons for wanting it to remain illegal?
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I know a number of people that have made the statement, "if pot was legal, I wouldn't drink". I believe that will be another hurdle. The drug industry known as alcohol companies and thier dealers are not going to stand for even the slightest hit in thier bottom line.........So they will continue to buy politicians, which, if no one has noticed, are mostly all alcoholics. And they will continue to tell the country it's ok to go out, get hammered, and kill a family 6 cause you are to stupid to get a cab. My step father was killed by a drunk driver 2 weeks before Christmas in 07. Have an old Air Force friend of mine waiting on his court date in FL due to his decision to have a few then miss a stop light rear ending a woman and killing her 5 year old son. No, alcohol is the greatest thing ever. If we can't get pot, can we at least admit alcohol is as bad as it is. Bob, glad your such happy drunk.

Apparently, the issue here is your step-father met some unfortunate fool that could not control himself. Your AF friend showed a lack of judgment. All this proves is several people were intoxicated and if legalized, many more people would show the same lack of judgment.

By the way, truly sorry for your loss, I know what it is like to loose people, too.

Here is what I suffered through with close friends of mine; it explains why I am a law and order guy and want the death penalty:

Hi-Fi murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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pot is the lesser of the two evils. alcohol impairs your sense more than marijuana does, and no one's ever died from overdosing. also, marijuana does not provoke violence, as alcohol does.

but the point here isn't to compare one substance to another. the point is, we could control pot better, thus being able to control driving impaired better and make more revenue from tax by legalizing it. we would also be putting a lot of criminals out of a job.

my question to those who oppose is this: now that we've concluded that legalizing marijuana would better control impaired driving, and we've established that other than that circumstance it hurts no one but the user, what are your reasons for wanting it to remain illegal?
How can you control pot better? Anyone can grow it anywhere. So how do you keep John Q. Public from growing his own? Many criminals dont deal in one drug.

You say pot does not provoke violence? I watched where a pot store in Cali was robbed at gunpoint. Yeah pot makes people so mellow. You dont see a drunk rob a liquor store at gunpoint for the booze.

I will have what you are smoking as it seems to make the world a better place.:rolleyes:
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Because organized crime is involved as is illegal importation, border violations, drug mules . . . you cannot say it does no harm.
All of wich, are the result of it being illegal. For someone that is for "small government" wich should "stay out of ones home", you sure don't mind the large amount of resources spent to keep a relatively harmless and natural substance out of ones home.
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sure drinking and driving don't mix but at the same time pot and driving don't mix. When you smoke pot your reaction times slow way down and you will have just as much accidents as with a person who drinks two much. Dont make pot out as the lesser of two evils.
I have a "friend" that likes to play video games. When he is stoned out of his mind, he is absolutely unstoppable. If he hasn't hasd a few puffs, he pretty much sucks. Not really claiming that one should drive while stoned, but....
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All of wich, are the result of it being illegal. For someone that is for "small government" wich should "stay out of ones home", you sure don't mind the large amount of resources spent to keep a relatively harmless and natural substance out of ones home.
Ok Pot is regulated by the Government. You really think they are going to allow the competitors (Drug Cartels) To just walk over the boarder with their pot to sell. Then the Government dont make money off the other guys sales. So you would still have Law enforcement paroling and stopping the drug runners.

So really nothing would change as it will just be like alcohol. Its legal just as long as you buy it from a store regulated by the government. Try and make your own and you're violating the law. Try to sell it and you're violating the law. But wait I thought Alcohol was legal?:rolleyes:
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How can you control pot better? Anyone can grow it anywhere. So how do you keep John Q. Public from growing his own? Many criminals dont deal in one drug.

You say pot does not provoke violence? I watched where a pot store in Cali was robbed at gunpoint. Yeah pot makes people so mellow. You dont see a drunk rob a liquor store at gunpoint for the booze.

I will have what you are smoking as it seems to make the world a better place.:rolleyes:
You can brew your own alcohol, yet most people dont. Most people buy the regulated alcohol, that is taxed.

And, I have seen MORE THAN ONE instance, where an alcoholic has robbed for money to buy alcohol. In fact, it happens ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME... Now, my bet is, that robbery you are talking about, was to get that drug, and sell it on the black market. A black market that wouldn't be there IF it werent illegal.
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I have a "friend" that likes to play video games. When he is stoned out of his mind, he is absolutely unstoppable. If he hasn't hasd a few puffs, he pretty much sucks. Not really claiming that one should drive while stoned, but....
Yeah and I saw a video of where a guy played a car drifting video game and was awesome but when he tried it with his car he totaled it. Just because your good at a game doent mean you will be just as good emulating it in the real world.

Also the game your friend was driving in. Was it in a city with people walking around and other cars driving. Was their traffic lights and did he stop at the lights when red? I bet it was a racing game.

Nice try though;).
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You can brew your own alcohol, yet most people dont. Most people buy the regulated alcohol, that is taxed.

And, I have seen MORE THAN ONE instance, where an alcoholic has robbed for money to buy alcohol. In fact, it happens ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME... Now, my bet is, that robbery you are talking about, was to get that drug, and sell it on the black market. A black market that wouldn't be there IF it werent illegal.
You cant brew moonshine. You can brew your own beer and only a certain amount.

It was stated pot does not prevoke violence. I showed it can and does.
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I have a "friend" that likes to play video games. When he is stoned out of his mind, he is absolutely unstoppable. If he hasn't hasd a few puffs, he pretty much sucks. Not really claiming that one should drive while stoned, but....

Seems you are indeed trying to make the claim that one person you know can play a video game better when stoned than when he is sober. Perhaps you are correct and he can. That said, your friend likely can't drive when stoned. Certainly can't fly a plane or perform surgery.
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How can you control pot better?

you control anything better when it's legal. just look at the situation with alcohol. it's ten times easier for minors to get marijuana than alcohol because they are buying it from someone who isn't going to ID them.

Anyone can grow it anywhere. So how do you keep John Q. Public from growing his own? Many criminals dont deal in one drug.

i would say if we legalize and tax it, we should greatly increase the punishment for growing, or selling to minors, etc. This would effectively drive the cost of illegal marijuana up, eventually making it cheaper to just buy it. Not to mention most people would rather just go to the store and pick it up than try to meet someone. How many illlegal beer dealers do you hear about?

You say pot does not provoke violence? I watched where a pot store in Cali was robbed at gunpoint. Yeah pot makes people so mellow.

no, it does not provoke violence. In fact, it does the opposite. Your example is ignorant, that's like hearing of someone who robs a store to get milk and baby diapers then saying milk and babies provoke violence.

You dont see a drunk rob a liquor store at gunpoint for the booze.

HAHAHAHA i hope for your sake that was a joke.

I will have what you are smoking as it seems to make the world a better place.:rolleyes:

unfortunately for you, ignorance is NOT bliss. Keep eating up the propaganda your government is shoving down your throat. Although as of late, it seems the gvt is slowly starting to admit they lied.
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you control anything better when it's legal. just look at the situation with alcohol. it's ten times easier for minors to get marijuana than alcohol because they are buying it from someone who isn't going to ID them.

i would say if we legalize and tax it, we should greatly increase the punishment for growing, or selling to minors, etc. This would effectively drive the cost of illegal marijuana up, eventually making it cheaper to just buy it. Not to mention most people would rather just go to the store and pick it up than try to meet someone. How many illlegal beer dealers do you hear about?
If its legal then why would there be punishment for growing your own?
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Same as there is punishment for distilling your own spirits (the very example you gave of making your own moonshine).

Perhaps if legalized, the law will anticipate those that want to grow their own stuff. Perhaps it will be illegal to cultivate. Especially if the strength of the approved stuff is weak and people make stronger stuff available.

Growers will likely become sellers and your example above is correct. I can buy Gin but I cannot make my own. Just wine and beer, not spirits.
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Perhaps if legalized, the law will anticipate those that want to grow their own stuff. Perhaps it will be illegal to cultivate. Especially if the strength of the approved stuff is weak and people make stronger stuff available.

I don't know my marijuana at all, so forgive me for my ignorance here, but it the a negative to the "strong" stuff? I mean in terms of what it does to you? Do people die from taking a bad hit of weed? I just don't know that there would be much reason to have the limitation of growing your own be based on the strength of your crop/product.

On a slightly side note, what are the legalities of growing your own tobacco? Can I grow/sell my own? Do I need a license? Would I have to provide some sort of surgeon general's warning if I were to sell it (assuming licenses are not required)?
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Yeah and I saw a video of where a guy played a car drifting video game and was awesome but when he tried it with his car he totaled it. Just because your good at a game doent mean you will be just as good emulating it in the real world.

Also the game your friend was driving in. Was it in a city with people walking around and other cars driving. Was their traffic lights and did he stop at the lights when red? I bet it was a racing game.

Nice try though;).
Actually it was BF2, where you have to be aware of your surroundings. Things pop out of nowhere, and your reaction time, planning, and coordination all determine how good you are. Like I said, I am not tryin to say that someone should drive while stoned.
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You cant brew moonshine. You can brew your own beer and only a certain amount.

It was stated pot does not prevoke violence. I showed it can and does.
You can brew your own moonshine. Anybody can, anywhere, although not legally. You asked how you can control it better. How does the regulation on alcohol work? Because most people would rather not violate the law to obtain something that is legally available.

Your statement was that someone robbed a pot store. Not that pot provoked violence. It was a robbery, for a controlled substance. Like I said, the robbers most likely robbed it for MONEY, by selling it on the black market. A market that wouldn't exist, if it weren't illegal.
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Seems you are indeed trying to make the claim that one person you know can play a video game better when stoned than when he is sober. Perhaps you are correct and he can. That said, your friend likely can't drive when stoned. Certainly can't fly a plane or perform surgery.
Not saying he SHOULD, but, your making assumptions on what he COULD do...
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I don't know my marijuana at all, so forgive me for my ignorance here, but it the a negative to the "strong" stuff? I mean in terms of what it does to you? Do people die from taking a bad hit of weed? I just don't know that there would be much reason to have the limitation of growing your own be based on the strength of your crop/product.

On a slightly side note, what are the legalities of growing your own tobacco? Can I grow/sell my own? Do I need a license? Would I have to provide some sort of surgeon general's warning if I were to sell it (assuming licenses are not required)?

People do not die as far as I can tell. If you grow your own stuff, the stronger the better, I suppose. The government might have a different idea, however.

It is possible that gardeners would grow the stuff and treat it with chemicals that cause harm to the user. In fact, I will guarantee that home growers (not professionals but amateurs that want to grow their own if it becomes legal to do so) might use pesticides or other chemicals to speed up the process.

Here in Utah, our beer is largely regulated and it must be no greater than 3.2% alcohol if it is to be sold in retail stores, rather than state controlled liquor and wine stores. So the government regulates strength of our intoxicants in some cases.

As for tobacco, you can grow it but you can't sell it. I think you might be able to sell it with special permits, but there are the high federal taxes and state taxes you must pay. Even for rolling papers; in Utah, the tax must be paid.

We pay huge taxes on a pack of smokes. And if legalized, MJ taxes will likely be huge and that will increase illegal trade in the product. This is simply a given. So if we see this happening on a large scale, I can see even more people paying the price for their illegal activity and the costs of enforcement to keep the illegal traffic out of the federal dope marketplace might be as high or higher than they are currently.
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Here in Utah, our beer is largely regulated and it must be no greater than 3.2% alcohol if it is to be sold in retail stores, rather than state controlled liquor and wine stores. So the government regulates strength of our intoxicants in some cases.

See I just don't see the point in this. I assume you are saying you cannot sell beer with greater than 3.2% alcohol? That just about eliminates anything I drink. A person that drinks to get drunk is going to do so even on their 3.2% beers. A person that drinks to enjoy a cold beer won't be getting drunk off of that 5% (or so) beer.

Don't get me wrong, I am not necessarily saying you are a supporter of this, but I just don't see the point of doing something like this. Sounds like regulation for the sake of regulation.

EDIT: I missed that liquor stores still allow it. Apologies. Still, I am unclear as to what this stops?
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