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Texas shooting

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Android Expert
Jan 14, 2011
People who are going to start screaming about the need for gun control after the tragic events in Texas today, my response is shut the F up, no one cares, 19 students dead ages 8-10 plus two teachers, last week 10 killed in New York, no one cares about mass shootings anymore and there isn't going to be any changes to gun laws, don't like it, oh well cry me and a lot of other people a river
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People who are going to start screaming about the need for gun control after the tragic events in Texas today, my response is shut the F up, no one cares, 19 students dead ages 8-10 plus two teachers, last week 10 killed in New York, no one cares about mass shootings anymore and there isn't going to be any changes to gun laws, don't like it, oh well cry me and a lot of other people a river
It's truly tragic how we are all numb to this kind of violence now...... Truly sad:(:(
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From a non-US perspective, and as someone who works internationally and has non-internet friends and colleagues from many countries, I feel obliged to say that most of the world thinks that the US is simply nuts when it comes to gun laws. But I guess that everyone, wherever they stand on this, already knows that.

But I have to register my personal disgust with Trumpist Sarah Sanders, whose response to this was to say that this is a reminder of how precious life is and that's why she intends to restrict access to abortion. Using these people's deaths as an excuse to divert off onto her preferred culture war based campaign agenda shows that there is a aching void where her soul should be.
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From a non-US perspective, and as someone who works internationally and has non-internet friends and colleagues from many countries, I feel obliged to say that most of the world thinks that the US is simply nuts when it comes to gun laws. But I guess that everyone, wherever they stand on this, already knows that.

But I have to register my personal disgust with Trumpist Sarah Sanders, whose response to this was to say that this is a reminder of how precious life is and that's why she intends to restrict access to abortion. Using these people's deaths as an excuse to divert off onto her preferred culture war based campaign agenda shows that there is a aching void where her soul should be.

Most members of our republican party claim to be pro-life, however, they are merely pro-birth. Once a child is born they literally rail against any social safety net used to help provide for said child, ranging from healthcare, food and even public schools.

"All life is precious" is merely a talking point because as the only country in the world with this recurring problem, we are held hostage by a side of the aisle whom obviously forgot that it applies to those outside of the womb as well.
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A repost of my letter to the editor:

School Staff NEED to be Armed

Considering that over a thousand school districts in twenty states across America allow teachers and staff to carry a firearm, one would think that of the 306 school shootings that occurred from 2000 to 2018, many might be caused by the availability of guns on those campuses.

The Crime Prevention Research Center looked at every single shooting on school property over that 18-year period. NONE of the possible concerns many people have raised about teachers carrying firearms have occurred. In fact, there was not a single instance where someone was wounded or killed from a shooting, let alone a mass shooting, between 6 AM and midnight, at any school that permitted staff to carry guns.

In contrast, the number of people killed in “gun-free” schools increased significantly – the number of shootings in the nine years between 2009 and 2018 was DOUBLE that of the nine years between 2001 and 2008.

Criminals often focus on “soft targets” because they know they are unlikely to encounter any armed resistance. If criminals won’t obey current gun laws banning firearms on school property, does any rational person truly believe that they will obey additional laws? If gun control laws equal less gun violence, Chicago would be the safest city in America: not its gun violence capital.

The best thing to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Allowing trained school staff to discreetly carry their firearms on campus is a proven deterrent.

Isn’t it time we accept the truth about armed school staff and act to protect our kids, teachers and staff from criminals who seek to kill as many of them as possible?
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This kind of violence happens daily, but is simply ignored when it happens in a city with extra tough gun laws.
im sorry but not 19 children......CHILDREN.!!!!!!!

give me another incident where this happened yesterday?

you can't.

and you just proved my point. we are so numb to this crap that we think this happens every day.......and that it is NO BIG DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@The_Chief i don't think that the solution to halting mass shootings at schools is with more guns. there were security guards at the school in Texas with guns. the douche bag shot his way into the school. and in Texas they have allowed teachers to be armed. but only a small number of teachers have taken the state on being armed in school. think of your 5th grade teacher. if she was armed, do you think she would have been able to stop this guy? my teacher for sure would not have able to do it.

parents and kids needs to feel safe when they enter schools. having a stricter gun control could have prevented the kid from buying a gun.....especially an assault rifle. not only did he LEGALLY buy one, he bought TWO!!!!!!!!! also he had a bullet proof vest as well. these adult things should not be sold to 18 year olds. they are still children IMO.
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This kind of violence happens daily, but is simply ignored when it happens in a city with extra tough gun laws.

Ignored, no. A lot of this violence is gang on gang crime, which is a problem in of itself, and they know the consequences of that life.

I have a gigantic issue with those that are simply trying to live their life, whether at school, work, church (though I abhore religion) or grocery shopping being casualties that are easily prevented.

If you want to chalk it up to mental health then why not boost mental health services and funding? Mental health competency evaluations before they are able to obtain a weapon?

At this point, when this happens to some degree almost daily now, I do not care one iota about the 2nd amendment. I care about lives lost and the impact it has on our society.

If one actually cares about life then they have to realize that some sort of compromise has to occur. If they don't then this is only going to get worse. When it happens to your community or worse yet family, maybe then it will strike the nerve that calls you to question what you stand for.
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Huummm, our local/Texas stations news cast are saying he entered the school through an unsecured unguarded back door ....
all the reports i have read are saying that the a$$hole encountered the school security guard first, shot him, and then entered the school.

so no matter how many guns. it will not stop something like this from happening. but, getting the guns(which he bought legally) out of his hands could have prevented this tragedy from happening.
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Quand le meurtrier de masse agit pour des raisons raciales, on crie au scandale, surtout si l'auteur est blanc. Quand c'est un Salvador Ramos, ce n'est pas du racisme, ce n'est pas vraiment sa faute, c'est du lobbying armé. Bref, un pur raisonnement Woke.
We are an English only site.

Using Google translation:
"When the mass murderer acts for racial reasons, we cry foul, especially if the perpetrator is white. When it's a Salvador Ramos, it's not racism, it's not really his fault, it's armed lobbying. In short, pure Woke reasoning."
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When the mass murderer acts for racial reasons, we cry foul, especially if the perpetrator is white. When it's a Salvador Ramos, it's not racism, it's not really his fault, it's armed lobbying. In short, pure Woke reasoning

not sure i see your point. only you are crying foul on the difference. the buffalo shooter yelled at store clerks the day before yelling racial slurs. he also had a racist manifesto calling out his racist views.

we do not yet know if this a$$hole kid has said anything racist.

also it does not have to be white against minorities. look at the OC church shooter. he was Chinese killing the Taiwanese churchgoers. this was a racial motivated attack.
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...but getting the guns(which he bought legally) out of his hands could have prevented this tragedy from happening.

While he may have indeed purchased the guns "LEGALLY", it was "ILLEGAL" for him to have them, at his home, because his grandfather is a felon and is barred from having them in his house.
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and yes i have to revise my statement about there being an armed guard confronting the a$$hole. apparently there was not one. they have one. where was he? was someone lying? it just proves my point that having a gun at school will not help.

the right is now using the term "hardening" schools. i'm sorry but locking doors and having more guns at school is not the answer. do you really want your kid to go to school that is set up like a prison? in prison, there are many corrupt prison guards. who wants that???? or if you are Cancun cruz, schools should have one point of entry for people to leave or enter the school......HOW STUPID IS THIS?????????? i bet the local fire chief would have issues with that a$$ine idea.
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When guns are outlawed

Only "outlaws" will have guns !

In high school I was a ROTC member as well as a shooting team member. We had a rifle range on the top floor of the high school. People carried rifles in racks in the back window of their trucks ! ! ! !

No one ever shot up schools, churches, or shopping centers.

Pretty sure, there is a more valid reason for blame, than an inanimate object.
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Pretty sure homey had to pass a background check to purchase both of those rifles.

red flag laws ... really ?

What is to keep your azzhat neighbor from turning you in and them coming and taking away all your guns because your neighbor was mad and made up lies to get you in trouble ??? What about collectors who have thousands invested in the hobby, your ok with just taking them all away, and not giving them back, over an angry neighbor's revenge effort ???????

Where does that line get drawn, we already encourage too much, turn in your brother mentality, now.

The age issue could be addressed, alas that may have thwarted this one, not any of the others, and again, if the person is Hellbent on killing said person will find a way.

What if he had driven the truck into a schoolyard full of kids instead of the ditch, would your disdain be so strong to warrant outlawing trucks ?

I agree it needs to be addressed, to demand that it stop is not going to happen, we would have to police every person 24/7/365 to keep it from happening.

Unfortunately I nor anyone else has a real solution, but I do applaud your attempt, at a resolution to the problem.
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so.......your solution is more guns? turn the US back into the age of the Wild West, where everyone has a gun and can shoot people at will?

and i'm not talking about taking away guns. if you have them, that's fine. as long as you are a law abiding citizen, you have nothing to worry about. the guy next door who collects guns as a hobby has nothing to worry about. i'm talking about common sense gun laws. i'm talking about making it harder to get a gun. it should not be an easy process. you should have to jump thru hoops to get one.

i would also like to see that every gun part gets registered and tracked. these ghost guns are pretty scary as well. we need laws to reduce these atrocities.

and i would also like to see a ramp up in spending on mental health. not sure how that would look like, but helping people with issues can't hurt.
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