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Why junk food

Junk food nearly did me in until I went to the hospital due to acute kidney failure. Now, I won't even look at a big mac or shake. No sodas or sugar drinks either. If I crave something sweet I use crystal light in my water or eat a low carb sweet snack. I never really grasped the importance of eating healthy and taking care of your body until i saw an 8 yr old kid in the hospital with diabetes. He had to have his foot amputated because he was literally drinking a gallon of sweet tea every day. His blood-sugar level was through the roof.
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My take on it is: everything in moderation. A generation, or two, ago people were thinner than today. Yet they ate regular food, including things like pasta and dessert, but did it in moderation. Super size? Didn't exist. And it showed in the weights of people around back then.

I love junk food as much as the next guy (which for some reason shocks people, considering I don't eat other sentient beings), and I'll happily chow down on some Oreo Double-Stuf cookies (which are vegan, by the way :D) or other goodies now and then. I don't think it's necessary to deprive oneself of anything, as long as you're not overdoing it. Unfortunately, at least here in the US, many, many people are overdoing it--and it shows.
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Another reason some people eat so much of it is cost - most junk food is cheaper then healthy food

I'm not sure that's entirely true.

My brother made the same argument about his Mac + fries, but for less money, my missus and I had rib-eye and cajun sweet potato oven fries. Not only was it cheaper and healthier, it was on a different planet taste-wise.

Of course, the downside was I had to spend a few minutes cooking it .. which I'm sure is where the a large part of the problem lies :rolleyes:
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I think what we have here is another "nature vs. nurture" argument. How much of this craving is hardwired into our brain and how much is learned. I'll leave that to the 300 lb. sociologist and the anorexic nutritionist to figure out.

I could give you a long history of my eating excesses as a youth, the reasons for same, the ultimate change in behavior and the long term health consequences, but it wouldn't do much to solve the problem.

I say make your own choices, good or bad, and accept responsibility for them.
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Agreed everything in moderation. Junk food is cheaper and a lot more convenient for people.

Where I am, what I call western junk food, i.e. pizza, hamburgers, fried chicken, french fries, are actually quite expensive. Things like McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut. Pay very much the same price for Big Mac in Beijing as do in London. Often much cheaper to dine in local Chinese restaurants, and healthier as well IMO. I'll sometimes go to the local KFC in Xilinhot, but I do consider that to be a special treat. I think that's how most people here see it. KFC here only opened about 18 months ago, which was actually the first foreign brand franchised restaurant to open in this city. Supposed to be a McDonald's opening soon.

We also have a western fast food restaurant called Dicos, dicos.com.cn which is pretty much a clone of KFC, and that's comparatively expensive as well.
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I eat mostly junk food to save money. Not fast food but junk food from the store. For example, frozen pizzas, canned chili (with cheese, corn chips and sour cream), hot pockets, ramen noodles occasionally, canned soup, spam, pot pies etc. I can eat for around $200 or less a month this way. Yes, I know it's not healthy but I'm on cholesterol and blood pressure medicine and my levels are always very low.

I've eaten this way so long that I actually prefer this over real cooking. Yes I'll probably die early but honestly I just love food and hate to cook. Everyone has to die sooner or later so I just don't worry about it. My wife, on the other hand, is a vegetarian lol.
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JI won't even look at a big mac

Lunch with Dennis Rosinlof is always the same: He's been eating a Big Mac from McDonald's for 30 years.

Rosinlof's wife of 37 years, Lauri, is a registered nurse. She and their kids encourage him to eat healthier, but at 64 years old, six feet tall and 165 pounds with a cholesterol level under 200, they said they let him be himself.

...not implying that he's right and you're wrong, you just triggered my memory.
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My problem is that I'm addicted to food & drink (soda & sweet tea), but thankfully I have a fast metabolism. I know I have a problem, but I don't want to get help. When I'm feeling depressed, have anxiety, or going through anything I always turn to food for a temporary "high". I don't drink or smoke I eat lol. When I found out my dad had cancer, food helped me deal with it more than anything else. I know it's sounds crazy but then again I'm kinda crazy!:eating: :pepsi:

On the other hand, my wife is a veterinarian, only eats one meal a day and she smokes like a chimney:laugh:
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I weighed about 150 through early adult years. Then, due to a long story, I gained weight – hit 230. So I freaked: I started mountain biking, skipped lunches, and completely stopped snacking between meals. I no longer practice the first two, but I still never snack – I think I'm still about 150, don't own a scale but still a 32 waist. So it can be done...
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Had a lot of stress as a youth ... and with me stress = food. By the time I was 16 I was close to 300 lbs. Through exercise and diet (okay, self starvation) I was able to drop to 175 lbs. for graduation but I've had weight and health issues (type 2 diabetes, reflux and Barret's esophagus) all my life.

I'm in my 50's, smoke an occasional cigar, have an occasional cocktail (Single Malt Scotch or Vodka Martini) and try to keep my weight under 190 lbs. I walk between 3 and 5 miles a day thanks to the dogs, and eat fast food maybe twice a month. Even then it's only pizza or a burger from Red Robin (Yum!).
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Recently I weighed 220. I was working 12 hours a day on the deck of a boat doing very physical & strenuous 12 to 14 hours a day. I was eating 3 very big meals a day with snacks in between. We ate steak 2 times a week that was as big as the plate, the sauce had to go on a separate dish! I as also lifting weights a lot...
Since then about 4 months ago I now have lost 40 lbs. With me stress = no appetite. The job ended and I got laid off.
I weigh 180 now. But I don't lift weighs anymore or eat like that. I think all that stuff I was doing on the water was just out of boredom.
I don't hardly eat at all now, I won't for like 4 to 5 days. I just basically live on water and generic slim fast to stay alive, I have no appetite at all really. I went from a size 36 to 32 jeans and xl shirt to medium. None of my clothes fit at all. It is really freaking me out. Height is 6 ft one. Smoke about a pack of menthol 100's a day...

Crazy what your body goes through in different moods and stages of your life.

It's like you get to a point where you hate all the things you used to love...
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I don't own a scale..I think they are kind of stupid ...but that's another topic I suppose...I don't worry about weight
I'm a veg so I eat lots of fruit and veggies...never had to worry about weight before I became a veg either pretty much have stayed the same size my whole life...I never formally work out but I am active and I have an athletic build so there is some genetics at play I'm sure...) anyhow...I also eat "junk food".lots of it...and I drink beer and I will smoke now and then ...and...eat .potato chips pizza bean burritos french fries pizza cookies candy soda fried everything..butter on everything never had fake butter or fake sugar or skim milk in my life yuck!!...I order a whopper jr with cheese minus the meat at Burger king..then I pile on the
onion rings and french fries xtra mayo between the bun down it with a chocolate milk shake and call it a day:)
I don't eat like that everyday by anymeans...my body would react and I would be sick...
In fact I'd rather feel slightly hungry than full..I hate the feeling of being overly full..it;s uncompforatble and sometimes will make me physically sick..because although I never deprive myself.....of anything....ever..I wouldn't or couldn't continually gorge day after day...:D

To Paraphrase Johnny Depp
I don't think it's the food thats the problem....I think it's your attitude about the food that's the problem
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In fact I'd rather feel slightly hungry than full..I hate the feeling of being overly full..it;s uncompforatble and sometimes will make me physically sick...

I wanted to say this on my first post in this thread but in my mind I thought it might have sounded weird.
I like the feeling of an empty stomach or like you say being slightly hungry.

The last time I stuffed my self like that I did get sick and felt bad for like a day.
We were grilling some boudin on the pit outside and it was cold and the food was so warm and good I ate like 7 links and sluggish the next day.
I love veggies but I don't like any fruit at all.
I have tried to eat a strawberry 3 times in my life and taking a bite has made me gag, I think it's a texture thing... I can't bite into or chew an orange either. I automatically want to spit it out like I'm chewing on a tumor.

I do drink lots of water and beer...
The other evil is called dr.pepper...
It's the only soda I drink and I love it

I will never give up pizza or dr.
pepper even if the ninja turtles and Casey jones all jump me... Neva!!!

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can you drink Juice? if so buy the kind that is not from concentrate...or better yet ... get a juicer...and drink your fruits:) I have an old fashioned manual citrus juicer and it only takes 2-3 oranges and 2-3 minutes to make a cup of fresh squeezed juice! Use it all the time!! tangelos and sweet tangerines make awesome juice...I'm not a huge smoothie fan...but you could get your fruit in that way...

also chocolate covered frozen bananas...need I say more???;)

read the article on coke ..

and I don't care:p:D still drinking it!

beer is bread in a bottle.... that's my excuse..er take on it!!:D
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Recently I weighed 220. I was working 12 hours a day on the deck of a boat doing very physical & strenuous 12 to 14 hours a day. I was eating 3 very big meals a day with snacks in between. We ate steak 2 times a week that was as big as the plate, the sauce had to go on a separate dish! I as also lifting weights a lot...
Since then about 4 months ago I now have lost 40 lbs. With me stress = no appetite. The job ended and I got laid off.
I weigh 180 now. But I don't lift weighs anymore or eat like that. I think all that stuff I was doing on the water was just out of boredom.
I don't hardly eat at all now, I won't for like 4 to 5 days. I just basically live on water and generic slim fast to stay alive, I have no appetite at all really. I went from a size 36 to 32 jeans and xl shirt to medium. None of my clothes fit at all. It is really freaking me out. Height is 6 ft one. Smoke about a pack of menthol 100's a day...

Crazy what your body goes through in different moods and stages of your life.

It's like you get to a point where you hate all the things you used to love...

I'm no doctor, but only eating every four/five days is in no way a healthy or sustainable diet. And slim fast is not a nutritionally complete food source either. You cannot survive long term on that diet, no matter what your body might be telling you.

I don't mean to that guy, but I think you need to talk to your doctor about this.
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